Chapter 32

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I sat on my bad scrolling through Instagram as usual and saw an edit a fan made of me and Daniel. I loved it. I had to show it to him so I shared it.

I got up and got ready for the day then realised tomorrow is Corbyn's birthday. He's officially turning 19 so I decided to go to the mall soon. And since Mats a guy he'll have to help me out.
I walked out to the kitchen noticing Matt was awake.
"Hey Matt"I said. He looked up at me and said "hey. So any plans today".
"Well actually Corbyn's birthday is tomorrow even though he's not coming here I still wanted to get a gift for him so I was wondering if you wanted to come and help me pick it out"I asked.
"Yeah sure. What time"Well I was planning on leaving soon since it's almost the afternoon"I said.
"Okay, but I hope you do know that today is my last day here"He said.
"Are you just saying that to make me take you out to eat or are you serious"I asked.
"No serious I just wanted to stop by and say hi"He said.
"Okay well we better make this the best day in L.A ever"I said.
"Come on"I said dragging Matt.

We hopped in the Lambo.
"Woah this is your car"He asked.
"Yep Jake gave it to me for nearly dropping his camera in the pool"I said smiling.
"You lil' devil child. And your licenced to drive this thing" He asked.
"Hey she's not a thing you'll hurt her feelings"I said.
"So she has a name"He asked wierded out.
"Ye and don't look so wierded out"I said playfully hitting him.
"So im guessing you get this side of you from Jake. And if I may ask what's her name"He asked.
"It's the White Stallion"I said.
"Imperative I'd thought I'd be something like Rose or Bella"He laughed.
"Haha very funny now can we go"I asked.
"Whenever your ready"He said.
We took off.

Matthew had to leave to the airport but we had a good time.

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