Chapter 16

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I was waiting for him to speak. I was on the ground now balling why did this happen. What would their sisters think what about their brothers what about their parents what about their Fans. So many things going through my head right now and all I could do was cry.
"Hey Amber"Logan said. I ignored him. "can I tell you something"He asked me.
"What"I said coldly.
"Boiisss"Logan yelled. All they guys came running in.
"Oh My gooddd"I said. I hugged them all but I kept crying that was the worst prank EVER.
"We gotttt yoouuu"Logan screamed and shoved the camera in my face.
"Oh my god I hate you Logan"I said.
"Your such a cry baby"Logan said.
"So"I said. Daniel holding me in his arms still.
"Gosh he's such a choch"I told the other boys.
"Oh yeah well we'll see who's the choch"Logan said and ran after me.
I ran into Evan's room.
"Gettt out"He said while playing video games.
"Your such a dwarf"I said playfuly.
"What did you just call me"He asked.
"No one calls me a dwarf but​ me Logan or my mom and last time I checked you weren't either"Evan said getting up now.
"Ohhh Evan you tell her boi"Logan said pointing the camera at us.
"What are you gonna do your just a little bug"I said.
"That's what she said"Evan said.
"That makes absolutely no sense at all"I said.
"It doesn't make sense I'll show you what doesn't make sense"Evan said and ran after me.
"Evan Versus Amber who will win and who will die"Logan said as we ran around. Finally Evan got tired and I ran behind the guys who were still by the door way.
"Why are you hiding are you scared"Evan teased.
"Well considering the fact your a short maniac yes"I spluttered back.
Logan gasped"She called you short"Logan said.
"Good bye now"Evan said and went into his room pretending to be hurt.
"No no Evan SHE didn't mean it"Logan said.
"Yes she did she's a green bean and she knows it"Evan said.
"Oh now im a green bean"I said.
"Yeah you are"Evan said back and slammed his door.
"Ambeerrr"Logan said.
"What"I asked.
"He's sensitive"Logan said.
"Yeah like a guy has feelings"I said with a bit of sass now.
Everyone turned and looked at me with fake shocked expressions on their faces.
"We do have feelings"Jack said.
"Mhhm like what"I asked.
"Like how Daniel has feelings for you"Corbyn teased.
"Yeah okay, like I believe a word any of you just said"I added.
"Well we do have feelings but it's mutual"Jonah said.
"Haha your funny"I teased and sat on the couch.
"Actually remember how you were balling when you thought we were well dead"Zach said.
I shook my head in agreement.
"Well we were hurt to see you cry thanks Logan for making us do that by the way"Said Daniel.
"Any time"Logan said pretending to tip a hat.
"Yeah I get it guys have feelings to blah blah m kay are we done now"I asked playfully.
They all sat on the couch too.
I went on my phone and saw a text from Michael.
M- Hey gorgeous hows your day.
A-First of all are you trying to flirt with me bc it's no working.
M-Maybe I am maybe im not
A-okay....well my day was fine wby
M-it was good now that im talking to you.
A-I appreciate all that but just stop😂
M-Okay well I gtg ttyl
A-kk ttyl M

