Chapter 16- The ugliest city in England

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The picture above is the painting Paige made after her fight with Draco.

Draco Stildolph P.O.V

I had fucked up. BAD. I had made my pregnant mate cry and run away from me. My heart was torn between happy and sad. Happy that I was going to have pups with my mate but I'm sad too. I'm sad that on a day that should have been one of the happiest of my life I had managed to accuse my mate of cheating on me. I wished that I could have turned back the clock and changed everything from the way I spoke to her to the stupid thoughts that were running through my head. She didn't even smell like sex she just smelt like some strangers. I can't believe I didn't recognize the sent of my own pup or pups. I also got a seventeen-year-old pregnant so I have broken a few laws in the process as well as pissing off the love of my life. Holy shit she is seventeen! She probably won't even want the baby. 

Before my wolf was sad and showing by howling in pain. Now my wolf is just plain angry at the thought of her not wanting the baby. As much as I want to agree with my wolf being angry was what got me in trouble in the first place so I shouldn't get angry even if she wants to kill our unborn child. I now sound like a Pro-life person when I'm not. I am never going to be pro-choice when it comes to my pups though. Maybe I am just being an overprotective Alpha mate but I don't care. Oh, screw it I am an overprotective Alpha mate and now I am going to go to my sad pregnant mate to apologize but first I had to make a few trips. 

Paige Galena P.O.V

I was in my old room painting. I had never really officially moved into Draco's room but I had a bunch of my clothes in his room. Almost all of my old things like my painting and drawing supplies were still in my old room. So that's where I was painting a picture of an adult wolf licking a pups stomach. Since I am going to keep this child I really hope it has a good relationship with Draco and they can play like this. I let the brush take the path it chooses while it added little details to the wolfs fur. I always found painting calming so as I did it I felt my anger for Draco diminishing. It was just a stupid misunderstanding so when he comes and apologizes I will forgive him. Speaking of apologizing he walked into the room with a sad look on his face.

"I am so sorry. I am meant to love and protect you but instead, I made you ran away from me. I shouldn't have shouted at you or accused you of anything when you would never do that. Is that a painting of a wolf eating a pup? I mean I know I said some awful things to you but that's a little far." he rambled and to shut him up I planted my lips on his moving ones. When I pulled away I explained "The painting is a wolf licking a pup stomach not eating it. Goddess, what do you think I am a flipping sadist. I just wanted to paint a nice picture of a parent and child not a scary painting about murder. Oh, and as a side note when are we going on the Luna tour because I don't want to be a pregnant teenager when I am meeting everyone in your pack." He laughed while pulling me into him. His head sat on top of mine while his muscular arms held me as close to him as possible. He planted a kiss on my head before setting me free to go look at the painting. He smiled, I could tell he was picturing him and our unborn child playing in wolf form in the future. 

He straightened up and asked, "Would you like to meet the council of elders?" I nodded knowing that I couldn't put off meeting the people in his pack any longer. He took my hand and practically dragged me excitedly to a huge wooden door. He went from looking like an excited puppy to a serious king in seconds making me sigh. I wished he wouldn't hide how cute and adorable he is with his hard exterior. Oh well, I don't have a choice I am mated to the Alpha King of Europe and he can't look weak or soft. I like to believe that is why his Mother sent him and all his siblings to other people because she couldn't put down the mask. If someone saw he acting soft to her children it would make her look weak so she gave them to people who could love them. I almost had the same thing except she tried to sell me which let me end up with someone who loved and cared me. People always think being the children of Alpha's would be fun and you would be pampered and spoilt but their not. You have to assume someone is always watching you and you have to act accordingly. My child or children will be showered with love but nothing else. They will have to learn to make their own ways in this world without us. 

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