Chapter 8

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It's Friday which means no more school for a week and another good thing is we only have a week because I went so late to Hamilton and we have graduation.
I was waiting in the front I've waited for literally 40 minutes.
I just started walking. I was headed for Jake's. The walks not too far from here. That's when fans started screaming.
"Omg Amber
"Im your number one fan
"Can I get a picture
"Can I have your autograph
"Sigh my shirt please
Of course I said yes to all those things, im not ride or anything like that.
I was on my way, I kept walking.
I stopped right in my tracks noticing my ex boyfriend Jordan. He was the absolute worst he would go out with other girls and drink then come back home and terrorize me, which is why I have a few bruses on my arm. No one asked why so I just didn't tell them. Jordan walked up to me.
"Hey Amber"He said.
"Where do you think your going"He said. He grabbed my arm. I tugged it back. "Don't touch me"I said.
"Oh don't touch you huh"He said. And pushing my shoulders back.
"I said don't touch me"I commented.
I ran away from him, he can't do anymore damage to me then he'd already done. I reached Jake's house and so many fan, but ran inside.
I shut the door and locked it.
"Hey, why do you look like you've been running"Jake asked.
"Oh I was just exercising"I said.
"With your backpack on"He said "you are truly freakn' wierd"He said.
"Anyways, GUYS GET DOWN HERE"Jake yelled.
Everyone came running in but Nick.
"Who's down for the abandoned insane asylum"Jake asked.
"Sure why not"We all agreed.
"Okay we leave at 3"Jake said.
"Why three"Erica said.
"Because that's way scarier"Jake said.
"If you say to"Erica said rolling her eyes playfully and walked away.
In sat on the trampoline on Instagram. I wanted to watch a movie so I went to the living room and was watching Descendants 2, all time fav movie. "Why are you such a Disney girl"Jake asked.
"Because I am unlike you"I said with an evil little smile on my face.
"Ohhhh I heard that"Anthoney said walking in.
"We all did"Erica said while everyone came in.
I continued watching the movie.
"Be A Maverick"Logan yelled walking in with the guys.
"No"Jake yelled.
"Shut up all of you it's getting to the good part"I yelled. They were about to fight. "How many times have you watched this"Logan asked.
"Well as many times you got rejected"I said.
"She's on a roast player"Chance said.
"That makes no sense"I said.
"Now shut up"I said again.
"I've seen way better acting"Logan said.
"Oh yeah and who's that because I know it's not you"I said "now shut your pie hole"I said.
"Now y'all know don't mess with the Queen or you'll get a mouth full of it"Tessa said. They all sat down. Logan Jake and Chanthony on the floor.
I was at the end of the movie. Which yes I did cry in but no one noticed. They also didn't notice I cried at the part when Space Between was on. Yes im a cry baby got a problem with that, solve it boy. No kidding.
"So which movie next"I asked.
"How bout' Harry Potter"Chance said.
"Chico tu loco"I said (boy your crazy)
"What kind of language is that"Chance asked.
"Ea Espanol idiota"Ivan said (it's Spanish you idiot).
"Stop talking in spanish"Logan said.
"Yeah we can't understand you"Anthony said.
"Exactamemte no nos piedes enteder"I said (Exactly you can't understand us).
"Esta es mi chica"Ivan said and held his hand out for me to high five it.
I gave him a face "no"I said.
"Sub cinco"Ivan said (come on high five). I shook my head.
"Multa"He said (fine).
"What were you talking about" Chance asked.
"Stuff"I said.
"Ahora callate"I said (Now shut up)
"Im done"Chance said.
I laughed at him.
"Okay now im done"I said.
"Finally"Chance said.
"How the hell did you learn spanish, are you my even my sister"Logan said shocked.
"Well actually I do have lots of Latina friends and I learned from living with these two"I said pointing to them.
"Que ella hoblando de"Emilio asked (What is the taking about).
"Im talking about you two that's why I pointed at you"I said.

