Chapter 13- A deep deep sleep

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The picture above is the dining room they were eating in when they had brunch. It is a private dining room for the Alpha.

Paige Galena P.O.V

Sitting down in front of my mother made me feel judged and scared. Her eyes on me weighed down on me like large rocks balancing on my shoulders. "So this is who you associate yourself with nowadays. A runaway widow, the slutty whore that you invited to this family brunch and an Alpha who you managed to crawl your way into bed with. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if you had slept with the Beta as well. Your a whore and I shouldn't have let your stupid Aunt run away with you. I should have sold you the second the moon goddess kissed your disgusting skin. Now you've got a sugar daddy who can give us the money anyway. My sister in law Lucy spoilt you rotten and she made you awful and annoying. So what have you got to say for yourself you annoying brat?" Mother screamed.

I sat lower in my chair as I tried to stop tears from filling my eyes. Draco was trying to compose himself while Brianna, on the other hand, had gotten out of her seat and was storming across the room where my Mother was sitting. She punched her in the nose and dragged her out of the room by her hair. She pulled an Alpha kicking and screaming through our pack house. We followed her to the front yard where Brianna shouted "Leave my Le Sala alone. You are a good Alpha so I'm not going to have Draco rid you of your title. You are going to leave and never return. You are going to let your mate visit Paige whenever she wants. NOW LEAVE! And don't even let me see your face ever again." My mother was about to run off but before she did I tit punched her. She then ran away clutching her boob.

Brianna jumped up before pulling me into a tight hug. "OMG Le Sala I am so proud of you. You tit punched that bitch! I will never ever love you more than I do in this moment." she declared while holding my shoulders as tears of happiness ran down her face. My Dad walked out of the pack house and he embraced me. "I'm sorry that your mother is cruel to you but I can't leave her. She is my mate and I love her but if you ever need me call and I will come, alone. Please keep in touch and I apologize on her behalf." he sighed before following my mother. Draco wrapped his arms around me and growled "I'm sorry for not defending you Rapunzel but I had to control my wolf. I figured you would be madder at me for killing your Mum and since you'll be less for not defending you so I didn't. If it had been anyone else I would have slit their throat but I can't kill your Mother." I laughed and kissed him softly. He doesn't need to protect me! He may not no this but I am very capable of looking after myself.

He lifted me up and carried me to his office where he handed me a large, stuffed envelope. He placed me down on the couch in his room and I asked: "Whats in here?" He sat down across from me and said "It is a profile of every able-bodied person in the pack. I want you to pick three to be your guards." I shook my head and crossed my arms. "Draco honey I am very capable of looking after myself. You need to stop treating me like I am delicate china. I will have Brianna and Opal if I have to have guards but I am physically incapable of getting hurt. You need to stop being a crazy possessive Alpha."

"I am not possessive!" he shouted as he stood up angerly. I just rolled my eyes at him before looking up at the ceiling in anger. He stormed over to me and began to bellow "You think I'm possessive? Well, my youngest brother once had a group of 100 guards put on his mate. He refuses to let her sit on chairs as he is afraid that the seat might be poisoned so she can only sit on his lap. He has a maid try on the clothes she is going to wear that day in case they had been poisoned. She has 3 food tasters as he is petrified of her being hurt. I am not possessive!" I once again rolled my eyes before stalking off to Brianna's room where I would be spending the night since Draco was being overdramatic. He growled as I walked out of his office but he thankfully didn't try to stop me.

I spent the night in Brianna's room talking, eating and watching her movies on Netflicks. We fell asleep on her bed halfway through "How To Be Single" and I was really enjoying it. This wasen't only because I was mad at Draco but it certainly helped my enjoyment of it. I saw my Mother screaming profanities at me and punching me while Dad, Brianna, Maya, and Draco were standing behind her cheering. I woke up sweating and with my cheeks wet from the salty tears that had been brought on by my nightmare. I saw Brianna sleeping peacefully and I didn't want to wake her so I grabbed a robe so I would have to face the cold air outside in Brianna's skimpy pajamas. I walked out onto one of the many balconies in the packhouse and I lay down on the cold, hard, wood. I looked up at the stars to see the constellations that my Aunt had taught me growing up. I was reminded of one of the things she told me. She used to say "My darling Paige, sometimes you have to forgive people simply because you want them in your life". I now know that she was talking about my parents when she said this but I can still apply it to Draco.

I walked up to Draco's bedroom and I smiled when I saw him asleep. He always looks more peaceful when he is asleep. All the worry lines on his face smoothen out and he looks at peace. This really must be love if I love spending time with him even when he is asleep. I made my way to the large bed while watching him closely to see if he stirred. I removed Brianna's robe before hopping into the bed next to him. He began to wake up as I lay next to him and he murmured in a deep tone "I might let you borrow Brianna's fashion advice more often when it comes to sleepwear." Of course, he liked Brianna's short high waisted shorts and her low cut crop top. I was basically wearing a modest bikini which he would love so long as I was only around him. I kissed his forehead before using his chest as a pillow while letting the rest of my body naturally wrap around his. Within 10 minutes he and I were in a deep deep sleep.

Hey, I am sorry that the begging and middle of this chapter are genuinely terrible. I have been having a serious case of writer's block so it wasn't very good. I hope you enjoyed the chapter despite this. I hope I can recover from this soon so my writing gets to its usual standard. We will soon meet Draco's brother and his mate that was talked about in this chapter. I am sorry this chapter is rather short but once again writer's block was hitting me hard. (1302 words.)

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