Chapter 6- New Escort

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Evangeline's Pov
I woke up in my bed with tears on my cheeks and I could already tell you my eyes were puffy from crying. The only reason I did cry is because when I have a panic attack they are really bad.

"Are you ok?" Jake asked from behind me, I made him stay with me last night. I nodded and sat up I heard him sit up too wrapping his arms around me making me sit in his lap where I straddled him, I wrapped my arms around his neck and dug my head into his neck while he did the same.

"It'll be ok. Today will be just fine, I promise I won't let him come near you" Jake said talking about the guy from yesterday. I replied with a small ok and got up while he led me to my closet picking out clothes. He told me I was wearing a white dress, black flats, my hair curled with a black bow, and my necklace Jake gave me. We walked out and I heard small barks and I smiled crouching down and let Lily come to me licking me while I giggled.

"Come on little one. We have to go to school. Sam! Come one! We're leaving!" Jake yelled helping me up and guiding me out. She yelled back and we all headed to school. When we walked in Jakes arm was around me like usual and then all you heard was a huge ferocious snarl. I looked around even if I couldn't see anything while my breathe picked up. Jake whispered it was ok into my ear while he guided me to our classroom. Once we got in there he told me he had to get his and my paper from our Rachel's desk because he wasn't here yet and he wanted us to get a head start. I heard a loud thud and someone speak but I ignored it while looking down.

"Hello Vasílissa mou, it seems like your friend Jake had to go home for an emergency. So I will be helping you today" someone said and I recognized the voice from yesterday it was that guys voice the one who stopped me and Jake in the parking lot. I still looked down not wanted to look up and show him my eyes. I heard him pull a chair beside me and set papers on the desk.

"giatí mou édoses énan tóso athóo sýntrofo? allá sas efcharistó theá tis selínis mou" the guy said wrapping his arm around me. For some reason I didn't feel threatened or anything except comfort and small tingles on my skin. I melted into his arms sighing making him growl in satisfaction. Class begun and I heard our teacher walk in and gasp as did everyone else. I opened my eyes from where they were shut and looked in around confused.

"I would suggest that you all turned around and minded your own business before I get mad" the guy holding me said and I heard chairs scoot against the floor while everything else was silent.

"So Vasílissa mou, what's your name?"

"Erm.. It's Evangeline... Evangeline Meadows Rose" I said giving him my full name, I don't know who this person is and I don't know where Jake went and if it was the real reason but yet I have this stranger my full name. He sighed and kissed the side of my head. I have a small smile but remember Jake, I have a boyfriend that I love dearly I can't just do this.

"So, what's your name?" I asked scooting away from him and I heard him growl and pull me back while I felt his warm breath on my neck making me shiver in delight.

"My name is Edrick Jace Evans" he said kissing the curve of my neck making tingles shoot up and down my body.

"Erm. E-Edrick I don't know if you know t-this or not but I have a boyfrie-nd. I'm not implying anyth-ing! But I'm just saying that J-Jake wouldn't like me doing this. I m-mean I'm not a cheater and I woul-dn't do that do h-him. But I'm also not s-saying your doing anything-g wrong! You're just being f-friendly" I said blabbing about Jake and what not. I heard Edrick huff and then chuckle at me which the sudden movement of his chest against my arm shot tingles up and down my arm making me shiver.

"It'll be ok Vasílissa mou, he won't mind. I'm just helping you out for today" he said and I nodded and told him to write down notes for me I felt a sudden movement telling me he nodded and wanted me to tell me what he wanted me to write down. We went the day like this him growling at things and helping me out and soon it was lunch and I got to see my sister Sam. We sat down at a table and Edrick started feeding me.

"Erm. Hey Eve, who's this?" Sam asked sitting next to me and I smiled cause after the few periods me and Edrick had together we have became good friends and I wanted to introduce Sam to him.

"Sam this is Edrick my friend, and Edrick this is my sister Sam. Jake had to go home so Edrick is helping me today" I said and she hummed while we sat, ate, and talked until the bell rung. Soon all my other classes zoomed by and it was time to go home. Edrick was nice enough to give me and Sam a ride home. When we walked through the door I was tackled into a hug.

"Evangeline!" Jakes voice said making me smile and laugh at him hugging him back. But oddly I didn't feel pleasant tingles when I hugged Jake, but I did when I hugged Edrick.

"I'm so happy you're home" he said pulling back but resting his head on mine. I frowned and pulled back more looking at where his voice came from and scrunched my eyebrows together.

"What? Why? Is everything ok?" I asked and he pulled me back into him hugging the life out of me.

"Yea I'm just glad you're home" he said and I nodded unsure and we went into the kitchen meeting my loving family.
I'm really tired my magical sea unicorns so no questions or cute little messages today. Hope you liked the chapter!

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