Chapter 8- Rouges

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Edrick's Pov
Devon, Xan, and Max took me to the woods to shift. They watched me claw at trees and tear things up. I growled with so much power they all bowed there heads.

Shift I said through our mind link, Devon's Wolf was black, Max's Wolf was blonde, and Xan's was brown. We all ran to the pack house and went inside shifting back putting on clothes. How dare that human ask our mate to homecoming! Axel yelled and Caden growled loudly in agreement. I shut them out but nodded to them before I did.

Alpha! Marcus yelled through the mind link. What is it Marcus? Having mate problems with my sister? I asked smirking I heard him huff before beginning to talk again. No! Rogues are attacking the south borders and more are coming through the north, west, and east borders! There all attacking at once! Once he was done I gave him instructions to get all the omegas, runts, women, children, and elderly in the safe house, and to get all the warriors to each border I stood my ground close to the safe house protecting everyone. Then I smelt it, strawberry's and fresh water. I looked around and saw Evangeline in the middle of everything looking around in terror trying to find the noise. I growled and looked at my people and then at her and shook my head closing my eyes.

Save mate! Caden yelled at me and I shook my head again clenching my eyes. Save her now! Axel yelled louder and I growled loudly making everyone stop and look at me and Evangeline looked toward me with crunched up eyebrows with tears down her face. Then a wolf tackled her down making her scream. And that was it I charged toward them seeing that Marcus took over my position. I tackled the wolf off of her and snapped at his face realizing it was one of my warriors.

What do you think your doing?! I yelled at him through the mind link. He whimpered and submitted to me. I'm sorry Alpha I didn't know she was yours. He whimpered and I let him go. It doesn't matter we don't attack innocent humans! Especially women! Now go back to fighting! I yelled he ran off while I looked at Evangeline. I nuzzled my snout on her cheek and she hugged onto my neck and I put her on my back running off back to the safe house. I pushed her in it and told them to keep her safe that she was their Luna. Then I went back to fighting.

Evangeline's Pov
I just wanted to talk a simple walk but instead got lost in the woods in the middle of wolves fighting. I got pushed somewhere by a wolf that was very nice to me saved me.

"Luna? Hello Luna. Are you ok?" A women asked I didn't know who Luna was but I wanted help and security so I looked around looked for a hand I felt one and she pulled me into her chest letting me sob.

"Oh. She's blind" I heard someone say and whispers started cascading through the whole room. Then I felt a wrinkly hand on my forehead and cheek. I looked up and felt the person gasped.

"To dikó sas. Esý eísai to paidí pou tha mas sósei ólous. To paidí tis theás tou fengarioú" the old women said and everyone gasped. I scrunched my eyebrows together and tilted my head and heard a crash and everyone scream but then it was silent. Literally everything was silent. Then the door creaked open and everyone gasped.

"Alpha. Are you ok?" Someone asked and then there was a whimper/growl and then a thud. Everyone started freaking out and they started yelling for help and I heard growls and whimpers. I started freaking out until the familiar wrinkly hand touched me again.

"It's ok child. Go to sleep" she said running her fingers over my forehead and oddly my eyes started to feel heavy and I fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up in a black space with water on the ground. And the odd part was. I could see. I walked around trying to look for something or anyone.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" I yelled and it just echoed. I walked around even more until I saw a silhouette of something. I ran towards it seeing a tall muscular man.

"Vasílissa mou..." the guy said hugging me to him making tingles form everywhere and I realized it was Edrick. I pulled back and looked at his face and felt his face with my hands.

"Is this really what you look like Edrick?" I asked and he laughed gentle pulling my hands from his face to his mouth pecking them slightly making tingles explode everywhere while I gasped from them. He smiled and looked from my hands taking them to his chest resting them there while he pulled me closer to him by my waist.

"Yes, it is. Do you want to see yourself?" He asked and I nodded and he turned me around in his arms and I saw myself. My eyes were a beautiful color my long hair was vibrant and lively then my skin was so clear.

"You look beautiful Vasílissa mou" he said turning me to him and slowly pulling me in. Our breathes were colliding from how close we were and when he pulled me the to his lips everything faded.

"Edrick?" I asked and heard a whimper. I looked around seeing a silhouette of something on the ground. I walked closer and the more I got closer the more whimpering and pained howls I heard. When I was finally there there was a beautiful golden wolf laying on the floor with silver chains around in and a silver chain on its muzzle making it whimper and bleed. She looked at me and something clicked.

"Wake up Evangeline. Wake up now! Get out of here!" The wolf yelled in a beautiful angelic voice I looked at it walking back away from it and seeing a huge shadow cascade down on us making me scream and put my hands over my head for protection.
End of dream

I woke up gasping looking around seeing darkness again. Where am I?
Hope you all like the update! :)

What did the Rouges want?

What happened to Edrick? Is he ok?

Who was that silver wolf?

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