Chapter 22- BrainWashed

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Evangeline's Pov
—3 months later—
".... This is why we should take down the werewolves and over throw The King" I said while the vampires smiled with there fangs making me smile.

"How do we know we can trust you?" One of the vampire yelled from the crowd and I grabbed the mic and jumped off the stage in the middle of all them while Derek and Zane watched me.

"Because when we do I will kill the king and his family" I said smiling sinisterly making the vampires cheer.

Evangeline this isn't you please- Amber said making me block her out. She's been running my life for way to long ever since I got my eye sight back. It's now time for me to take that back. I walked over to Derek and Zane but when Derek reached for me I stepped back. W-what am I doing... T-this isn't me...

"Remember" Zane said pushing me towards Derek while all I felt was power and lust. I looked at Derek and he kissed me forcefully. I never liked him doing this he would rape me and touch me while Zane would so much as kiss me but that it. I felt disgusting. But I also needed it. Edrick will never be anything to me. And I will take over his kingdom but the only way is through Derek and Zane, so I have to go through this is I want to achieve what I want.

Edrick's Pov
It's been months since I've last seen my beauty. I've only known my mate for a year and all of this happens. I'm sitting in the meeting hall with my dad while we try and make a plan to get her back. We've been trying to make a plan for months. I finally snapped.

"What is this? What are we doing? We've been in this dang room for months trying to make the perfect plan to get my mate back! Your Queen back! Months! Months trying to get this God dang plan together! Now make one today or I am going to find her myself!" I roared and stood up storming out. Everyone on there is a bunch of idiots.

"Son! Son!" My father called after me making me growl and turn twisted him my eyes red from blood list with Axel trying to take over control.

Let me take over! Now! Axel roared in my head baring his fangs while Caden snapped and snarled at him.

You need to calm down Axel! Look what you are doing to Edrick! Caden yelled making me grip my head at their annoying argument.

I don't care! Now let me have control! I growled loudly making me forcefully change a little showing my black eyes with red pupils, my fangs and canines growing out, and fur sprouting on my skin and it turning more pale.

Look what you are doing to him! He is stressing enough right now! And how do you think mate would react to this?! Caden snarled and Axel immediately stopped wondering and fearing about what Evangeline would think. I sighed and changed back while my father came up to my grabbing my shoulders.

"Son. Are you ok?" Dad asked making me whimper and shake my head. He pulled me into a hug and I cried on his shoulder thinking about what they are doing to my Evangeline. Jake is still in a coma and her family are trying to distance themselves from mine while mine is trying to help and I have to take care of Evangeline's yappy annoying dog Lily. Everything is just utter chaos. She is supposed to keep peace for us but she isn't here so everything is just falling apart.

"Dad what if they hurt her? What if she is dead? What will I do without her? What if-" I cried and dad pulled back and cut me off.

"Son what if the sky falls down and monkeys take over the world? If she wasn't alive you would be in so much pain. You marked her." He said and this is true but for some reason my mind link is blocked off from her and I can't feel anything except...

"Dad. They rape her! I know they do! I can feel it through our mark! That's the only thing I can feel and it kills me!" I cry and his eyes gloss over and mom comes in and cooes at me taking me in here arms.

"Mom. This is all my fault. I couldn't save her. I couldn't save her or Jake" I said and she shushed me.

"Edrick it isn't your fault. It's your brothers and Derek's. It's not your sweetie. I'm going to call Devon, Xan, and Max to come get you ok? Maybe you can go out and get your mind off everything while we make a plan" she said and I know I wouldn't be able to say anything cause she glared at me so I nodded. She wants me to go out because I've been in the meeting hall ever since Evangeline got taken.

"Now. Go wait down stairs while I mind link them to come" she said and I nodded going down stairs waiting in the living room.

"Hey Edrick" Max said with the guys behind her. She smiled at me sat next to me patting my back.

"What do you want to bro" Xan asked sitting on my other side patted my back in a friendly manner making me smile a little.

"Maybe go out and get frozen yogurt" I said and Devon nodded his head and threw my over his shoulder packing me to his car while Max and Xan laugh.

"This is how I get treated" I said and they all laughed as we get into his car and off to the human town to get frozen yogurt. Dad better have a plan to get Evangeline back when I get home. And if not I'm going out tonight by myself to get her.
Hello my magical sea unicorns! I hope you all like the update! And I posted a new book and I really feel good about this book so go check it out!

What will Evangeline do?

Will they make up a plan?

How will Edrick react when he sees Evangeline isn't in her right mind?

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