Chapter 25- My Ever After

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Evangeline's Pov
I was in Theo's room cleaning up his toys when I heard someone walk in and pull me to them. From the tingles I knew it was Edrick. I sighed and turned over in his arms looking up at him smiling.

"S 'agapó agóri moró" I said to Theo then back at Edrick. I learned Greek over the past few weeks and because I'm the Moon Goddess' daughter it cane to me naturally.

"Hello" I said and he pecked my lips then his forehead on mine. I felt him go down and I was confused until he grabbed my hand and started speaking.

"Evangeline Meadows Rose. Will you stay with me forever. Stay by my side. Give me the privilege of impregnating you with more of my pups. Letting me wake up to you in my arms every morning. Let me worship you. Will you make me the happiest hybrid in the world and marry me?" He said making me cry into my hand.

Say yes you dummy! Say yes! Amber yelled at me making me nod my head frantically. I felt him slip the ring on my finger making me cry and wrap my arms around his neck kissing him hard.

"I love you so much Vasílissa mou" Edrick said resting his head on mine picking me up taking us to our bedroom

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"I love you so much Vasílissa mou" Edrick said resting his head on mine picking me up taking us to our bedroom.

"I love you O vasiliás mou" I said and we made love again.

—3 months later—
It's time, oh lord. It's time. I walked back and forth with my wedding dress in my hands keeping me from tripping. Oh lord! Am I ready for this? Where is Theo?

"Hunny it's time come on" mom said and I walked over towards her voice and dad.

"Are you ready for this?" Dad said and I nodded I heard the music turn on and people stand when we walked in. I got mom to carry Theo so he could throw flowers. Sam is my maid of honor and Edrick's best man is Jake.

"He's crying" dad said making me laugh a little with unshed tears. I always promised myself when I got married if my husband to be didn't cry when he saw me I would leave.

"Take good care of her" dad said while handing me over to Edrick.

"I will sir. I I'll die first before I elf anything happen to her" he said making my dad grunt in approval.

"Hello everybody"

"Hello Selene"

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Evangeline Rose and Edrick Evans in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this - these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace" my mother Selene said and everyone was quiet. Then our vows came.

"Evangeline. I wanted to say that I love you and when I first met you it wasn't ideal" he said while laughing making everyone else laugh. "But I saw how stubborn and special you were and that just made me fall more in love with you. So I, Edrick Jace Evans, take you, Evangeline Meadows Rose, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part" he said and I smiled at him then it was my turn.

"Edrick. I absolutely thought you were a psychopath when I first met you. I was terrified but I got to know you and thought of you as a really good friend and it became more than that. And we had a beautiful baby boy" I said hearing Theo make a baby noise making me laugh. "So following that I, Evangeline Meadows Rose, take you, Edrick Jace Evans, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part" I said and he rubbed his hands over my knuckles.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the groom" my mother said making me smirk.

"Wha-" Edrick was cut off by be grabbing his face and kissing him making everyone clap and my mother angelical laugh. Now off to the honeymoon!

—15 years later—
"Theo can you go get your sisters?" I asked my 15 year old son. He nodded going upstairs getting May and Paige. Paige is 8 and May is 2. Paige is a spitting image of me, Theo is Edrick, and May is a mixture of both of us. They all are werewolves except for Paige and she has a tough time with her hunger but Edrick is helping her with it. She doesn't need blood all the time because she does have a werewolf gene but the vampire one takes over completely.

"Mommy! I drew you a rose!" Paige said handing me a piece of paper. I smiled and put my hand out and rested it on her cheek.

"It's beautiful baby" I said to her making her giggle and put it on the fridge while I made breakfast.

"Good morning" Edrick said pecking my lips and walking over to the girls.

"Daddy look what I made mommy!" Paige said and he laughed and told her it was beautiful. I heard May giggle at him making me smile.

"Do you need help mom?" Theo said and I nodded,"can you give me the milk my hands are kinda tied" I said mixing the eggs, putting the toast in the toaster, and cooking the bacon. I felt the jug hit my gently and I grabbed it from the air. Theo got to control the wind and Paige got earth while May got my bite but she is still to young to shift but we figured it out when she accidentally bit Paige's pet mouse making it turn to gold. I turned it back so Paige wouldn't get upset though.

"Breakfast is ready" I said and set the plates on the table sitting down and felt a kiss on my cheeks and forehead.

"Now May kiss mommy" Theo said to May is a baby voice and I puckered my lips up making May giggle and put a small kiss on my lips making me laugh at her. This is my happily ever after.

And we are so happy

This is my story of how a Blind Beauty like me tamed the beast...
That's the end guys! I had so much fun writing this book and I want to thank all o you for inspiring me! I love you my magical sea unicorns! Go check my other books out like Sold to Who?!, Wedded to Who?!, or my new book Any Other Day! I love you all! 💗💕

(if you wanna stalk me more I have a twitter account 😌 it's shishter_stans)

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