Chapter 17- Return to my roots

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The picture above is the baby's room and what it will look like but more put together.

Draco Stildolph P.O.V

I had never been so proud of Paige in my life. Everyone knew the Tiffany was crazy and evil but no one would say anything to me. I can't get her kicked out without three reasonable official requests from different pack members. These never came and I couldn't kick her out without hard evidence that she had done something wrong. I could kick her out because I didn't like her but I have too much respect for her father in law on the council. I am so glad that she took it into her own hands and kicked her out. I am also so proud that she stood up for herself even when everyone else was defending her. It really shows what kind of Luna she will be a kind one who doesn't take shit from anyone. 

I am worried that she is not as kind as she used to be. When I first met her she would have never done something like. Have I changed her for the worse to be something she isn't or has she just grown up? Maybe she just evolved from her sheltered life in the tower. I don't know if I changed her or if new experiences did but I don't know if I liked it. At this point, I left a crying Kitty and a shocked but impressed council to go find my darling Rapunzel. I went to her room and she wasn't there making me pleasantly surprised that she naturally went to our room for comfort. I went to our floor of the house where I found her crying into a pillow. She looked up at me with her red puffy eyes looking guilty and sad. "Have I changed Draco? Did I let all the bad in the world and in the big city change me? Did I let myself replace my kindness and love with cruelness and anger? I wanna go back to my tower where all the bad in the world stays far away. I wanna go home." she wailed into my arms. 

I picked her up and drove her to the house that had been in my family that we were going to move into. I carried her up to the surprise that I had planned while we had been fighting. I opened the door to the nursery that I had made for the baby in the past few hours. She gracefully jumped out of my arms and walked around the room with a look of wonder on her face. She spent a good twenty minutes exploring every inch of the place looking in the wardrobe and at the picture books until I was sure she had seen everything. She jumped into my arms while she praised "This is perfect! You did a lovely job and the travel theme is just heavenly. I love it and I am positive our child will too." I spun her around while we laughed in joy. It was beautiful and I can't wait to have more moments like this with the pups we will have to come.

We went out for a beautiful dinner filled with talking and kisses. Then we went shopping for baby clothes and I brought everything that we liked no matter how much Paige resisted. Paige looked sad though. Throughout the whole evening she would smile and laugh but then she would look away for a second. In that second I saw her mask crack and she would look empty and sad before returning to her happy state as fast as it had gone away. I couldn't help but wonder why but when we had wine and dessert at our new home I stopped caring because everything was perfect once again. At night I held her close to me before falling asleep in seconds. 

I woke up the next morning with and a killer headache that made my head throb. I looked next around and noticed Paige was missing. She was nowhere to be found and I remembered that time she was cooking breakfast when I thought she was missing. So she probably is just doing something so I got into the shower. As I was getting ready I didn't hear anything making me automatically suspicious. Usually, I would hear the sound of feet and the noises that would be made by someone doing something. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel quickly around my waist. Now I was stressed and worried about my darling Rapunzel. I ran through the house in a panicked state until I made it to the kitchen. Lying on the kitchen bench was a letter reading

"Dear Draco,                                                                                                                                                                            I love you and before you read on you need to understand this. The ring at the bottom of the page is an engagement ring that I want you to wear. I bear your mark and since I can't mark you I want you to wear a ring. A promise that we will be together eventually but I have to leave. I am sorry Draco but this place is changing me. What I did to Kitty was cruel and deserving but still cruel. I should never have done that no matter how fair it was. I am allowing this place to change me so I must return to my home. Before you freak out I will be back after our child is born. I need to be kind and loving if I am going to be a Luna and a mother. Staying in this place will turn me cruel with a mask like you have. I am sorry my darling but like how my father was the nice one each pack needs a kind ruler. Returning home will make me that kind leader that I have to be. Don't come for me as I will return with our child a few days after it is born. As cliche as this sounds, I really need to return to my roots. I have Brianna and Opal with me to protect us even though I have magical powers. They will be staying in a small guest house only 10m away from my tower. Let me do this darling and I will be by your side for the rest of our lives. My home phone number is 01132980900, only call if it is an emergency. Missing me is not an emergency! I will call on your birthday, my birthday and after the twins are born. Please don't drink or get into a depressive state, just spend each day waiting for me to return home with our baby in tow. Apparently, wolves are pregnant for 2 months and humans are pregnant for 9 months. According to Brianna werewolves get pregnant for 4 to 7 months so I will be back soon.                Love from your Rapunzel"

I felt my wolf take over and I shifted. I was pushed into the back of my own mind while my wolf set out to find our mate and pups. My wolf followed her sent for hours just running after it then losing it before backtracking until it found the sent again. It repeated this prosses many times until we came to the tower Paige had drawn many times. I knew approaching her would be a bad idea as she had warned me not to. I climbed a tree so I could see her at the top of the tower unpacking things. With a closer look, I could see that she was crying her eyes out but then she slapped her self hard across the face. "Paige Galena pull yourself together. You are doing this for you, Draco, your unborn child and the whole pack. You will see him soon." she lectured. My wolf curled up into a ball and watched her sleep before in the night we fell asleep as well. sometime

Hey, so this chapter is awful and it is being published late. I am currently writing this in a word document since the wifi at our holiday house broke. I also haven't had much time to write as I have gotten a summer job. My cousin drowned a few days ago saving her daughter so we will be driving 4 hours to get to my Aunts house. I might have wifi there but I might not so we will have to see. I am sincerely sorry for not having a chapter at my usual time but things have been crazy. I know excuses, excuses but still please cut me some slack. Anyway, Paige left Draco so she could go become good and have her children. She will be coming back soon but still, she left him. My next few chapters will be more interesting, better written and on time. This chapter was basically just Draco being emotional anyway so I might change it but probably not. Sorry again about the whole mess that is this chapter and congratulations if you made it through the whole authors note. Its late at night and I think I have a fever so I am in a weird mood. I just now got wifi after I spent a large portion of last night trying to fix it so enjoy. (1557 words)

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