Chapter 13- Challenge

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Evangeline's Pov
It has been 3 weeks of me getting trained and I'm doing amazing. I missed Homecoming and Jake was upset and so was I but we had our own dance at our house with mom dad and Sam. It was fun. But during my training I took down 3 warriors and 4 in their wolf form. It is the weekend and I'm taking a break so I'm with my family. And they keep offering me a drink I used to drink all the time but now it taste awful so I refuse to drink it.

"Honey can you please just take a few sips of the drink?" Mom asked and I pushed the cup away from me and looked in my mom's directing and got up.

"Mom I don't want to. It has an awful taste" I said and walked to the living room where Sam, dad, Lily, and Jake were. I went over to Jake and sat next to him.

"Hello little one" he said sadly. He's been like this the past few weeks and it's staring to scare me. I honestly love Jake. I really do but ever since I started training with Edrick I've grown stronger feelings for him than I ever had. And it makes me feel awful because I don't know what to do.

"Hey Jake" I said and I felt his hand on my leg rubbing circles around it and I felt a little weird because it wasn't Edrick's hand but I dismissed that thought and we all talked. Then we all heard a huge bang and growls. I got up and we all ran to the back and I heard growls and barks of wolfs. I snarled back in a human way but it oddly sounded like a wolf. I ignored it and grabbed a mop napping it making it into a stick.

"Rouges..." my mom whispered and I looked towards her and she whimpered.. What? They know? Are they?

"I'm sorry little one" Jake said behind me and I heard cracks of bones and three wolves past me and started to fight. I gasped and stood shocked until I heard a wolf charge towards me so I yelled and attacked stabbing the wolf in the side. It went like that until I heard a huge deadly growl. Everyone stopped and I heard a few wolves whimper and hide behind me and I was assuming it was my parents and Jake.

"Edrick" I said feeling his presence and I heard a low growl to show me he was here. Edrick must of saw my family behind me because he growled not knowing their sent's and seeing as they were rouges.

"Stop! This is my family" I said and Edrick growled at someone and the other growled back. I felt a nudge as my hand and I opened my palm and they rubbed their head into my head. I knew it was Jake and Edrick growled at an unmated male touching me in an affectionate way. Jake growled back and Edrick growled back and I heard more bones crack and my parents were still behind me and Jake left.

"Oh my God.." Mom said and I looked towards her.


"Jake is challenging Alpha Edrick" she said and I gasped and felt an earth shattering growl and that could have only come from Edrick. I got my stick and before they could hurt each other I knocked them each back but not enough to hurt.

"Stop this!" I yelled and I felt something in me pulse. It was strong and my parents starting yelling at me and Jake and Edrick barked. I felt the ground come from underneath me and I was floating. I felt like something was changing it was weird and an awful feeling. I started to scream and my parents, Edrick, and Jake started freaking out.

Then everything blacked out.

I woke up in a hospital bed and I kept my eyes closed because it was no use. I sighed and then heard shuffling next to me.

"Vasílissa mou? Are you awake?" I heard a voice I recognized as Edrick day and I nodded and he said something under his breath.

"Open your eyes" he said and I sighed and opened my eyes up and I saw him. I saw Edrick's face. I can see him. I can see?

"I- I... I can s-see?" I said and Edrick sighed and some people walked in and you could feel power radiating off of them so I assume these are the elders Edrick was taking about.

"Miss. Rose. We have some news for you. Not only can you see now. You are a very important person" one said and I looked at them and at Edrick.

"What are they talking about?" I asked and I thought for a minute if my parents and family are werewolves that means I'm a werewolf. But I never felt anything Edrick says werewolves feel. No super senses or a wolf.

"Wait. That means I'm a werewolf? But I can't be. I've never had super senses or a wolf" I said and the elder looked at each other and handed me a cup of something and it looked like the drink mom wanted me to drink. I looked at it for a few more minutes and back at the elders.

"This drink stopped you from communicating with your wolf and stopped you from having any super senses. And Evangeline your not a normal werewolf" another said and I looked at them strangely. What do they mean I'm not a regular werewolf? Do I not have a wolf?

"Honey. Do you remember me?" One asked and she put her hands on my face and remember her. She's the woman who spoke in a foreign language and helped me. I nodded and she smiled shooing Edrick from his spot and taking it. She held my hand and I looked at her, Edrick, the other elders, and back at her.

"W-what am I" I asked with a shaky voice and she smiled and played with my hair tucking a strand of hair behind me ear.

"You're the Moon Goddess daughter. You are the one sent here to save us all"
Dun dun dunnnnn. And guys of this book is going a little fast I'm sorry. Most of my books are usually 30 chapters or more but I'm making this book about 25 or so. Love you my magical sea unicorns!

How will Evangeline deal with this?

What will she say to her family?

What will happen between Jake and Edrick?

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