Chapter 24- Stick up his ass

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The picture above is what the moon goddess's eyes look like.

Draco Stildolph P.O.V

My wolf had gone. He was mourning the loss of his pup and he had gone to the depths of my mind. I could no longer feel him but despite that, I still knew he was here. I kissed Paige on the head before getting out of bed and pulling the kids out of her arms to place them in the cribs. I was over the moon as we are finally going home after so long of traveling around the packs. The kids will turn one in two months and I want to be home for that. I went to Sam's room to tell him to get pack so you can imagine my shock when the place was empty. It was rid of any evidence that a person had stayed here full stop. I mindlinked Sam asking "Where the hell are you mate?" It was blank, nothing like a void of space that goes on as far as the eye can see. This could mean one of two things, that he is so far away from me that the mindlink can't reach him or he is dead. 

I looked around his room trying to find something and when I looked at his bedside table again I saw a note. It read ...

To whoever is reading this please pass this message on to Draco Stildolph, Alpha King of the Europe Pack. Alpha Draco I left this message to tell you that Brianna Tui and I have left for Las Vegas, Nevada, America. We will then head to a different location where we will spend a number of days at that undetermined location. We will then return home to continue with our ordinary lives.  Alpha Draco I am sorry that I can not disclose more information to you at the moment but all will be told when we return from our travels. Sincerely Sam Evens, Beta of the Europe Pack.

Hey Draco,                                                                                                                                                                              It is Brianna here sorry Sam sounds like he has a stick up his ass but it is just he is so formal. We have gone. Deal with it mate. We will be back when I feel like it because I deserve whatever beach I am dragging Sam off to. I stole your Beta so once again deal with it. I would love to tell you all about our lovely vacation and our reason for running off but that would ruin the suspense. I also won't tell you because I have a thing for keeping people on their toes. Anyway gotta dash, bye.                                                                                                                                                                     -XOXO Brianna                                                                                                                                                                   P.S Please tell Le Sala that I said hey.

Well, only Brianna would make Sam run away from everything that he knows. I folded up the note before shoving it in my pocket. I headed back to the room me Paige and the triplets were staying. She was still asleep so I start packing up our belongings so she wouldn't have to do too much today, I wanted her to feel like she does not have to do anything arduous. I was hesitant to wake her as she always looked so peaceful with a soft smile on her face. Every so often she would let out a little sneeze then she would turn over and reach out for something. "Paige" I murmured to my wonderful mate who was still sleeping soundly "Rapunzel," I said a little louder while softly shaking her shoulder. She blinked blearily and sat up, "Get ready Rapunzel, remember we're going home today," I whispered softly. She smiled sleepily a little then headed for to the bathroom and I started getting the triplets ready. 

"Thank you for coming," says the Alpha baring his neck to us, I nod my head in return. Wrapping an arm around Repunzel's waist and leading her to our plane. As we sat there playing with the kids I took out the letter and handed it to Paige. She looked at me in confusion and I explained: "I found it in an empty room that Sam was staying in." She opened it and started reading it before asking "They have been friends with benefits for a while according to Opal but they wouldn't just run away together, would they? They wouldn't do anything too crazy right? I am sure it is just a fun vacation between friends with benefits," she assured herself. I pulled her into a side hug before laying a kiss on her cheek and comforting "Don't worry. Brianna is a big girl and she can look after herself." She nodded before snuggling into my chest and going to sleep.

Paige Galena P.O.V

I woke up just as we pulled in to the long driveway of the pack house. I saw my children soundly asleep in the back seats causing my heart rate to lower considerably. I woke up the kids and they ran off to play with some of the other children. Draco pressed his hand on the small of my back and lead me into a huge hall filled with pack members. We made our way to a large stage at the front of the room. Draco made his way to the podium after giving me a kiss on the head. The pack members awwed at the affection between their Alpha and Luna while I sat in one of the chairs with various members of the council around me. I believe Draco mind linked some of the pack members as the brought the kids in and sat them down on three chairs next to me. "Pack members we are home and we have finally finished the Luna tour" Draco announced and the crowd let out a cheer. "I would like you to meet my three children, Henrietta Piper Stildolph, Enzo Theodore Stildolph, and Katrina Safiyyah Stildolph. I am proud to report Enzo has already met his mate and had his first shift. His mate and her family will be moving to the pack soon and I expect them to be welcomed with." he paused when the doors were slammed open. 

A women with long black hair, a dark grey dress and pale skin walked into the room. At once every person in the room knelled down, even Draco.  She oozed power and confidence as the people she walk down the isle of people. I got a better look at her as she got closer and I notice a few things. Her hair was so black it looked like a midnight blue and it looked like it was floating as she moved. Her dress was simple with grey fabric that had thick straps that lead into a full length skirt. That seemed to float as well and it was as almost gravity didn't effect her hair or her dress. I noticed that her skin wasn't pale as I originally thought but a very light grey. Her eyes are what really captivated thought as instead of having a iris and a pupil there was a moon. 

She walked slowly to the steps and she made her way up to the stage where she kissed me on the head. She went to the podium and spoke softly with a melodic tone. "Please my children rise. I came her down from my home in the heavens to thank your Luna Paige Galena. She put herself in physical and emotional pain to cure my children. You see many years ago a mortal man had a wife. Him and his wife had a love that they thought was unbreakable. A Alpha was went through a small village one day to visit her cousin and she met her mate, the mortal man. They feel in love and within the month he had left his wife, become Luno and gotten the Alpha pregnant. The man had never wanted children before and had made his wife get abortions to rid the world of his children. When she found out this enraged the wife and being the smart scientist she was she created a disease. This prevented all werewolves from having daughters effectively killing off the race. We wolves still survived but very few females have been born. The day I blessed Paige I did not know she would end up curing a entire content of it but I thank the moon she did. Thank you child, now I must return to the heavens as my Filii Stella are waiting for me." With that she twirled around and was gone in a spin of her dress.

The dress below is what the moon goddess was wearing.

Hey, so I am pretty sure this chapter is horrible but who cares

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Hey, so I am pretty sure this chapter is horrible but who cares. Do you think it sucks? So we met the moon goddess and they found out that Sam and Brianna had run off. They are back at home and next chapter the newlyweds will be coming back as well. Soon Amoretta and her family will be coming to London. What did you think of the moon goddess, cause I want to know your opinions. I recon in 3-4 chapters the book will be over and I am so excited. For someone who has commitment issues I am very surprised that I have almost written a whole book. This chapter has been quite long to be completely honest. (1555 words)

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