Chapter 14- Shriveling and dying

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The picture above is Alpha Maximus's house. Just picture it bigger and wider with a staircase at the bottom of it.

Paige Galena P.O.V

I woke up to Draco shaking me and I looked outside and it was completely dark outside. "What time is it? Why are you waking me up this early?" I asked sleepily. "Well Rapunzel it is 2:55 and we are going on a trip. You see my brother called me and told me that his mate is about to die of cancer. I said my mate can cure anything so we have to go to save a Luna." He picked me up and carried me down through the pack house to his car. We got in and he sped down the road like a madman. "You know, this would be a lot more romantic if we were going to a private island instead of a hospital," I mumbled and this caused his deep laugh to fill the car. I glared at him and he just smiled widely at me. We drove straight onto the tarmac and his private plane was ready to take off. As we walked onto the private plane I was amazed. The interior was leather and wood with huge comfy seats. There is a bar, a lounge and a huge master bedroom with an ensuite. I spent about two minutes looking around the plane until I fell asleep in Draco's arms.

I woke up to the sound of a helicopter and I quickly realized we were in one. Draco noticed me wake up and he put a headset on me. "When my brother had to pick a place to have his pack house he chose in the middle of nowhere. Maine was the most forest covered state in America and it has large mountains with picturesque rivers that made it perfect for wolves. This meant is pack is very protected and isolated causing it to be reachable only by helicopter and by foot." he explained through the headset. I looked out the window and he was absolutely right. It was stunning and I couldn't take my eyes off it. I was a part of the world that was untouched by humans and there was only the beauty of nature. The ground was unseeable and you could only see a carpet of green that coated the hills.

After about 30 minutes I saw houses that were built into the trees. There were hundreds of them all surrounding a large clearing. We started making our way to it and we landed in the very middle of it. Five large, intimidating werewolves greeted us and we were rushed to a huge tree house that looked to be at least four stories high. I was amazed at how large and beautiful it was, I could only imagine the time, labor and craftsmanship that would be put into a lovely building like that. We were lead up a large staircase into the house and all the way up to a room that I had to assume was the turret. It had round walls and at a certain point, they turned into a cone shape, meeting in a point at the top. A girl was lying in a wooden bed at the center of the room with knitted blankets covering her frail body. Her cheeks were hollow, dark rings covered her undereye and her hair was gone making her look like a delicate newborn that had heart problems. She was surrounded by people sobbing and praying, this tells me that she is loved.

I walked over to her bed and all of the people growled at me. I took a step back and said "I need to help the poor girl. I can't help her if I'm not allowed to touch her. I carry powers gifted to me by the moon goddess that is currently her only hope of survival." They glared at me and refused to let me through. "I didn't come all this way to watch this girls life pass before my eyes when I could have done something to help. Please step aside so I can save the girl or you will regret it for the rest of your lives. I am begging you stop being so stubborn so I can save the girl." I pleaded and they all moved so I had a clear pathway to the girl.

I grabbed her hands and I let my long hair flow over her body. I focused my energy on this girl and I thought about cancer cells shriveling and dying. My head started pounding and I could feel myself getting weaker but I continued. I focused on her hair growing back and her body returning to a healthy weight. I know I am pushing my limits but I have to save this girl. Draco will kill me if I kill myself saving this girl but you have to take risks to defy death. I know my nose is starting to bleed and I am beginning to feel dizzy but I can't stop. The last thing I saw before I blacked out was the girl sitting up and taking a huge breath in. I smiled when I saw her looking healthy with her ginger hair at shoulder length and her cheeks looking fuller. I smiled, even more, when I felt Draco's muscular arms catch my falling body.

Sonia Edwards P.O.V

I woke up thinking I should be dead. I should not be on earth walking and breathing but here I am. I saw a pretty girl with long blonde hair and green eyes fall into the arms of Alpha Draco. I came to the automatic conclusion that they are mates purely from the look he gave her. I felt something touch my shoulder and I quickly realized my hair has grown back. I quickly left the bed so that the unconscious girl could be placed in it. Alpha Draco placed her on the bed and I asked: "Is your mate blessed by the moon goddess like me Alpha Draco." He looked up at me in shock before he nodded. I smiled and I knew exactly how I could wake her up.

I noticed that her kiss mark was on her shoulder and it looked exactly the same as the one that was burnt into my wrist. I brought my mark to hers and when they touched everything went crazy. Everyone in the room other than us was thrown against the walls or the windows and Paige woke up. I thanked the moon goddess that Max had made the glass bulletproof as it would have created a lot of pack casualties if it hadn't been. Speaking of Max he stormed into the room with a furious look on his face.

Hey, I hope everyone has a really amazing Christmas. If you don't do Christmas I hope you have a wonderful...

St. Lucia Day (Swedish), Hanukkah (Jewish), Three Kings Day/Epiphany (Christian), Kwanzaa (African American), Omisoka (Japanese), Yule (Pagan), Saturnalia (Pagan)or Fiesta of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Mexican).

If I have missed out a holiday I am extremely sorry. Comment whatever I have forgotten and it will be added ASAP. I hope you all enjoy the holiday's even if you don't celebrate any of those holidays. This book we met Sonia Edwards and Alpha Maximus who will have their own book eventually. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and another example of Paige's powers. This chapter is shorter so that I could finish it in a good spot so that the next chapter would start in a good spot. (1261 words)

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