Chapter 4- Unsociable 50-year-old genius

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The picture above is part of the interior of the greenhouse.

Draco Stidolph P.O.V

My Mum just collapsed, immediately I ordered my best pack doctors to come see her. Our best doctors came in and picked her up on a stretcher taking her to her bedroom. She was lying in her bed, doctors surrounding her checking her vitals. A knock on the was heard and Paige walked in saying "Hey May... Um, what happened to Maya?" I replied, "Who are you to call her Maya and why are you in her room." Anger pace through my blood but then one of the doctors say "When she fainted it was due to shock related causes but her head hit a coffee table on the way down. Her wolf should be fixing it but something must have happened to it. She will wake up but we don't know when." I nodded solemnly and was about to ask a question when someone bet me to it "Can I please have a few minutes alone with her?" The doctors shrugged and began walking out of the room when I answered "No" "Please I can have her awake in 20 minutes just let me be alone with her." I don't know if it was the mate bond making me listen to her or if I was curious to see what she could do but I surprisingly nodded and left the room.

Paige Galena P.O.V

I walked over to were Maya was laying down and I placed my hair over her head. I thought of her waking up while pushing all my power into her. My head started pounding and my hands began shaking as I felt myself getting weaker. Maya's eyes opened and she whispered "Your one of the blessed! You were kissed by the moon goddess, this made you lose your wolf, your parents were going to sell you but Emma took you away from them." I slapped my shaking hand over her mouth and I shout/whispered "Maya! Please don't tell anyone, I've been hiding this my whole life and I can't afford for it to come out now." She laughed at my outburst and said: "Darling your secret is safe with me." 

We continued to talk about thing like what she was making for dinner and when the next pack run was but our conversation was ruined when Alpha Draco stormed into the room with the doctors behind him. They seemed speechless at Maya being awake after the state she was in. One of the doctors stepped forwards stuttering "H-how?" they just all seemed so shocked at Mayas miraculous discovery. "Well, have you ever heard of Lupusabhorrent disease? It ruffly translates to the shocked wolf. If she had this which I assume she did. The disease is when your wolf becomes shocked so it basically puts you into a coma. The disease hasn't been widely researched so I don't have very much information but that's a basic summary of the disease. So I simply shocked her wolf back awake by triggering her basic mothering instincts for Alpha Draco. Once her wolf woke up the rest of her followed suit and then we just talked for the rest of the twenty minutes."

They continued to stare at me and as I quickly became uncomfortable, I began to take a great interest in my bare feet as I stared down at them. One of the doctors spoke up "Aren't you a little young to know this much about  Lupusabhorrent disease." I didn't really want to talk about my past life as I was trying to forget about my Aunt but as they looked at me expectingly I quickly mumbled "I have a degree in Botany and Medicine so not really and I was homeschooled so I worked at my own pace making things go a lot faster." I didn't know it was possible but their mouths opened even wider. "I'm gonna go now so... Bye." I hugged Maya rather awkwardly as she was on a bed then I skipped out back to the room I have made my sanctuary.

As I was making my way back to my room a deep voice said: "Why do you always seem to walk away from me Rapunzel?" My eyes widened at the nickname but before I could reply I was lifted up into his arms bridal style. I looked up at his chiseled jaw before deciding to close my eyes and regain the energy I put into Maya.

Draco Stidolph P.O.V 

I can honestly say I have never felt so good as when Paige was asleep in my arms. As soon as she said she studied botany I knew I had to take her to the greenhouse. I looked down at her and I felt a smile creeping onto my face. Her hair wrapped around her like a blanket cocooning her like she was a delicate butterfly. She doesn't seem to understand people and it is adorable, the way she can speak clearly and confidently about medicine but is a complete mess when she is asked personal things. It's weird to spend time with such a small, light person. All my time is spent with werewolves who have huge bones and muscles but she is smaller than all 15-year-old werewolves. She seems to have the body of a 14-year-old but the mind of a unsociable 50-year-old genius.

We had made it to the greenhouse where I shook her awake. She rubbed her eyes and yawned before opening her eyes. She jumped up out of my arms saying thank you like a child on Christmas. She pulled me in for a hug wrapping her arms around my stomach before pushing me away and jumping into the water. Her bare feet gracefully trod the water while her hands brushed against the plants. She lept out of the water and into the bushes and trees where she disappeared from sight. I mind linked one of the pack chefs to prepare a picnic lunch for me and my exited mate. After a while, a delivery person came in and placed a basket in front of me. I shouted, "Paige there's lunch if you're hungry." she flew out of the trees like a monkey on steroids. She began blabbering on about all the amazing plants we had while we ate. I knew I should have been listening but I was too busy staring at my mate's expression of pure joy and passion for plants.

Hey, So I'm still posting every 2-3 days surprisingly since I'm usually unreliable as hell. Maya discovered her secret and she has started calling her Maya instead of Ms. Jones like everyone else. We had some more Draco and Paige action or him just staring at her. The beta will be brought into the story soon, finally. I know its kinda shorter than normal but its the holidays so screw it. (1145 words)

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