Chapter 21- I will not marry you

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The picture above is Enzo's wolf. Its just so cute and I can just imagine it playing in a field with a little girl.

Priya Reed P.O.V

The Alpha King and Luna Queen were visiting so my parent had to help in the kitchen as they are Omegas. This means I am on babysitting duty looking after my one-year-old sister, Amoretta. We were playing in a meadow just a fifteen-minute walk from the pack house. I was making daisy chains in a field while Amoretta played with them. Three girls walked into the meadow each with a small toddler holding onto their hand. I walked closer to them holding Amoretta tightly in my arms. I automatically recognized one of the women as the Luna Queen so I went into a deep curtsy, bowing and exposing my neck in respect. 

My attention was pulled away from the Luna Queen when the boy holding her friend's hand started growling. Retta started trying to get out of my hands clearly trying to reach this growling child. He jumped forwards and shifted into a tiny wolf, shredding his clothing. Children aren't supposed to shift at this age. He started clawing at my legs and jumping up to reach Retta. I placed her on the ground next to the adorable little wolf and he started sniffing around her before jumping into her lap. She just giggled as he licked her face and jumped excitedly around her. "They must be mates and that must be what caused him to shift so young. Who are you?" asked a tall African American woman with a short pixie cut. "My name is Priya Reed and this is my younger sister Amoretta Reed. I am nine, she is one and my parents are Omegas. I have lived in Cork, Ireland my entire life," I stammered as the tall lady stared down at me. She picked up the wolf in one hand and my sister in the other before she started marching away.

I followed having to jog to keep up with her while I kept my eyes locked on my baby sister. We stormed into the pack house with all eyes on us and I followed them to the Alphas office. I paused when we reached the door afraid of going in as I am only a weak Omega but I was pulled in by the girl that was holding my sister and the Prince. I bowed my head the second I saw Alpha Chester and the Alpha King before once again dropping into a low curtsey. Not once did I remove my eyes from my baby sister for even a millisecond. "What is the meaning of this interruption Opal?" demanded the Alpha King. She replied "Well, this wolf right here is your son Enzo and the baby is his mate. He saw her and suddenly he shifted into a wolf. I say we take the girl back to London with us where she can be raised by the pack near her mate." I felt my heart drop and tears welled in the eyes at the thought of my sister being taken away from me. I started shaking, this caused my sister to start wailing making the wolf pup bark uncontrollably. I ran to my crying sister grabbing her in my arms and wrapping them tightly around her. A deep chuckle echoed through the room and Alpha Chester laughed "You foolish girl. You think you can separate Priya and Amoretta? Those two are closer than mates, Priya was her first word and for as long as I have known them it has been Riya and Retta. She would go to hell and back for her baby sister, heck she has gone to hell and back for her. You know she fought off two fully grown rouges for that baby."

The Alpha King and Luna Queen shared looks before the Luna Queen announced: "Well, we will just have to move the whole family to London." She picked up her little pup and talked to him for a few moments before passing him to the Alpha King. The Alpha King whispered to his son for a few moments before the pup turned into a very naked child. I pulled Retta's face into my chest while I looked away respectfully. A knock ran out through the room and my parents entered with shocked looks on there faces. Like me, my Mum curtsied while my Dad exposed his neck and bowed his head. The came sat on the last free couch in the room keeping their gazes away from the naked prince.

"These are their parents of Amoretta and Priya. This is Davis and Esme Reed, two of my favorite Omegas." he bellowed making my Mum blush like a teenager. "Hello, I am Draco Stildolph and this is my mate Paige Galena. We would like to move you and your entire family to London. You see our son is the mate of your daughter and them being separated would be detrimental to their mental and physical health. We will give you an elevated position in the pack and a large house next to our private house away from the pack house," he said.

Paige Galena P.O.V

The couple looked at each other clearly talking through the mind link. Esme smiled and politely said "Thank you for the offer. We will start packing and we should arrive in a few weeks. Now we have to have a family meeting so if we may be excused." Draco nodded and we watched the family leave the room. The kids clearly got their red hair and freckles from their father. While their facial features and small build came from their Mother. The eyes were another story as both of the parents had brown eyes but the girls eyes were a lovely turquoise. They just dragged you in and held you in place, captivated by their beauty. 

"When do kids normally shift Draco?" I asked wondering if our child was so unusual or not. "Well Rapunzel, when they turn two years old normally but shocking or traumatic events can awaken an inner wolf. Finding your mate would just push his wolf out of its shell so it could protect her. I doubt it would happen with normal kids but seeing as he is an Alpha his drive to protect is a lot stronger. Like why I am more possessive of you," he explained. I nodded before kissing Draco's head and carrying my naked son out of the Alpha's office so I could get some clothing on his bare bottom.

Brianna Tui P.O.V

I woke up with my face buried in a hard chest. I looked up and saw Sams cute little sleeping face. I began to run my fingers over the tattoos and scars that littered his bare chest. "Morning cherry, this really is the perfect way to wake up you know," he mumbled with his husky morning voice. I laughed and teasingly asked him "What are we Apple?" He rolled his eyes and replied, "Whatever you want us to be Cherry." A thought popped into my head and I retorted "I want us to be husband and wife. Let's get on a plane, haul ass to Vagas and get married by Elvis." He raised his eyebrows and smirked, "Very well then Cherry lets start packing." At this point, I didn't know if we were serious or not but the tickets and hotel were booked. "Wait!" Sam shouted and I spun to look at him "Do you have a mate because I will not marry you if you have a mate out there waiting for you." Standing up from the floor where I was packing, I made my way over to him. "My mate died two days after I had met him. I was twelve when a drunk driver hit him then drove off letting him die alone in the street," I admitted. Sam just walked over to me with a look of pity on his face. Before I knew it I was in his embrace all over again and shockingly I am really loving it.

Hey, so this was a dramatic chapter. Enzo found his mate and turned into the cutest, fluffiest wolf ever! Her sister is super protective and loving of Amoretta. I just find it adorable how close they are and how tight their relationship is. I know there has not been much Draco and Paige action in this chapter but Paige goes through something big next chapter. Draco then goes all possessive Alpha and completely loses his mind. Sam and Brianna decided to get married in a flash Vegas ceremony that will happen next chapter. They also have pet names for each other, cherry and apple. I do not know where it came from but hey I am going with the pet names. I never actually planned for a spontaneous Vegas wedding but it seems to be happening now. It just popped into my head so I'm giving a crazy Vegas wedding since it is very Brianna. We found out more about Brianna's past and how her mate died. This chapter is the first one in a while to reach over 1500 words so I am quite proud. (1545 words)

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