Epilogue- Henrietta Piper Stildolph

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The picture above is the meeting room they were in.

Henrietta Piper Stildolph P.O.V

I hate being 16. It is the worst thing in the world. Every day it is a struggle not to run away. Father loves Katrina as she looks like our dead Mother. Enzo loves Amoretta and doesn't have time for anyone other than his little mate. I doubt that even Mother would love me if she was alive. I don't mind being seen as the other triplet, worse things have happened to me but when I have been forgotten all together like today is when things start to sting. Today we are all turning 16 and they forgot about me. They cut the cake and sang happy birthday while I was out for a run. Seeing as I am forgotten and unloved I have decided to run away. I will run to America where I will stay with Aunty Sonia and Uncle Max. I heard they adopted a boy around my age and I hope he wasn't like my siblings.

I will miss Brianna and Sam. They have been mentors for me and I will always love them. They taught me everything from how to fight to how to ballroom dance. If I ever visited home it would be for them. I will write them letters to assure them of my safety but other than them no one will miss me. I have no friends at school and I do not care for anyone in this pack, excluding Sam and Brianna. I have packed my bags, bought my ticket and am ready to head off. I wrote a note and placed it on top of my bed telling them what I have done. I locked the door behind me and jumped out the window with luggage in hand. 

A long plane and helicopter ride later I was landing in the middle of a forest. I hopped out of the helicopter and inhaled the fresh air. I always loved visiting this place as a child and coming back here brought back some good memories. I had to stop my train of thought as all of a sudden I was being squished into the arms of my favorite Aunt. "I have missed you so, so much," she said before letting me go to get a good look at me. "Max, Cayden get your butts down here and say hi to Henrietta," she shouted and I saw to men approaching from the training field. My wolf began to go berserk at this point but I just pushed her down. I had gotten very good at pushing down my wolf and if I chose I wouldn't feel her at all. I ran into the arms of uncle Max and he twirled me around before planting me on the ground again. I held my hand out to Cayden while I said "Hi, I'm Henrietta Piper Stildolph. You must be my Aunt and Uncles adopted son." He just growled and pulled me into a hug. I felt electric sparks rushing through me and I realized we were mates. He picked me up bridal style and carried me to one of the houses.

Brianna Tui P.O.V

"Sam, have you see Henrietta recently. I haven't seen her since her birthday." I asked and he stupidly replied, "Why don't you mind link her?" I rolled my eyes at my idiotic yet loving husband "Sam you know she always has her mind link off with her wolf locked away." He walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. "She will be fine. We will go see if she is at the Alpha's house and then we will raise the alarm." he planned and we headed off straight away. I ran up to her room and kicked open the door only to find her room empty. I walked over to the closet and it was barren. It looked like she had never even been here and that is when I noticed the note on the bed. It read ...

Hello reader, please pass this letter on to my family, Sam, and Brianna.

Hello family,

I have decided to run away. I am long gone and I doubt your greatest trackers will be able to find me. I am safe! I have chosen to stay with some friends of mine who are perfectly nice and normal. I will send letters to Sam and Brianna so that you know that I am alive. I blame my siblings and my Father for never loving me. I am unhappy in this pack and you will only make me miserable if you drag me home. You have forgotten, neglected and ignored me and now I am giving us all what we wanted. I may return home in a few years time at Christmas but do not expect me.

Goodbye and good riddance.

I ran downstairs to where Draco, Enzo, and Katrina were eating breakfast together. I stormed into the room and slammed the note down on the dining room table. "What is the meaning of this interruption?" Draco asked angrily. "Why don't you read the letter that your daughter left you." I retorted and he looked at Katrina with curiosity "Your other daughter you idiot." He nodded and read through the letter quickly. He then passed it to his other children who read it. Katrina started to cry and I just snarled "Don't play the victim Katrina. Your sister is the one who is in pain." Draco stood up and announced "I will have my best trackers sent after her. I will have her home in a week." He is completely missing the point that she is a child, in pain and dragging her home will only create more pain.

Cayden Stildolph P.O.V

I carried my stunning mate into the Alpha house and straight into my room. I softly kissed her forehead then I dropped her on the bed before jumping next to her. "Tell me everything about yourself." I demanded and she just looked at me with a raised eyebrow "Please" I added. "I am 16. My favorite color is dark blue. I have two triplets who I despise as I am always forgotten. My mother died when I was a child and my father doesn't pay me or my brother any attention. I like sports and books. I am afraid of bees as I am deathly allergic to them despite my Mother and sister having magical healing powers." At this point I had stopped listening to her talk and I was just staring at her. Her soft pink lips were hypnotizing me and eventually, I just had to kiss them. The sparks were amazing and soon she was kissing me back. After a couple minutes, she pulled back and I watched as she fell asleep in my arms.

Henrietta Stildolph P.O.V

I was shaking uncontrollably with nerves about seeing my family again. Cayden wrapped his hands around mine and I felt a lot calmer. I didn't want to attend this Continental Alpha meeting but I had to as the future Luna of the pack. Unfortunately, my Father was hosting the meeting this year so I had to return to my old pack. I waited patiently outside the meeting room until the doors opened and I entered. I raised my head, not submitting to any of the Alphas. Katrina's gasp ran through the room when she saw me and soon enough everyone's eyes were on me. I know for a fact that everyone knows I ran off but the did not expect to see me here with them. I felt Cayden tighten his grip on my hand as they looked at my mark. 

"What the fuck is going on here," Father shouted making me flinch. "Sit down and I will explain everything. You see one day Henrietta, or Piper as she is now known as showed up in our pack. We obviously took her in with open arms. Then we found out she was our adopted son's mate and she became part of our family. She is the future Luna and head warrior of our pack. Scream and shout all you want but nothing will change that," said Sonia. My father, my siblings and my Aunts and Uncles all began screaming and fighting at each other. So I did what I do when I am stressed, I grabbed Cayden's hand and ran. We ran laughing through the pack house, out the doors, and into the private car. With people shouting behind us about the lost luna.

Hey, so I will be writing three epilogues, one for each of the children. This was Henrietta's epilogue while Enzo's and Katrina's will be coming soon. Theirs will probably be a lot shorter than this. I know that some may view what I am writing as kind of incestual but I assure you, they are not related. I know I shined Katrina, Draco, and Enzo in a bad light this chapter but it isn't their faults. Draco lost a wife, Katrina was just the favorite and Enzo had just found his mate. Sam and Brianna do stay together until they die without any kids but a few pets. This was longer than some of my previous chapters and a million times longer than my prologue. I will probably not give them their own book but I will give Max and Sonia their own book if you want it. To be completely honest it would be way more interesting than this book. I would call it "He calls me his genius." I doubt I will start posting a chapter for that until April. So stay tuned for that. Anyway, I hoped you liked Henrietta and Cayden's story. (1625 words)

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