Chapter 6- A toddler or a grandma

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The picture above is the Beta but without the yellow teeth.

Draco Stildoph P.O.V

Paige was swimming in ice water. How? Why? She casually walked off leaving me with a confused Opal staring at me. "She's my mate." I bragged and shock covered her face. "Your mate is the girl who can withstand freezing water and wolfsbane." she gawked. I laughed at her surprise and nodded. "Keep standing there shocked Opal but once your done go gossip to all your friends about how perfect the Alphas mate is." I taunted as she stood there frozen in surprise. I walked away to go find out how my little Rapunzel is indestructible.

I walked into her room when she was standing there in her floral bra and underwear while pulling a dress over her tiny body. Usually, female werewolves have broad shoulder, wide hip, are very tall but shes's not. Maybe she just looks tiny in comparison to her hair but either way she is perfect being tiny and small. She finished getting dressed before turning around and noticing me. She jumped a little before walking over to me and wrapping her thin arms around my waist. Her warm body pressed up against mine while her head lay against my chest. I pulled her closer to me if that was possible and lowered my head to kiss her lightly on her soft forehead. Being a head taller than her it made this an easy feat. "Whats the deal with this whole mated to the Alpha thing." she chirped.

She looked at me with those large innocent eyes of hers and I couldn't help but spill my heart to her. "Most werewolves can't really have female children after a disease swept through the werewolf population in the 1880s. Alphas have a better chance of having females as my mother gave birth to 2 girls out of 6 children but normal werewolves have a 1 in 13 chance of having a girl. This means that most Alphas are usually Men like long ago when the oldest son was made Alpha. Nowadays the first born child is made Alpha meaning there can be a Luna or Luno. The Alphas job is to control the pack then the Alpha King or Queen controls all the packs. My mother changed that because she wanted all of her children to be in power, not just me her oldest child. I now control all the packs in Europe who all report to me except the London pack which I directly control. The Alphas job is to control the pack making sure they are protected and running like clockwork while the Luna or Luno's job is to make sure the pack is happy and healthy." I lectured.

She nodded and said "Let's have more Luna talk later, I'm going to go eat lunch" but before she could escape my grasp I asked "Can you wait for a few minutes Rapunzel. I just have to show you something." She nodded before I grabbed her hand a pulled her with me towards the Beta's rooms. She followed me into the room before she stopped to a halt. I heard her gasp and I felt her cuddle into my arm. She broke the silence with her soft whispering "His scar, it's awful. How did it happen?" her words laced with worry and care. I said "That's Sam Evens my Beta and best friend along with Eliza. He and his mate were happy for many years with their small son named Henry. One day he took Henry to the beach and he got stung by a stingray after he had provoked the animal. His mate blamed him for the accident as he was there at the beach that day. His mate still had some of her rouge insanity so she went crazy, giving him that scar and putting him in a coma for the past 3 years." She looked solemnly at him before questioning

"What is rouge insanity?" she asked. I realized that even though she was adjusting well to this life she knew almost nothing about werewolves other than the fact they existed. I replied "Rouges are wolves that don't have a pack or who wander alone in small groups. There are 2 types of rouges, one is just a normal wolf without a pack and the second is insane only wanting blood and death. These rouges have been consumed by dark forces letting knowing only the small bloodthirsty part of a wolf that the rest of us ignore or only bring out in war. Run if you see any wolves with red eyes my dear Rapunzel but don't be nice or it just might be the last thing you do." Sadness spread across her face like butter on warm toast before dropping my hand and walking over to Sams bedside.

She lay her hands on his arm and her face went from sympathetic to focused in a matter of seconds. She began to get paler at a rapid pace and she began shaking. Its almost as if you could see the energy being drained out of my body. Sam sat up as Paige dropped to the floor and I could almost hear her heart rattle in her rib cage. If Sam wasn't my best friend who had just awoken from a 3-year long coma I would have punched him for whatever he did to my mate. I ran to my mate and pulled her limp body into my arms. I could still hear a heartbeat and she was warm so I mind linked every single pack doctor to be in my betas room in 5 seconds.

Paige Galena P.O.V

I woke up in a large room wrapped in grey silk sheets on a large bed that could comfortably fit 6 of me. I felt someone's warm muscular arms wrapped around me and my head was lying on a hard pillow. I later realized that hard pillow was a chest when it vibrated because of a deep voice saying "You gave me a real fright there Rapunzel." My curiosity spiked with his affectionate nickname. "Who is Rapunzel?" He looked shocked and then he laughed. I think he noticed my blank stare and my confused expression as he said: "You've never seen tangled?" I shook my head as he gasped overdramatically. His eyes glazed over and I could tell he was mind linking someone. A few minutes later there was a knock on the door and Draco shouted "Come in"

In walked Emma, Jackson, and Katie, 3 of the kids I hung out with the day the water was poisoned. Amazement was plastered on there faces as they looked around the pointlessly large room. I assumed they had never been in the Alphas room before as it was probably a privilege. Draco kissed my head before walking out of the door, passing the children with smug looks. The children visibly relaxed when he left the door and they happily joined me on the bed when I patted the spots next to me. "Where are Vannessa and James?" I asked as it seemed odd seeing the 5 kids split us. "They have a date day once a week. We made a deal that they can have one day to themselves so long as they don't make kissy faces at each other the rest of the week." laughed Jackson. Emma grabbed the remote and put on Tangled a movie. I found out I am not like Rapunzel at all. I heal with my energy, not my hair but sometimes I use my hair to heal as its easy to wrap around cuts and broken bones. My hair is nowhere near as long as hers and my hair doesn't glow or turn brunette when cut. I draw not paint and I can't sing to save my life. We do both have evil Mothers but my Aunt raised me. I was also never forced to stay in a tower but I still enjoyed the movie. I spent the rest of the day watching Disney movies and eating popcorn with 8-year-olds before collapsing on my bed at 7:30. Yeah, I feel like a toddler or a grandma.

Hey, so I published my last chapter in the middle of the week because of Labour day weekend. So I do not know if that means I was early or if I completely skipped that week. I have pre-written a few chapters so I shouldn't miss any Saturdays soon. I have also written the plan for the rest of the book and it's really dramatic. We finally met the Beta and we learned about his backstory but I will give him a P.O.V in a chapter coming up. We will also meet Brianna the pack slut in the upcoming chapters (she is seriously one of my favorite characters). She meets more pack members in upcoming chapters and we learn more about Draco's work. Sorry if this author's note is really long I had a lot to say. It is a long chapter this time. (1514 words)

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