Chapter 34

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It was 8 a.m and Logan got me an audition for a movie. Which by the way I don't know what this movie is about but he never told me. The boys crashed on my couch while Logan went back home. There still sleeping right now, while im getting ready for my audition.
I wore black leggings with a white shirt and blue button up long sleeve shirt tied around my waste with white converse.
I was nearly done with everything by 9 and my auditions at 10.
I walked out of my room into the living room to the guys still sleeping.
"They leave me no choice"I said to myself. I grabbed an air horn Logan forgot here and blew it.
They nearly fell of the couch. I blew ot again.
"Jeez we get it were up"Zach said.
"Why did you do that"Jack wined.
"Your neighbors probley hate you"Jonah said.
"Thanks Jonah. Anyways chop chop get up guys"I said.
"Okay okay"Corbyn said.
"Anyways do you know what your auditioning for"Daniel asked.
"No idea but Logan said id love it"I said.
"I wouldn't trust him if I were you. It's Logan"Zach said.
"Way to have faith Zach"I said.
"Anyways who's up for pancakes"Corbyn yelled.
"Me"Everyone said at the same time but me.
"I already ate"I said.

The guys were finished eating and they surprisingly washed their own dishes. There was a knock at the door.
"I got it"Daniel said he opened the door.
"Well isn't it the one and only Daniel Seavy" a firmilar voice said.
"Daniel who is it"I asked. I got up to see who it was. I was surprised to see.......Jordan standing right at the door step.
"You"I gasped.
"Well hello again"He said.
"Why are you here"I asked raising my voice.
"Well to see my girlfriend of course"He said.
"Hold up you don't just show up at someones door step after what you did to her now leave"Daniel threatened.
"Make me"Jordan said teasing him.
"Daniel don't do it"Jonah said.
"Oh yeah who are you to tell him so"Jordan threatened.
"You are messing with the wrong people buddy"Jonah threatened.
"Okay Jonah calm down"Jack said.
"Either leave or suffer the consequences"Jonah said.
"Id rather suffer"Jordan said.
"Fine then"Jonah said.
Jonah was about to pin him down but Corbyn grabbed him before it could happen.
"Corbyn let me go"Jonah said.
"Stop it all of you"I yelled.
"Aww little miss feisty over here"Jordan said.
Jordan grabbed me by the arm and pulled me out the door.
He stopped in the hallway and threw me making me hit my head on the wall.
"Let her go"Daniel said.
"Not until I get what I want"Jordan said.
"What is that"Zach asked.
"A little something called revenge"He said he grabbed me and held a knife to my neck.
"Put her down"Jonah said.
My heart was beating so fast I could practically here it.
I tried squirming out but he held onto me tighter.
I shed a tear...waiting.
I closed my eyes.
I felt Jordan's grip un tighten. I opened my eyes again seeing Logan.
I hugged him so tight while crying.
"It's okay. Your fine now"He said.

I sat on the couch waiting for Logan to finish talking to the producers of the movie I was gonna audition for.
"Yeah okay" Logan said still on the phone.
"Is there anyway we can reschedule the audition"He asked.
"Oh okay well thank you"He said.
"Okay well thanks again. Bye. Okay"He put his phone in his pocket.
"So what happened"I asked.
"Umm they said"He sounded a bit sad.
"You get to go in tomorrow"He said.
"Oh my god"I said.
"Thank you Logan"I said "And anyways what am I even auditioning for"I asked.
"Well you love the movie and now were making a second one"He said.
"Wait "we" so is it The Thinning 2"I nearly screamed.
"Well duh"He said.
"Thank you so much"I said again.
"You already said that"He said.
"Oh yeah I did"I said.
"Anyways can we get back to the other subject who was that guy" Zach asked.
"Umm"I said "well he was sorta my ex"I said.
"So your telling me your ex tried to kill you"He asked.
"That's enough Zach" Jonah said.
"Wait seriously why though"He asked again. I looked at Logan he proceeded me to tell them.
"Umm well back in Ohio we were dating for awhile then I moved in with him a while later he always came home drunk or with other girls and when id try to say something about it he'd......hurt me. He didn't stop and threatened he never would till I was gone but Logan and Jake took care of it a while back and now im here" I said.
"Oh....well im sorry for asking"Zach said seeing the splash of emotion on my face.
"It's okay"I said.
"Well you don't deserve that"Corbyn said.
"If that guy shows up here again ill beat the hell outta him"Jonah said.
"Thanks guys but that's not gonna happen"I said.
"What do you mean"They asked.
"Well I think id be best if...."I started but Logan cut me off.
"Don't even go there Amber"He said "Don't even think about going there"He said. I started crying again.
"Look I didn't mean it"Logan said "I'm sorry I just don't even want to think about you trying to harm yourself again"He said sitting next to me "Well if you did id practically get all of your subscribers cause the LOGANG GOES HARD"He yelled.
"Jeez Logan your such a choch"I said while laughing and wiping my tears away.
"Come here goofball"He hugged me. Then it turned to a group hug.

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