Chapter 3- Realistic Dream

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Evangeline's Pov
I could see... I saw everything I see these weird things that have things sprouting from them I think those... Are trees.. I walked around through the many trees and found a opening with things sticking up from the ground.. Grass. I stood in the middle looking around until a huge thing came up and walked forwards.

I coward away from of how big it was and because I could feel the intense power radiating off of it. I could already tell you this was an animal but what was in? It looks like it would be similar to what a dog looks like maybe? Jake told me a wolf its something similar to a dog.

"Please.. Please don't hurt me.." I said to the wolf as I fell back and the massive black wolf kept walking towards me its amber eyes staring at me intently. I scrapped my arm and squealed at the pain I closed my eyes hearing the wolf growl. I braced myself for the pain but it never came. I felt a rough wet thing lick my injury and when I opened my eyes the wolf was licking me. I slowly patted its huge head and it immediately snuggled into me and I feel asleep.
End of dream

I woke up in my bed stretching my limbs out I kept my eyes close and then opened them meeting darkness. I wish that I just had one morning I woke up to colors and objects , I wonder if the things I saw in my dream actually looked like that..

I sighed dismissing my wish and thoughts while throwing my legs over my bed. I tried to be quite trying to do it by myself but I just ended up running into a wall falling back onto my butt. I groaned as I heard my bedroom door open and I swung my head to look in the direction of the noise and I heard someone sigh.

"Are you anxious to go to school?" Jake asked me I sighed as he lead me to my closet. Jake lives with us because his parents gave him up when he was 8 or 9 and my family and I have known him since I was just a baby.

"No.. I just wanted to try and do something by myself. I mean I could probably eat and put my own clothes on if I tried!" I complained while I sat in a chair while he looked through my closet deciding what I should wear. I heard him grunt and walk over to me.

"So, what did ya pick out today" I said sighing because I know he wouldn't answer we back.

"Your wearing camouflage t-shirt, washed out shorts, and white tennis shoes. And if you want to try to put your own clothes on go ahead and try" he said laying a pile of clothes beside me. I squealed and got up and picked out whatever was on top I felt it and thunk but Jake told me it was my shirt and I grumbled. I slid my head into the shirt and then my arms and put my pants on and then my shoes.

"Ta da!" I shouted raising my hands up smiling looking forward hoping I was looking straight as him. He sighed before taking off my shirt putting it on telling me it was on backwards. Then took my shoes off and switched them.

"Other than those mistakes you did good" he said and I smiled a little glad that I did ok. We went downstairs to eat and I walked on Jakes arm confidently and sat down and heard a clink it front of me and I smiled looking straight hoping Jake will let me try.

"Fine" he said sitting beside me, my smile grew wider as I patted the table to feel for a fork when I felt it I picked it up and started trying to find my plate. Jake moved my hand over and I felt something soft. I stabbed it and picked it up and put it all in my mouth. It was a pancake so I bit into it making the rest fall onto the plate.. I think it was the plate.

"Evangeline you drop your pancake on the floor" Jake sighed, I sighed and told him he could feed me. He did and mom, dad, and Lily told us goodbye, Lily just barked while me, Jake, and Sam headed out and went to school. Me and Jake walked in while Sam walked to her class and so did me and Jake.

When we walked in Jake was greeted by one of his friends and while they were talking I just stood by him and fiddled with my fingers. I sighed and I think Jake heard me cause he told his friend he needed to head to class and we walked away.

"Hey? You ok?" Jake asked and I nodded my head, should I tell Jake about my dream? It was so realistic... I really am curious if that's what tress, grass, and wolves looked like. I shook my head silently to myself while we walked to our classroom. I felt like something weird is going to happen. I ignored it listening to class telling Jake my answers to our quiz. Once class was over our teacher told us to set the papers on his desk. We walked over there and our teacher stopped us before we left.

"Thank you guy for being my favorite in my class" he said and we both laughed and said you're welcome walking out. We were walking to our next class when someone came up and stopped us and it was Sam. She was whispering something really quite to Jake and I didn't catch it but I heard him mumbled an ok and he soon kept walked my while I yelled goodbye to Sam and she did the same. That was very very odd....
Hey may magical sea unicorns I'm actually keeping up with this book but this may be the last update in a while on both this book and my other one I have a lot on my plate right now and my friends our having problems I need to help with, I hope you all understand! Thank you!

Why did Evangeline have that weird dream?

What is going to happen?

Why did Sam stop Jake in the hall?

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