It was almost three we leave in 10 minutes. I changed into something more flexible just in case we gotta run. "You ready"Daniel asked standing in my door way.
"Were you there the whole time"I asked. "Well only for the part, when you were singing"He said.
"Oh"I said"well anyways we gotta go"I said trying to change the subject.
We walked down stairs together. Everyone waiting on us and ready.
"Omg I totally ship it"Tessa screeched.
"Me too"Erica said.
"Damber"Tessa said waving her hands in a rainbow.
"Guys were not dating"I said.
"Who says not"Daniel said.
"Ohhh"Tessa and Erica said at the same time.
"Okay lego"Jake yelled.
We all packed in the team 10 bus. Kade and Jake in front then Me Daniel and Tessa in the middle. Logan and the other boys in the back. Chanthony, Aj, Chad or anyone else didn't wanna come.
It was 3:32 in the morning. Why did we have to go so late. I yawned.
"Tell me about I am As tired as you"Tessa said. I nodded in agreement.
Someone was shaking me, "Amber come on were here"Tessa said waking me up. I was lying on Daniel's shoulder. He probley didn't wanna wake me.
We all hopped out of the car. Logan and Jake me and everyone else vlogging it. Well except the Other 'Boys.
"Okay lego"Jake said. We walked around the asylum. Stepping over the bricks making so much noise.
I heard a noise from behind me. I jumped and screamed.
"It's only me"Jonah whispered behind me.
"No quiero miorir hoy"I said(I don't want to die).
" tu no vas morir"Ivan said (your not gonna die).
"How do you know that"I whispered to him.
"Porque estoy aqui hermosa" He said( Because im here beautiful)
"Ugh Ivan eres un jugador"I said (ugh Ivan your such a player).
"Ese es mi hermano"Emilio said (that's my brother).
We reached the Ouija board. We all sat down.
We all our hands on the arrow.
"Is there a spirit here"Jake asked.
I pulled my hand back. "Im can't do this"I said.
"Stop being a scary cat"Logan said.
"Cierras el agujero de la tarta"I said (you shut your pie hole).
"What she say"Logan asked.
"She said shut your pie hole"Emilio said. "Guys stop talking"Jake said. I put my hand back on the Arrow.
"What's your name"Jake asked. That's when I felt a gust of wind and shivered. I pointed to D-E-A-T-H.
Oh my god.
"Deberiamos irnos ahora"I said (we should go now).
"We can't leave"Ivan said.
"I agree we have to say goodbye"Tessa said.
"Okay good bye Ouija , you will not be missed"I got up and stood in the corner.
I watched them. "Good bye Ouija"They all said.
"The hell"Logan said.
"Eso es todo vamos a morir"I cried(That's it were all gonna die).
"Okay stop talking like that we gotta get out if here"Ivan said.
We ran as fast as we could to the van.
We all pilled in.
"I knew that was a bad idea"I said.
"Well now We know don't go anywhere with Jake"Zach said.
"Got that right"Corbyn laughed.
"How are you guys so peppy im literally still shaking"I said.
"That's because you were as scared as a elephant is to a mouse"Jonah said.
"Rude"I said. He smiled at me.

I woke up the next morning. Me and the Savage twins were going to do live and with Tessa.
The boys left a while ago and agreed to watch the live and a bunch of fans would be there too.
"Who's ready to partayy"Tessa yelled.
"Wooooo"I yelled.
"Come on guys were going to start"The twins said. Me and Tessa walked in and Emilio already live.
"Hey guys"Emilio said. Me and Tessa sat between them.
From~Kyle.am52 "Who's Amber's fav on them 10".
"This one"I said hugging Tessa.
From~SeavyDaniel "I though I was your favorite😢"
"You always knew she was my favorite Daniel"I said.
From~Amber.paul.fp "Love you Amber".
From:Savage.Robs "I ship it you and Ivan #Avan"
Told by everyone: kiss kiss kiss.
Ivan got up and kissed me on the lips. I pushed him away.
"Well that just happened"Tessa said.
SeavyDaniel left live.
I got up "I gotta go"I said. I went to my room slamming the door behind me. Why the hell would Ivan do that.
I tried calling Daniel like 100 times. And text him 50 times.
"Come on Daniel pick up"I said. He hung up. Great now he hates me.
"Jesucristo por que harias eso lvan"I nearly cried (Jesus crist why did you do that Ivan). I tossed my phone on the ground. I curled up in the corner.
Burried my head in my legs and started balling. I heard a knock on my door. "Hey Amber it's Ivan"He came in. "Go away, ya no quiero hablar contigo" (I don't want to tall to you anymore) I said.
"Okay look im sorry"Ivan said.
"Well I am too now Daniel hates me"I yelled lifting my head up.
"Woah what's going on in here"Chance and Anthony came in.
"Nothing I was just leaving"Ivan said shoving Chance out if the way and leaving.
Chance and Anthony took a seat next to me.
"Okay so I've seen your heart broke once and im not gonna see it again"Anthony said.
"Yeah well That's not gonna be a problem because Daniel wont answer my calls or text"I said.

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