Chapter 5- Mad Stranger

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Evangeline's Pov
Me and Jake where already at school in our first period while Jake took down notes for us while I listened trying to memorize as much as I can. After we were done we got up and walked out walking to our next class. Today Jake dressed me in shots, tank top, a cardigan, and my converse, with my hair braided. He also put the necklace he got for me in it was a ying yang symbol. My classes went by and it was lunch time but I had a huge test so I got my lunch and took it to the library with Jake. We studied until the bell rung.

"Well we ate a nutritious lunch and studied, we're going to ace this test!" Jake said to me and I laughed cause I could tell he had a goofy smile on his face I smiled at him and he kissed me and we went into our class getting ready for our test. Me and Jake are the sweet soft couple but I remember once we had a really hot make out session. And just thinking about it makes me blush.

"What are you blushing about?" Jake whispered to me I shivered and blushed harder and he stopped and turned me around where I was facing him. I could feel him intensely watching me.

"Just thinking..."


"Our make out session" I said really quietly and  Jake chuckled hugging me pulling me close to his body by my waist while my hands were on his chest. I felt his breathe on my neck making me shiver. He planted soft kisses on my neck and I smiled softly but frowned when he stopped I opened my eyes meeting darkness giving him a pouty face.

"Not here little one" he said and we walked out to our class. I sighed and let him take me to old boring class. When we got in we jumped right into notes and while I told him what to write down I felt his hand on my thigh. I smiled speaking and pushed it away I heard him grumble and put it back. He stayed like that the whole class and soon the class was over and the rest of the day flew by. We were walking out of school while his arm was wrapped around my waist guiding me. Then all you heard was a huge powerful snarl. I flinched and we suddenly stopped and Jake turned around with us. I heard someone walk towards us and I tensed and I felt Jake tense.

"Mine" the guy in front is lowly growled. His voice made me melt inside, but yet I gripped Jakes arm because I was kinda scared. Did we have something we have? I don't think so. I kept my head down not showing him my eyes. He jerked me out of Jakes hold which made me freak out and struggle against his grip. How can people not see this? I could hear Jake struggle to get free from something, I put my head in the direction of the noise and my eyebrows scrunched together. Until something gripped my chin making me look up. I close my eye getting accompanied by darkness like usual.

"Open those pretty eyes of yours Vasílissa mou" he said I shook my head and he growled holding me closer to his body. I let a tear fall from my cheek while I sniffed hearing Jake struggle.

"Get away from her! I'll kill you if you even think about hurting a hair on her head!" Jake yelled and the stranger holding me growled loudly holding me closer to him.

"She's mine! You can't tell me what to do with her!" The man roared I let a sob out while my eyes were still closed and the stranger pulled back looking at my tears. I felt a warm hand on my cheek.

"Please don't cry Vasílissa mou" he said I pushed at his chest and stumbled back onto the ground scrapping my elbow I yelled out in pain opening my eyes. I heard a gasp and someone help me up but it didn't feel warm and tingly.

"It's ok little one. I'm here" Jake said I grabbed onto his arm and gasped having a panic attack looking around frantically even though I couldn't see anything.

"I'm so sorry Vasílissa mou" the guy said and I gasped breathing hard.

"Dude... She's blind" someone said I put my head in that direction and closed my eyes looking down trying to catch my breath. Jake picked me up and walked away with me. I heard a growl that scared me even more. I started shaking in Jakes arms but he shushed me but for some reason I didn't calm down and usually I would. He sat me in a seat and closed a door. Then I heard another door open and close. Then a sound of a car starting which told me we were in the car going home.

"Are you ok?" Jake asked and I nodded catching my breath. I just want to curl up in bed. Wait.. We forgot Sam.. Great

Edrick's Pov
My mate is blind... She's blind. And she's a human. I stood in the parking lot thinking about when her eyes first opened they were a beautiful white color but I realized she was blind and she's human and she has a boyfriend! She's mine and I will take her away from him. Even though she's blind and human I still want her. And I WILL have her.

Our mate is beautiful. Caden said and I nodded

She's beautiful and we will kill that human. Axel my vampire said and I sighed. It's nice to hear from you Axel. I said and he nodded while they both stayed silent. Max, Devon, and Xan were standing amazed of who their Luna is.

"She's blind" Max said quietly and I nodded walking towards them, she looked so scared of me.. She had to have felt the tingles of the mate bond. I growled just thinking about how that human had his hands all over her. Caden was riled up about it. I couldn't take this much stress. I shifted into my black wolf ripping my clothes and ran into the woods.
Sorry I love Edrick's Pov lol. Love you all my magical sea unicorns!

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