Magenta Cloth

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After weeks of searching the small island, no sound of Mary Eleanor Laurens was heard. As if she had just vanished, but after searching the room inch by inch John found a small magenta piece of old cloth.
Now, magenta is a very expensive, an almost royal color, and only one pirate is known to wear the purple/pink color.

Captain Thomas Jefferson. Worlds #2  most famous pirate. Unlike Captain Alexander, who was knows for his wits and ruthlessness, Thomas was known for his bravery (brashness) and fancy clothing choice. He always wore magneta, everyday, at least something has to be that color. He earned the nickname, "PinkPie." Which other pirates use to taunt him.
He hated the nickname with passion, but that didn't stop him from being comfortable with himself. His first mate, James Madison, was the only one who could calm Thomas when he got into a fit rage.

To be frank, John liked Alexander more than Thomas, but only for one reason. Thomas had forced workers, while Alexander only took volunteers. John was against slavery in every way possible. It just wasn't right.

But back on topic on Mary Laurens, John searched out a tailor to confirm that it was indeed Thomas Jeffersons doing.

With a little ring John entered the tailor shop, handing the piece of cloth to a short man wearing a red bandana and explaing all that happened. Since the island was fairly small John had known his man for 13 years and had a very close friendship with him.

The tailor lifted the cloth and examined it closely. "We don't get beauties like these like we used to, nobody in this island ownes even an inch of this, and yesterday at night while I was checking on my horses I saw a pirate ship, not unusual. So,  maybe Captain Thomas Jefferson was here."

"Thank you Herc, is there by any chance a boat nearby?" Johns voice was rough and scratchy, probably from yelling his sisters name a lot.
Hercules chuckled, "What are you going to do John? Row hundreds of miles into nothingness?"
John sighed, "If that's what it takes, I'm responsible for Mary and I have to make sure she's safe."
"Mary is an adult now, she'll be able to hold her own," Hercules paused, "but if you are going to do this I heard Ol' Lee is planning to go on the sea in a few hours. Maybe he can help you?"

John cringed. Charles Lee was a minor local pirate, and since he was always around, he John got into many fights together. They hated eachother imensly, so why would Captain Lee help them anyhow? He would most likely turn his back and laugh. But for would be worth it.

"I'll look into it, thanks Herc, I owe you!" John called out before heading out,the shop. "You forgot your cloth!" Hercules yelled, but it was too late. With a small chuckle Hercules stuffed it in his pocket. "Guess you'll just have to stay with me." And got back to work.


Meanwhile John was searching and scanning for some kind of sign of Charles Lee. Only in the end did John decide to look at the docks.

The fresh smell of sea salt and light breeze calmed him, which was surprising in this situation. The ocean was so calming and beautiful that John would want to live in. But after realizing only pirates lived at sea, he retaliated the idea.

A man with dark hair covering his right eye was commanding crew members to stations and such. Which a heavy groan John walked up to the man.

"Well if it isn't Ol' Johnny Boy, back to mock me? I'll show you what a real pirate can-" Lee started for his sword, but John shook his head. "No-no Charles, I have no quarrel with you this day, I was hoping for permission to aboard your vessel-"
"Ha! And why would I do such thing? What do you want?" He asked, his temper slowly rising.
"To find Captain Jefferson, he has something that- that belongs to me and I wish for it back."

Lee laughed, "Once a pirate has what the wants the will be unwilling to share. Was it your sister? She is often with you, no?" John nodded. "Thomas probably took her as a sex slave, I heard he kidnaps women now for pleasure. Once he's done he kills them off." With that John started to panic. Oh dear Mary, please be alright. "But of course that is only a rumor, I wouldn't know, I don't know him personally."

"Do I have permission to abord your vessel?" John asked once more. "I'll do anything." He tried his best not so sound desperate, even though he was.

"You'll work as a cleaner."

Okay not so bad.

"To warn you, you'll be the only one cleaning and my ship, though not big, it quite large. Have fun with than. Pack a change of clothes and nesisities we leave at noon." And he was off giving out more commands.

John rushed to the his two story, hut-like building and made a bag out of an old large shirt, he added clothes and extra food. Just before he left he went to Mary's room and found a small compass with blue markings. John flipped it open and above the actual compass was a picture of both John and Mary standing side by side. He kept it in a chest pocket, closest to his heart and walked out.

He would return, of course. With Mary at his side. John was determed to get her back and no filthy pirate was going to stop him.

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