Chapter 7- Shirtless and angry

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The picture above is what Brianna looks like.

Brianna Tui P.O.V

Waking up this morning was hard, to say the least. I had come home late last night after doing some adult activities with a handsome human man. I showered the events of last night off me before getting dressed in my usual slutty clothing. I made my way to the kitchens with my makeup done boldly and my hair has that "I just made out with someone" look that I loved so much. I felt the eyes of unmated wolves clinging to me as I walked past them. I walked into the kitchen and winked at the people sitting at the dining room table. As I was getting water I felt a weak human hand swipe across my face. The culprit was none other than Kitty (her real name is Tiffany Smith) the most basic human to ever set foot in the pack house. Her mate was Chad Jackson a player who I had a one-night thing with a month before she moved in. He was sitting at the table of people that I winked at driving Kitty, Kat insane.

I quickly rebutted "Slapping me won't erase me and your mate's history, Kitty." Her face got very red very fast and she squealed "Don't wink at my mate you BITCH! Cats were worshipped you know." She tried to scratch me but I caught her hand and twisted it making her screech. I then shouted in her face "The Egyptians also worshipped the dung beetle so what does that say about you, Kitty. Me worship you, never. I am a wolf, a warrior. I am a female werewolf the rarest and most fierce creatures to walk the face of the planet and you want me to get down on my knees and worship you. The leopard and the lion may be more powerful but the wolf does not dance in the circus. So yeah I am a bitch and I am bloody proud of it. So Pussy shut your go sit on your Daddy's lap and put that big mouth of yours to good use to suck a pedophile having a midlife crisis. If your good he might just pay you enough for you to get the nose job you've always wanted." With that, I grabbed a banana and walked out of the room.

 I must have been focused on how much I hate Kitty as I walked straight into a girl eating a banana. "Eek!" she squeaks tumbling backward and slipping on her stupidly long hair. I catch her arm and pull her up. She was wearing a floaty white nightgown and looked like an innocent little lamb, someone who I would never be friends with. "Sorry," she says with a small smile on her face. Hm, this is weird, people aren't usually that nice to me. Then I realized that she's not actually part of this pack and is a human. I wrinkle up my nose at her, as I'm just about to say something witty and snarky she says "Oh no your banana!" I crack up at that and I'm doubled over while the laughter hurt my sides "Here have mine" she states shoving it into my hands, I take it from her cautiously. Who is even this nice? "I'm Paige," she tells me holding out her slender freckled hand, I shake it my darker hand contrasting against hers "I'm Brianna" I respond, her long hair is slightly tangled from our little scuffle. "Can I brush your hair?" I ask her, I know a lot of people don't like their hair being touched but I really wanna touch her silky golden locks "Sure," she says with smile on her face "I love it when people play with my hair" 

We walk back to the pack house just chatting while human females and males are throwing dirty looks to which I toss some back. They can't disrespect me, they act like I'm lower than them but actually I'm fifty times better and I fucked your mate. I took her into my room and she sat on my bed. I grabbed a hairbrush and let my brush softly comb the knots out of her halo of golden silk. My hands massaged her scalp as I did my work. Allowing my bitchiness fade for this innocent young girl letting my motherly wolf instincts kick in. I finished and she turned around smiling. "Will you be my friend because the only people I've hung out with are my mate and 5 8-year-old children." She said. I laughed at her honest confession and nodded yes to her strange request.

Sam Evans P.O.V

I had fully recovered and I was back to working with the Alpha. Suddenly I heard something through the mind link. "Alpha Draco, Beta Sam, Where is Luna Paige? I want to bring her some lunch but I can't find her anywhere," said one of the pack chefs. The Alpha visible tensed and he mind linked the whole pack saying "Is anyone with Luna Paige?" A few minutes of silence weren't helping Draco's mental state. He was pacing back and forth with a thin layer of sweat covering what I could see of his body. I then noticed that only one person had blocked the mind link. I wasn't really surprised that it was Brianna but Draco should know. "Brianna has blocked her mind link. She could be with Luna Paige." I offered. That finally pushed Draco's wolf over the edge as he shifted right then and there. I being his Beta quickly followed his lead and I shifted into my dark brown wolf. We ran the short distance from the Headquarters of the Europe branch of Stildolph Industries to our pack house. Our wolves ran through the pack house straight to Brianna's room.

Paige Galena P.O.V

I was lying on a bed in Brianna's room when the door slammed open and 2 giant wolves ran into her room. They growled at me looking anger so I through a pillow at them and him under Brianna's duvet. I heard Brianna shout "Alpha! Beta! Are you insane? You can't just barge in here as 2 huge growling wolves. I could have been nacked! You clearly scared the shit out of Paige! And don't you dare change back into a human because 2 angry wolves will scare Paige a lot less than 2 naked men. So go shift in your rooms and come back with clothes on and a better attitude. 

I heard the door close and I emerged from under the covers. I mumbled, "Thank you, Brianna, for saving me from naked men and angry wolves." Her sweet laughter filled the air as she said: "You are very welcome Le Sala.". Draco and Sam walked in shirtless and angry and I felt Brianna's soft hands cover my eyes. My eyes welcome the break from staring at the golden 8 packs that were worn like a trophy. Draco obviously didn't like this sweet gesture. "Don't stop her from staring at what is hers," he growled at Brianna. "So you want her to be looking at Beta Sam's naked chest?" she retorted. Draco huffed before dragging me gently by my hand while Brianna was still attached to me.

Before I could register what had happened I was in Draco's room, he had a white cotton t-shirt on and Brianna was sitting next to me on a couch while Draco was pacing in front of us. "Rapunzel out of all the girls in my pack to become friends with why did you have to pick the pack slut. I forbid you from hanging out with her or her indecent morals might just rub off on you. The Luna should not be seen fraternizing with scum couldn't  you have become friends with someone nice and sweet." I was mad at him to say the very least and for one of the first times in my life, I shouted. "Draco how could you be so cruel. I thought you were better than that. She is in your pack how can you be so harsh. You can't stop me from being friends with her and you can't tell me what to do. The only person who can is my Aunt who is currently lying in a grave. Brianna is not scum, she is kind, sweet, caring and fun. I am definitely not a Luna yet and if I do ever become one I shall be a Luna who will include everyone in the pack." 

With that, I burst out crying and Brianna helped my sobbing body to my room. I let my held up emotion come out down my cheeks almost soaking me. I was sad, angry and overwhelmed by my new life. I longed to be back home in my tower with my Aunt holding as I slept but Brianna was the next best thing. I sat there crying into her shoulder into the sun went down and I fell asleep. 

Hey, so that was a dramatic chapter. Thanks @ TaylorRambo for the paragraph you helped me on for this chapter. (Go read her books she publishes way more regularly than I do.) Brianna is Samoan or part Samoan in case you were curious about her last name and look. Le sala means innocent in Samoan a language Brianna is fluent in. I have a few chapters ready to be published and the second book in this series has been planned out. This chapter is really long for me but I think it is mainly because of the long rants in this chapter of people just screaming. (1613 words)

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