Chapter 10- Meeting the Parents

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Edrick's Pov
It's the day after I told Evangeline everything and she had to go with me to a pack meeting. Everyone kept huddling over her making me have to use my Alpha voice to get them to all step back. Today is school and I don't have any girl clothes. Zoey said she could borrow some of her clothes and I thanked her. I told Zoey to only give me pants and shoes for her and she can wear one of my hoodies. I let her change herself and she walked out with the wrong shoes on her feet. I laughed and helped her with her tiny mistakes. She blushed when I was done and smiled at me.

"Thank you Edrick" she said and I smiled liking  the way my name sounded from her. Caden and Axel growled in pleasure making me growl lowly enough so she didn't hear me. I picked her up off the bed and held her hand guiding her down stairs where my mom and dad will probably be. They didn't get to see her yesterday and they don't know she is blind so I don't know how they will handle it.

"Edrick! Let me see your beautiful mate! Stop hogging her!" Mom yelled and pulled Evangeline out of my arms making me growl and mom shushed me.

"Hello! I'm Edrick's mom! It's so nice to meet you!" She said putting a hand out for Evangeline to shake. Evangeline stood there and smiled getting ready to say something but got cut off my dad.

"Honey she can't see your hand, she's blind. And she's a human" dad said coming from behind mom sniffing Evangeline making her uncomfortable. I came from behind Evangeline and pulled her to me making her relax.

"Yes she is all of those things but that doesn't change anything. I love her dearly and will do anything for her and she will be the Luna of this pack" I said and dad nodded firmly walking out. I sighed and my mom shook her head.

"Honey I'm sorry that happened. But you will be a fine Luna for this pack. And I assume Edrick here has already told you everything?" Mom said and Evangeline nodded smiling while mom held her hands. She made a happy noise and leaded her to the dinning table sitting her down and engaged her into a conversation while Zoey watched and joined in. I smiled and shook my head seeing them feed her. I looked at the clock and went to get Zoey and Evangeline.

"It's time to go. Bye mom I love you" I said and she said it back while we all head out. We made it to school and the human she always walked around with was looking everywhere. Jake. Ugh. He saw us and started running over to us. I gripped her hips tighter and then she was pulled out of my arms making me growl lowly.

"Evangeline! Your family and I have been worried sick about you! Where did you go?" He asked her and she sighed and tensely leaned into him making me growl again.

"I-I just wanted to go for a walk by myself in the woods and I went to far and got lost and then I bumped into Edrick and he helped me" she said and he nodded and looked over at me.

"Thank you for taking care of her" he said and I nodded to him and he walked off with Evangeline in his arms. I watched at they disappeared making me into a growling fit.

I'm going to rip the mutt piece to piece, Axel growled making Caden snarl and agreed with him, I simply growled back showing that I liked the idea making my eyes turn red from blood lust. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder making me spin around and go off on the person.

"What!" I yelled and I saw Max with Xan and Devon. She flinched back seeing my eyes red and my eyes turned normal, I sighed and rubbed my face.

"I'm sorry Max. I'm just a little on edge" I said and she looked at Devon and Xan and they patted my back.

"It's ok dude. You just need to get your blood lust under control. You're mom would hit you straight up the head if she saw you acting like this" Devon said and I smiled imagining my mom scolding me.

"Yea and your father would be upset seeing you so on edge and barley controlling your wolf and especially your vampire" Xan said acting as if vampires were the nastiest thing in the world, I growled at him showing my fangs and canines making him submit to me.

"Don't go lasts your limits Xan you may be my best friend but I have to maintain the peace between vampires and werewolves. Plus my mom and I are vampires you should respect us" I said and he whimpered and nodded. I nodded at them and we all headed to class. Soon it was lunch and I saw Evangeline, Jake, and Evangeline's sister, Sam. I mind linked Devon, Max, and Xan to sit there and they all nodded and sat.

"Hello Vasílissa mou" I said sitting down and she blushed and looked towards my voice not fully reaching my eyes.

"Hey Edrick" she whispered and I looked at Jake to see him giving a small glare and I rolled my eyes as he fed her.

"So. Thank you for helping my sister Edrick" Sam said and I nodded at her but something seemed off by Jake's and Sam's sent.. It smelt weird. I ignored it and went back eating and talking to Evangeline and my friends. Soon they had to go and it made Caden and Axel on edge when he lead her my the small of her waist.

"Careful Edrick" Max said and I nodded getting Caden and Axel under control making my eyes turn back into my original color. She will be the death of me.
I hope you liked the chapter you all! And thank you guys for being so sweet about my break up! I really appreciated it! Oh and if you all like science fiction you should all try my other book that I wrote with my best friend called Mystical and Mysterious! It is an old book we wrote so it is written differently.

What will Edrick do?

Is Evangeline growing feeling towards Edrick?

What will happen next?

Alpha's Blind Beauty [UNDER HEAVY EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now