Chapter 23- Her whole fist in her mouth

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The picture above is the eye color of Amoretta and Priya. They don't look like her though. 

Paige Galena P.O.V

These past few months have been the most traumatic of my life. I have been keeping a huge secret from Draco and it has been weighing down on me like the weight of the sky. You see when I first heard about the disease that caused women to be unable to have girls my first reaction was I should cure this. The Luna tour was the perfect opportunity to do this as I have to shake the hand of every single person in the pack. Every time I shake the hand of one of the women I focus my energy into curing her. Now I am growing accustomed to curing these women. The only issue is that whenever I cure one of the many women who has suffered a miscarriage I have to endure it at night. I have to go through the emotional trauma of losing a child again every night. We have reached the final pack and I am so relieved because this whole ordeal will be over by tonight.

Shaking every single woman's hand and focusing my energy into them is hard but it's something I have to do, what is the point of having these powers if I can't help people. The last woman was rather young with a shining face "Lovely to meet you" I beamed with a kind smile and she bowed, revealing her neck. Draco, the children and I took a rest in our room and I felt uneasy. I didn't know what would happen tonight. I would be shocked if I had been able to endure this final hurdle purely because the physical and emotional pain would get too much. Occasionally I would wake up screaming and crying. Usually, I would just lie to Draco saying I had a particularly bad nightmare and he would hold me until the night was over. I had learned to keep silent through the nights so I did not disturb the triplets or Draco.

After spending the day in the pack we retired to our room. I stood in the bathroom brushing out my hair anticipating sleep. "Rapunzel? What's taking so long?" he called through the door "Just a minute" I replied my voice cracking a little at the end but I managed to cover it up by opening the door to meet Draco with a kiss "Just doing my hair before bed" I replied but my skin was crawling with each moment I got closer to actually closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep. "Okay, I'll be in bed in a moment," he said while he put on his pajamas.

I lay there stiffly on my back and Draco came back to wrap his arms around me "No, it's too hot" I told him while pushing his arms away and he pouted "Draco" I whined wiggling away and turned my back to him "Okay then Rapunzel" he gave up and I sighed relaxing as well as I can. I tried to sleep so I can finally be over with this painful torture and all the woman in our pack will finally be able to have girls again, keeping the werewolf population alive and stronger.

I stood in the pitch black room, my body tense as I waited for the onslaught of emotions and pain. The first girl stumbled forward with tears on her face and she ran straight for me, her entity entering me as I became this girl. The blood dripped down my thighs and strangled sobs left my mouth as I screamed an unfamiliar name which must be her mate. He rushed into the 'room' holding me close as the blood stained the floor. My heart was breaking and I couldn't breathe. From what I can remember there were so many girls in this pack. The onslaught continued with girl after girl and miscarriage after miscarriage. I felt the last girl enter my body and I just wanted nothing more than to give up

I pressed my hands against the floor gasping for breath. I heard echoing footsteps and I looked up to see the girl from earlier today her face incredibly distraught instead of the shining face that I saw earlier. She stumbled her way towards me and I braced myself for the usual pain. The immediate feeling of panic set in which is odd, usually it was sadness or confusion but that's when I see it. A rogue was stalking her. Its red eyes gleamed as he gets closer to me. I started running from this beast in her body. My heart pounded in my chest and I screamed her mate's name going as fast my pregnant belly would let me when I am tackled to the ground. I screamed in fear and pain as it maliciously sunk its teeth into my stomach and blood spilled everywhere as I watch it devour the unborn baby girls.

I woke up screaming with sweat covering every single inch of my body making my clothes stick to me. "Paige! Paige!" Draco called out grabbing me and pulling me close to his chest. Sobs ripped their way through my body, I shuddered every time I breathe and my whole being was just shaken to the core. Draco was holding me not saying much for the time being but I know he'll be asking questions as soon as I'm calm enough. The triplets started bawling in their cribs and as if I was a robot I went to get them, passing Henrietta to Draco, I held Enzo and Katrina to my chest. "I have something I need to tell you Draco. You can't say anything until I finish okay?" I asked, he nodded and I just wished I could keep lying to him.

"I wanted to heal the girls in all the packs. I wanted them to able to have baby girls Draco. I had two and I felt selfish if I kept this to myself. So as we've been going through the packs I've been healing them but it came with a consequence. Every night after I heal the pack members I experience every miscarriage each night so they can have their own babies" I explained and Draco looked so heartbroken "Why didn't you tell me?" he whispered cupping my cheeks "I didn't want to hurt you. I knew you would stop me Draco and I have to heal these girls. There is another reason for this" I said while I felt my heart in my throat. I needed to tell him about Adrian Blake Stildolph, about our baby boy, who died long before he should have. "When I went away to have the triplets it wasn't just triplets" I take a big breath "I was pregnant with quadruplets. I was put under to make the birth go smoothly when they gave me a c-section but our baby Adrian Blake, his heart stopped" a sob exploded from me "They- they took him - took him away to help but it didn't work. I couldn't come back as a murderer, I couldn't break your heart like that" I cried holding my two girls even closer to me. He placed Henrietta on me next to her siblings before turning to the window, gripping the frame tightly as tears gushed down my face and sobs fell from my lips. His clothes tore and his wolf lept out of the window. I knew he would hate me after this. 

I lied in bed with my beautiful babies who are as wide awake as I am for hours waiting for Draco to come back. Well, I hope he comes back, I don't know if I can cope without him. I stared into Henrietta's green eyes which are so much like my own when she gurgles and stuffs her whole fist in her mouth. I smiled and giggled fondly at the action. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts I didn't even realize Draco had come back until he wrapped his arms tightly and securely around me, drawing me close to him. I rolled over and buried my head into his chest "It's not your fault Paige" he murmured in my ear. It was him and me asleep with all the kids like a perfect little family. I just couldn't help but think that there should be a fourth child here as well.

Hey, so that was a depressing chapter. I just want to give @TaylorRambo a shout out for helping me write this chapter. I currently have a bunch of chapters ready to publish so the book should be done in a week. In the past 15 hours, I have written 4 chapters as well as have slept and stuff. The only issue is school starts soon. Anyway, Paige and Draco go home next chapter. They also find out that Sam and Brianna left in the next chapter. A very important woman comes into the next chapter so stay tuned. On the other note, I saw the greatest showman yesterday and it is so good. It pissed me off at how bad he was when it came to not having insurance and not locking Jenny in a contract. (1551 words)

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