I looked up from my phone to see Daniel and Jack deep in a conversation. Jonah on his phone.
Zach randomly dancing and Corbyn recording it.
And Logan editing his vlog like usual.
I got up and grabbed the rest of Logan's Cinnamon frosted flakes and pored it in a bowl.
"Hey Amber..."Logan's voice trailed.
"Nooo honeyy noo, that was the last of it"Logan said.
"Well too bad I got it first plus you gotta know you live with me know so first come first serve"I said and smiled at him while putting one in my mouth.
"You know what"Logan said as he grabbed the bowl.
"Logan give it to me"I wined
"Here Boys"Logan said as he tossed the last of MY cereal on the guys.
"Logan"I said.
"What I love messing with you and them"Logan laughed.
"Te tal choch" (your such a choch)I said.
"What? Sorry I don't understand idiot"Logan said.
My jaw dropped.
"Your so mean"I said.
"That I can understand"Logan said "Now whoooo wants a plate"Logan said throwing it on the ground. All the guys jumped up.
"Dude first cereal now plates you just can't get any worse can you"Jack said.
"Be quiet noddles"Logan said.
"How 'bout you Mop head"Jack said.
"Now showing the mop head verses Noddles"I said laughing.
"Get your exclusive 48 Outta My Hair Maverick merch and don't forget to go give that music video a like okay with that Logang that is vlog see you tomorrow and peace"Logan said and shook his head at his camera.
"I have never seen you think anything so stupid in my life"I said.
"How Dare You"Logan gasped.
"First time I've actually seen you do your outro actually"I said.
"Yeah hey Amber im butter than you"Logan said holding a yogurt jar.
"Umm again that's yogurt"I said.
"Whatever it still fun to play with"Logan said.
"What do you me....."Before I could finish Logan put a bunch of yogurt in my hair. My jaw dropped again.
"That's what you get for calling my friend an ant"Logan said.
"LOGAN"I screamed.
I turned to the guys and they were all laughing. "This is not funny it's in my hair"I wined.
"Aww stop crying it's only a little jeez why are girls so into their hair"Logan teased.
"That is nothing we do so you be quiet mop head and you"I turned to the guys "you stop laughing unless you wanna end up like me"I said.
"Okay umm no need just proceeded"Corbyn said.
"That's what I thought"I said.
"Now you well talk later but first I need to get this out then I need Logan to take me to Starbucks then come back and watch a movie"I said.
"Looks like you got your whole life planned out huh mini paul"Logan said.
"More than you ever will"I mumbled.
"What was that"Logans asked "oh nothing just something cought my through"I said.
"Okay I'll see you guys soon and don't you dare touch my protein shakes"I said walking away pointing at them.

Once I was done I put my clothes on u brushed my hair. No make-up just because it's not like I was going somewhere special today.
I walked out "your D.I.Y Queen is back"I said. (I totally didn't get that from LaurDIY the best DIYer in the world, oh who am I kidding I so did)
"Isn't the DIY queen Lauren"Logan said.
"Well im now steppin' up to thrown"I said flipping my hair dramatically.
"Ohhh Hear that Lauren you got a new sheriff in town"Logan yelled.
"Actually I was just kidding because Lauren is Boss no wait she's better she's QUEEN wait no she's the better she's a Maverick"I said.
"That's mi boii"Logan yelled.
"Im not a guy but okay"I said.
I sat on the couch the guys were here still.
That's when I got a text message
Jocelyn~Hey we need to talk
Me~sure anything.

And she called me right after.
Calling Jocelyn...
J-How could you.
J-you know what you did
A-I don't understand what are you talking about.

That's when I saw everyone turn and stare at me.

J-First of all don't go behind my back and talk about me like that and second of all im not the slut you are.
She hung up.
Those words when she said that it made me flinch and what is she even talking about I never said anything about her. My hands were shaking which made my phone fall back on the couch. It felt like everything in the World stopped everything every little noise gone.
"So umm that happened"Jack said.
Of course it would be him to make a smart remark like that. I mean he's sweet and all but really.
"Please not right now Jack"I said.
I leaned back on the couch and put my head back on the pillow.
I sighed. I was trying to hard to keep back the tears because I just lost my only and my best friend.
But I couldn't keep them back I cried. I put my head in my hands and stayed there.
"Hey it's okay"Daniel said. They all tried comforting me.
"It's not okay I didn't even know what I did, I fell like my whole world just stopped"I cried.
"Come on it's fine everything's gonna be fine you can just talk to her"Daniel tried soothing.
"Yeah and plus you have us Tessa Erica and nearly every youtuber"Logan laughed.
"Yeah but Jocelyn's been my best friend for like forever"I said.
I wiped my tears away with my sleve and took one deep breath.
"Okay you guys are right it's all perfectly fine"I nodded my head while saying that. "Mkay well Amber Jake actually called a while ago so imma take you back"Logan said.
"Oh okay"I said.
"By Amber"All the guys said hugging me.
"Bye"I said. Lastly Daniel hugged me for what felt like forever.
"It's gonna be okay"Daniel said as he kissed the top of my head.

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