Chapter 19- He is a big boy

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The photo above is the set up of the picnic. There is more food and more kid-friendly food though. Just imagine 

Paige Galena P.O.V

My child has powers! Powers like this are not hereditary they were given to me. This hurts my child in too many ways. Powers as good as they seem, they can be a curse in many ways. They make you wanted by many, people like my Mum want to sell people like me and there are many people who are happy to but. I was lucky as my Aunt kept me locked up safe in a tower my entire childhood. Now I am even luckier and Draco's pack surrounds my new home keeping me protected. My powers are a secret though so I am safer than anyone could be. She won't be able to hide her powers though. I was able to as I barely ever left the house but she will have an entire continent wanting to keep their eyes on her. The powers can often make you crazy and emotional like what happened with Kitty. Powers also take so much out of you and they drain you of every once of energy you have.

I can feel my breathing getting heavy and more erratic. Draco rushes to my side and he worries "Rapunzel are you okay? Whats going on?" I start pacing back and forth across the kitchen while Draco continues to talk in the background. I have completely zoned him out at this point and I am busy freaking out about my daughter. He doesn't understand that this is a curse and a gift like being a vampire. As I turned on the heel of my boot and Draco must have moved as I turned right into his arms. He grabbed the sides of my arms tightly with our noses almost touching. "Paige! Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out, breathe in and breathe out. Better?" he asked and I nodded. "I am worried about Katrina. They will want her for her powers and we can't protect her when she is young. What happens when we have died and left her all alone to protect herself? Who will protect her then when we are gone?" I worried when Draco pulled me into a loving bear hug. "You know we can protect her until she has grown up. We will teach her how to hide her powers to anyone other than the pack members or people in need. When we pass she will have her siblings and the whole pack to help protect her." he comforted me but we were interrupted when Enzo coughed. Draco released me and said "I'm going to go have a shower and get changed out of my suit.

I thought nothing would be nicer on this sunny day than a picnic. So I began making a bacon and egg pie and some sandwiches. I put the kids to sleep and went outside to set up for the picnic. I placed blankets and pillows on the ground before climbing up the tree to hang sheets from a tree. I climbed the large oak tree with the sheets in my arms and I almost fell multiple times. I walked across the branch above my picnic arrangement laying a sheet down. I was about to lay another sheet down when I heard someone yell. I lost my balance, swinging my arms wildly in hopes of grabbing a branch but everyone I touched just touched the tips of my fingers. I felt myself begin to fall backward and I braced myself for the hard impact of the ground beneath me. The impact never came as I landed into the muscular arms of my Mate. "What is up with you darling?" I joked and he just shook his head at me. "One day I won't be here to catch you, you know," he whispered into my ear clearly worried about me. I just laughed it off and pulled his head closer to mine. "I have faith that you will." I giggled before kissing him softly.

Our kiss quickly turned from innocent and gentle to hot and passionate in seconds. I now had my legs around his waist and my hands in his hair. His hands cupped my butt while our tounges danced together. A large ringing caused us to separate while I pulled the alarm out of my back pocket. I jumped out of Draco's arms and announced: "The pie is ready.". "Fuck the pie!" Draco said while trying to pull me back into his arms. I just ran away from him while he wined and moaned. I pulled the pie out of the oven and it was perfect. It had a golden, brown crust and the smell of heaven wafting from it. I placed the last finishing touches on the food, got the children and went outside where Draco had finished off the picnic setup.

We had a lovely afternoon eating while Draco got to know the kids. It was full of laughs, fun and I was happy and content with returning home. Maybe Katrina would be okay with hiding her powers? Maybe she will be kept safe for her entire life? Maybe she will be just fine? Either way, the picnic was lovely despite Draco refusing to eat the pie. He kept saying "I am not going to eat your pie. It interrupted my make out time so I refuse to eat that monster of a pie.". I would just laugh at him and take another bite of my delicious slice of pie moaning at the taste. It would just melt in my mouth while Draco watched with pure envy. It was probably cruel to tease him like that but he is a big boy and he will get through it. 

He walked out of our closet with him pajama pants on and nothing else. I raised my eyebrows at him shirtless and he just shrugged "It's hot". He got into the bed and pulled me into him. He was now lying on his back while my legs wrapped around one of his legs, my head lay on his chest and my arms wrapped around his torso. "You know I missed you so much when you were gone. I missed you the most at night when I could not distract myself. I could busy myself during the day but at night when everything was silent I just had to accept that you were gone. I missed your presence in my life, the world was just too quiet with you gone." he wined and I replied, "Really that's a shame because I was thinking we could do long distance." An inhumane growl ripped from his mouth and he snarled "Mate not leaving. Mate staying with me. Mate staying right here. Pups staying right here. No more leaving for pups and mate." He then pulled me closer to him so that I was on top of him. I knew that his wolf had come out and that this is Lyall, not Draco. I kissed him lightly on the lips and said "I am sorry Lyall I was only joking. I will stay here with you and Draco for many, many years to come. Can I see your wolf form? I haven't seen it but I really want to." He smiled so wide, clearly overjoyed at the fact that I want to see him in wolf form.

He jumped off the bed and started shaking. It only took seconds for him to shift from a human to a wolf. His clothes laying in tatters on the floor while the wolf jumped onto the bed. His wolf was a dark brown like Draco's hair. He had the same scar as Draco did running across his wolfs face. He walked towards me and he was huge, if he stood on his hind legs he would be as tall as Draco or maybe taller. He lay down with his wolf head resting on my thigh. I tried to move his head but he just whined and I reasoned "I just want to move you so I can lay down and sleep." He complied and moved so that I was spooning his fluffy wolf body. I fell asleep quickly with his warm wolf body pressed against mine.

Hey, so they had a cute picnic and she saw his wolf. This is my 20th part of this story and honestly, that is the most committed I have ever been to anything. So I am really proud that I made it this far into this story. So I have said this a few times but the Luna tour will begin soon. I just wrote a bit of fluff before it actually happens. Do you guys like fluff chapters or do you want more action? I do not know whats better so please comment and tell me. Anyway, I finally wrote another semi-long chapter since my last few have been around 1300 words. Hope you enjoyed. Sorry about this whole chapter and authors note I am in a weird mood so sorry. (1525 words)

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