Chapter 8- Empty bottles and dried tears

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The picture above is the flowers her gets her.

Draco Stildolph P.O.V

I was officially broken. My mate broke me. I went to sleep listening to her cry and listening to the alcohol flow down my throat. I woke up in a pile of empty bottles and dried tears. Everything was grey, black and white. It was like all the color had been drained from my life when she left it. I made her cry and I made her angry, I made her feel pain and I just got up and pretended like I was fine. I showered turning the water as hot as it would go in hopes of feeling something. If I could feel the burning of the water then it was almost like I could feel happy without her. I didn't feel the burning.

It had been a couple weeks since our fight and it was hard, to say the least. I got into a routine of waking up, showering, eating, working, eating, working, eating, working out and then falling asleep surrounded by bottles. I was surviving for the pack and for Paige. Paige, my beautiful Paige. The colors returned when I saw her blasting we with happiness and hope before I would catch a look at her sad face. She was my glimmer of hope at the end of the tunnel. I don't know how long I can last like this without Paige. I just know that if I ever get her back I won't ever yell at her, tell her what to do or who to be friends with. I will hold her tight, kiss her soft lips and cherish every second with her. 

Paige Galena P.O.V

He was doing badly even a blind man could see that. I felt so guilty but he did bring this upon himself in a way. I knew I had to talk to him but how was the question. I decided to go to Brianna the girl who had been my therapist, clutch and the person who had been distracting me from my fight with the man who was made for me. I walked into her room before collapsing next to her on her bed. "Can you help me make up with my mate?" I asked she rolled her eyes and replied "You don't have to do anything just say I forgive you Le Sala and he will come crawling back to you." and he will run right into your arms like the lonely puppy he is." I laughed at how she compared an Alpha werewolf to a puppy. "He will be having lunch in his office right now. So go to you mate and fix him because you have truly broken his poor puppy heart," she told me. I got off her bed and I walked up to his office in the pack house where he should be having lunch.

I opened the door, his head shot up and his eyes viably brightened when he saw me. I walked over to him and I sat on his lap. My arms wrapped around his neck and he buried his face in the crook of my neck. "I forgive you and I am sorry for the pain I caused you but please never try to control me." I breathed into his ear. "I should have never told you what to do. We are mates, equals and telling you what to do was wrong. Brianna is clearly kind to you and she clearly hasn't ruined your innocence. I'm sorry for telling you what to do I was just jealous that you had created such a bond with someone. I was worried she might change you into something I really don't want you to become. I'm sorry." he apologized and my heart genuinely melted at his apology. I placed my hands on either side of my face before lifting his face upwards from where he had bowed his head in shame. 

I don't know what came over me but I gently brought his face to mine and I kissed him. When his surprisingly soft lips touched mine it was like his soul had just whispered "welcome home". I think today was the day I lost ownership of my heart. I know I was told to expect fireworks but this was a huge nuclear bomb for lack of a better word. I pulled away and wrapped my arms around him again. He held me close to him almost as if I would disappear if he loosened his hold on me. I don't know how long I was held in his arms but I loved every second of it. At some point in this sweet embrace, I fell asleep as I awoke on an extremely comfortable couch in Draco's office.

He was no longer at his desk and there was a note on a table near me saying "Dear Rapunzel, I had to go back to Stildoph Industries. I'll be back at 6:00 and I'll take you out to dinner. Love Draco" I smiled loving at his sweetness before checking the time. It was 5:48 so I went to my room, brushed my hair and I put on a dress. Draco knocked on my door then walked into my room in a plain black suit. I raised my eyebrows and blurted "I could have been naked."He laughed and pulled out a stunning bouquet of flowers. I quickly placed them in a glass vase before taking the arm he offered me. He lead me out of the pack house and into his fancy black Lamborghini. 

As we drove we talked about my childhood "I grew up very happy and focused. Since I lived in a small town I was homeschooled. I started school online at age 3 meaning I completed high school at 14 because I didn't have holidays so I did as much school as I wanted, whenever I wanted. After finishing high school I did university online at Oxford which they allowed considering my special circumstances. I have a degree in Botany and an honorary degree in Medicine. Since I would study in the room while she would see patients I learned a lot. I also had to help her with surgery and acting as her nurse because she was the only doctor in town. So they just gave me an honorary degree in medicine thanks to my experience." The car came to an abrupt stop causing me to fly forward before I saw pulled back by my seat belt. "So you are telling me that you have a degree in medicine and botany and your only 17?" Draco marveled. I nodded and the continued to move as we sat in a comfortable silence. 

I asked, "What was your childhood like?" He had a mixture of disdain and happiness on his face as he thought about his childhood. Draco said "I always felt unloved since my parents literally handed me over to a stranger when I was a baby. Maya loved me like your Aunt probably loved you, a cross between a mother and a friend. Every single one of the packs elders had a different view on how I should be raised. They would fight and try to manipulate me and bribe me in hopes that I would be on there side when I became Alpha. Luckily Maya went into protective mother mode and she told every elder that if they ever tried to manipulate my young mind again she would have them kicked out of the pack or sent to the Alpha Queen. Being kicked out of the pack is bad but the second she mentioned my birth mother they cowered in fear. When she chose Maya to look after me she gave her a tiny bit of her Alpha abilities meaning she has more power than anyone other than the royal family. Even though she doesn't use it much she still has it. It makes everyone in our pack fall to there knees. So when she used her voice and threatened them with the Alpha Queen they stopped and they never tried to bribe me again."  He stopped talking as we pulled into a long driveway.

Hey, this chapter is super boring and kinda pointless but I promise it gets better soon. We learnt a little bit about there pasts and how they grew up. They made up in this chapter which is good cause Draco was clearly falling apart without Paige. (1404 words)

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