Chapter 5- Stupidly long hair

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The wolf Paige drew when she was in Draco's office.

Paige Galena P.O.V 

I took a breath in after my long speech about plants to Alpha Draco. I looked at him and he didn't seem to be taking in a word I said. "Tell me something about yourself Alpha Draco." I asked and he was pulled out of his gaze and quickly answered "Call me Draco! You are my mate, my equal, my life and you must call me Draco." I was surprised at how he suddenly changed moods but instead of thinking before I just said: "That was something about us not something about you." He shook his head, "My name is Draco Stidolph. I was called Draco because it means dragon in Latin and my Mother wanted me to be strong, powerful and fierce, so she named me Draco. Stidolph, my last name is an old English name meaning strong wolf." he said. I was shocked that even something as simple as his name has such a deep important meaning. 

"Did your Mother give all of you and your sibling's meaningful names?" I asked. "She gave us meaningful names because she didn't raise us. I think she took so long naming her kids so that when she gave us away to our current guardians we still had something she gave to us. It was her way of raising us. She would give us a name that meant what she wanted us to become so she wanted me to be strong, powerful and fierce." he admitted. I suppose he was bitter about the fact that his mother had not raised him and that he had been pushed into the hands of someone who wasn't his mother. "If you call Maya, Mum and she is my new guardian. Won't that make us brother and sister." I teased. He growled and pulled me onto his lap, burying his face into the crook of my neck. He mumbled, "Don't even joke about that or I might have to show you some brotherly love." His voice was deep and angry, his wolf was getting angry at the thought of us sharing the same blood or getting aroused at the thought of us doing what he implied. I felt my cheeks blushing and I hid my face in his chest. He laughed at me making his chest move causing me to move with it. "Looks like someones a blusher." he chuckled and I blushed more if that's possible.

"Would you like to come do something in my office while I work" He queried. He seemed embarrassed at the question and now he was the one with the blushing face. I giggled at his pink cheeks and replied "I'll draw while you work. Happy?" He nodded and I jumped off his lap before running to get my drawing supplies. I grabbed my pencil and paper before realizing I have no clue where his office is. A walked out of my room and saw a very tall, muscly woman with a blank look on her face. "Follow me." she ordered and we began walking up many flights of stairs until we came to a large door. She opened it for me, bowing her head in submission and I walked into the room. I was a large office with a desk in the middle, two of the walls were covered in bookshelves, I lay down on one of the many seats and couches in the room as I started drawing.

Draco Stidolph P.O.V

I have had some amazing ideas in my time and some awful ones but letting Paige draw in my room is a combination of amazing and awful. It is amazing because she's here but it is awful because she is very distracting. She isn't even doing anything distracting, shes just lying there singing a song quietly while flicking her pencil across the piece of paper. I pulled my eyes away from my mate and I began to focus on our packs latest investment. I heard a sequel from across the room and I saw a flash from the corner of my eye. Suddenly Paige fell onto my lap waving a piece of paper in my face. I snatched the paper from her flailing limbs and I gasped. On it was a stunning drawing of a wolf that seemed to become a plant. "I'm gonna go, but I'll see you at dinner." she beamed then jumped off my lap for the second time today before running out of the room. I stopped my work just acknowledging what that girl does to me.

Opal Graham P.O.V

Me and many of the other pack members were gathered around the pool inside the pack gym. Some of our packs idiotic daredevils decided to pour 30 bags ice in our pool and break the pools heating system so now our pool was absolutely freezing. We were all standing around in our bathing suits while we complained about our broken pool. A human girl walked in wearing a modest floral bathing suit with stupidly long hair. Her blonde hair went past her knees which is pointless and unpractical. The strange human was clearly stunning as every unmated straight male and every unmated lesbian female was staring at her like she was a piece of meat. She walked over to the pool not even blinking an eye at the ice floating around the pool. Before we could say anything she dove straight into the pool. She began swimming freestyle back and forth and back and forth. I think we spent 30 minutes just staring at this girl glide through the water, the ice chunks flowing over her skin. 

Eventually, we all just went into the adjoining pack gym and worked out in there. After 2 hours and our workouts were over we decided we should probably mind link the Alpha to do something about this girl. She could get hypothermia and die in fact she should have hypothermia but she's fine after 6 hours in freezing water. I mind linked the alpha saying "there's a human girl here who has been swimming in a pool of ice for the last 2 and a half hours, can you come help?" He quickly replied, "I'll be there in a minute or two." That was one of the best things about our Alpha, he was always there for the pack no matter what.  When I was a kid I was orphaned and he let me live with him in his pack house until I was 18 when he sent me to University on a pack scholarship. Alpha Draco may be cruel to the rest of the world but to our pack he is kind, honest, fair and protective. 

Alpha Draco walked into the Gym before storming to the side of the pool. When she finished her lap she was about to do a tumble turn but before she could he reached in and pulled her into his arms. He cradled her protectively before asking "What the hell do you think you were doing Rapunzel?" She just calmly replied, "I was swimming and my name is not Rapunzel." I walked forwards and I felt her head. She was warm! That girl had been swimming in ice and she wasn't even a little cold. Most werewolves couldn't do that for a few minutes yet a human girl can do it for a few hours. Alpha Draco said "Why would you swim in ice water?" she raised her eyebrows "Why would you have ice in your pool?" she retorted. You've got to admit the girl has a point. She wriggled out of his arms and skipped out of the gym with a stupid level of innocence.

Hey, so I didn't upload for the rest of the holidays unlike what I planned but nobody reads this anyway so nobody was disappointed. We met Opal who is kind of like a sister to Alpha Draco. We found out that Paige is basically indestructible. (1335 words) 

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