Chapter 10

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Me and Tessa walked down stairs.
I walked inti the kitchen to everybody looking at me like they need to tell me something important.
"Why are you all looking at me like that"I asked.
"There's something you need to know"Erica said.
"When the boys were in Las Vegas well Daniel got shot"Jake said.
"No that can't be they just said they were fine"I said and went back on Instagram to double check.
"Yeah but a while after they got the video, he passed away because a little minor shoot by the heart"Jake said.
"No please tell me that did not happen" I pleaded and started crying.
"And more worst news umm Something happened to Corbyn too"Jake said.
"Jake please don't say he got hurt too"I cried.
"Sorry to break it to you but he did"Jake said.
I fell on the floor my face in my hands.
I balled my eyes out.
"This can't be happening not right now"I said to myself.
"Can I tell you something else"Jake asked.
"Did anything else happen to them Jake if it did I swear I will literally kill someone"I cried again.
"No umm it's a prank"Jake said "AYYY WEEE GOOTTT YOUU"Jake screamed. Then all the boys entered from the back door.
"What the hell Jake that's nothing to play around with"I said. Tessa helped me up. "Oh thank Jesus"I cried hugging them each.
"The hit them playfully in the arm after.
"Don't any of you ever do that again"I said.
"And you Jake you'll get it the worst"I said "Just watch your back and you'll see very very soon"I said pointing to him.
"And I have a few words to say to you"I said and turned to Ivan.
"Como y por que demonios me besarias? (How the hell and why would you kiss me).
"Me hiciste parever un idiota delante de Daniel" (You meade me look like an idiot in front of Daniel).
"Nunca te perdonare y munca me hablaras Ivan" (I will never forgive you and don't ever speak to me).
"Woah Amber esta bien"Emilio said(Woah Amber it's okay).
"Tu callate" (you be quiet).
After that dramatic meltdown.
"What the hell just happened"Jake asked.
"I just captured the greatest moment of my life on camera Ivan And Amber fighting in spanish"Jake said in a squeaky girl voice.
"We were nit fighting just a little argument convo"I said.
"Mmhh sure"Jake said.

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