Chapter 15- Padded corners and child locks

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The picture above is the white dress she is wearing when she gets changed.

Draco Stildolph P.O.V

I hate how Paige is such a good person. It is also one of the reasons I love her but I am so sick of her being so selfless. Somedays I am tempted to lock her in a place with padded corners and child locks so she can never get hurt. Then I remember that I could never dampen the flame that lives inside her. She likes helping others too much and I could never take that away from her. The number of times she has fainted from curing other people is too many for my liking. She needs to put herself first above everyone else. Looking at her now I know that she will always be put first when it comes to me. 

I didn't even notice that my brother had entered the room until I saw him pull Sabrina into his arms. "I go away for to shower, get changed and get some food for my mate but by the time I am back she is awake and alive. Why the fucking hell did no one inform me. We have mind linking for a reason you imbeciles," he shouted. This made me get up from my daydream and I remembered how we were all thrown against the wall from the power of their marks touching. I got up and ran to Paige. She was fine with her hair covering her like a blanket looking peaceful as ever. She sat up and rubbed her head while looking around at the room. My brother ran over to her and hugged her tightly before planting a kiss on her forehead. My wolf growled so loud that everyone in the room bowed their heads excluding my brother, my mate and his mate. He whispered to her "Thank you for saving my mates life. I owe you everything." He walked over to Sabrina and he wrapped his muscular arms around her waist. Sabrina just rolled her eyes when he pulled her to him. I walked over to Paige and I picked her small body up bridal style. I ran out of the room and towards the helicopter with Paige in my arms. I placed her in a seat and told my piolet to get us out of there. She obeyed and before Paige could say anything we were already flying up, away from my brother and his muscular arms. 

Paige Galena P.O.V

When we landed at the airport and the helicopter landed I smacked Draco on the head. He looked at me in shock so I huffed "I wanted to meet the girl I saved but instead you had to be a stupid possessive wolf. Do you know how many other blessed people I get to meet? None! I have never met another person blessed by the moon goddess and the one time I do you drag me away before I can even say hello." I looked away from him and I knew that if he was in wolf form his tail would be between his legs. I was lead to Draco's private plane by one member of Draco's staff. When Draco sat down in a seat he was shocked when I sat in the one next to him. It was halfway through the trip when I put in my earbuds, turned on music and lay my head on Draco's shoulder. I felt his lips kiss my head softly and I fell into a deep sleep

I awoke in me and Draco's bed at home, alone. I got dressed in a simple white dress and walked to Draco's office. When I went in I saw Draco talking to Opal and Brianna. "You need to protect her with your life and never leave her alone. Oh here she is now," he said when I walked through the door. "What's going on?" I asked and Brianna replied, "Well your mate is telling us how we have to be your bodyguards." I rolled my eyes and walked straight out of the room. I went to sulk in my room and sure enough, Brianna came in to comfort me. She brought Opal but the more the merrier so long as it isn't certain people. "Why is he being so possessive all of a sudden?" I asked Brianna. "It's probably because you are going on the Luna tour in a week. Oh, the Luna tour is when you and Draco go around every pack in the whole of the huge Europe pack. Basically, you have to meet almost everyone in the pack so he will want to up security for that." Brianna explained but then Opal added "Or you could be pregnant. His wolf could be sensing pups making him go into possessive overdrive. Since you can't really get hurt that could be why you aren't vomiting. The pack would be overjoyed that the Alpha is having a litter of pups. I personally hope you have Quintuplets since five children would be perfect but then again twins would be okay too. Oh, you don't know about werewolf children do you?" 

I shook my head and she continued "Well twins and triplets are very common with werewolves. Your special though since any child you have won't die in the womb. You see when my Mother got pregnant there were five children. Me and my twin brother absorbed the other three so now there is just us. It's like a survival of the fittest in the womb but since you can't actually let them die you could have a whole litter of pups." I am pretty sure Opal was about to continue but Brianna hit her in the head and warned "I will throw you out of that window if you don't stop scaring my Le Sala. Here just use this and we can sort this all out later if it comes out positive." She then handed me a pregnancy test and gently pushed me into her bathroom before slamming the door closed behind me.

I did what it said on the instructions and I waited the amount of time. I said I am pregnant. I am going to have a child! I am a child and yet I am going to be having a baby. Apparently this is pretty normal in werewolf time to be having a baby but still. I am not ready to be a mother at all and I know I should be happy or excited but I am not. I am scared and disgusted by what will happen next. I know the pack needs a future Alpha so I can't exactly get an abortion but still. I know Draco will love and want this child or children but I don't think I do. I threw the stuff in the bin and left the bathroom. "It said no. Opal, can you please leave so I can be alone with Brianna for an hour or two." I lied as I knew if I told Opal the truth she would definitely tell Draco. When Opal had left Brianna asked "Why did you lie Le Sala. I know you and you are definitely pregnant so why are you lying to Opal." with that, I burst into tears. Brianna ran to me and hugged me while I sobbed into her shoulder. 

It was a while later and we were watching a movie on my bed. Draco storms into the room angry and by the look on his face, he is out for blood. "What the hell Paige? Why do you smell like other men? Why do you smell like strange werewolves who aren't in this pack? What the hell aren't you telling me Paige." he shouts clearly so mad. I have never seen him like this and if I have ever been afraid of him now is the time. I am shaking as he stares down at me accusingly. He starts walking towards us till I am pushed up against the headboard and he is where our bedside table should be. Unfortunately, it was shoved out of the way when he walked past it. "So you aren't going to say anything? Nothing about why you smell like other wolves when you have been in your room all day. So who did you have up here Paige?" he snarled and I can now feel tears running down my face. "Maybe it is because I am pregnant. Does that give someone a strange sent you bastard." I spilled before running out of our room in tears.

Hey, so that was a pretty intense ending. I know that Paige is very young to be a mother and I really don't condone teen pregnancy. I am also not against teen pregnancy like you have a kid whenever you want a kid. Paige is very mature though so I feel like she will be okay. At the same time she never really learnt about the world so she has a lot to learn and do. Draco was an absolute asshole in the last chapter but I explained why they got into a few mini fights recently and why he has been getting more possessive. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas. (1550 words.)

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