Epilogue- Enzo Theodore Stildolph

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The picture above is Amoretta's bedroom.

Enzo Stildolph P.O.V

It had been years since I had found Amoretta or as I call her Amore. I remember the day as if it was yesterday when I saw her in that meadow. Now we were 15 and in love. Nothing matters to her in life more than me which is why I ran to her house at 2:00 this morning. Her sister Priya called me telling me that she was screaming and crying in her sleep. I walked into her room and my heart broke, I wasted no time in getting to her bedside to help her. I caught her flailing arms and shook her awake. Her eyes opened in fright and when she saw me she jumped away from me. It must have been the shock so I crawled onto her bed and wrapped my arms around her shaking body. She flinched when I touched her and when I hugged her she wriggled out of my arms.

"Get away from me," she shouted and I felt my heart shatter. Amore had never wanted to be away from me before. I would have walked away then and there until she started crying into her arms. "I can't help you if you don't tell me whats wrong." I reasoned while I slowly walked closer and closer. She looked up at me before bursting into tears all over again. "I saw her die all over again. I killed your mother and yet you still love me. How can you still love me?" she sobbed and I was horrified that she would think these things. "Tiffany Smith killed my Mother. She was captured and tortured to death. She got what she deserved. You played no part in it and you did nothing wrong." I said and walked over to where she sat. I lifted her into my lap and held her small shaking body close to mine.

She snapped "Don't lie to me Enzo. A bullet was flying towards me and she jumped in front of it. If I wasn't there she would still be here today. Even if it wasn't my fault, which it was, I still played a part in it. It should have been my bleeding to death that day not Luna Paige. I want to go to the council to be tried for the murder of Luna Paige Galena" I tightened my grip on her, furious that she would say such horrible things about herself. "That is ridiculous. Stop being silly. She died to save you and she would not want her life to go to waste for something as pathetic as this. If you spend time in jail, you are just wasting the life she died to save." I argued, knowing that would shut down all of this before laying us down and holding her tightly, pressed against my body. I rubbed my hand up and down her arm until she fell asleep.

Hey, so that was Amoretta and Enzo's story or part of it. There is more but I highly doubt that I will write a book about it. Amoretta continued to blame herself for the death of her Mother in law for a long time. Soon after her oldest daughter found her mate she got over it as she realized she would sacrifice herself for any of her in-laws. She became an amazing Luna and Mother, running her pack like she ran her home. Her sister always protected her fiercely and always remained her best friend. The childhood sweethearts married at age 17 and they had their first child at age 20. They had five kids who they loved more than anything else, even each other. Enzo and his sister Henrietta rebonded and became close at one point in time. I am sorry for the short epilogue but oh well. The next one will probably be even shorter. (652 words)

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