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"Mangos! Come out come out wherever you are!!" A desperately starving John groaned, using his expert hunting skills.

His stomach felt empty and kept rumbling every few seconds irritating John to the max. So far he's drank from a small lake he was lucky enough to find, but even though his turst had been satisfied he felt helpless on the food division. He couldn't even find fucking mango. His mouth started to water at the thought of the juicy orangeish mangoes; his favorite fruit.

"You're not going to get any mangoes at that rate you idiotic twat." A familiar male voice from above the trees called out. John glared at Alexander, "And I suppose you're drowning in food by now Mr.I'mTheGreatestPirateBitchEver ?"
Alexander lifted the small fruit John had been yearning for, the little slice of heaven was getting trown up and down in Alexanders hand. Johns eyes followed it, almost hopefully that it would fall.

The pirate smirked and waved the mango in front of his half-open mouth; taunting John. "Ah! Wasn't it that easy to shut up? Listen hear you land fuck, give me the locket and you could have this fruit, not only that, I'll allow you to live after I get the locket and you may sleep with me near the fire I have made. Good deal, no?" He tilted his head a little sideways as if he were thinking; an innocent gesture if it weren't for that horrid grin with a few yellow teeth. A shiver ran up Johns spine.

John's first thought was a memory of Mary's voice.

"We will never betray each other Jack, we're too good for our liking. Don't you agree?" Mary stated randomly during dinner one night.
"Yes, I do Polls." John munched on his chicken leg, "We won't ever leave the other behind." Mary smiled thoughtfully, a flash of remorse on her face.

"Thank you for the offer you disgusting vermin, but I need this locket more than you do I believe, what are you going to do? Look for gold with it? For me it's a personal matter, you know? With feelings. Something you wouldn't understand." John turned away to look for more food deeper in the woods when Alexander exploded, "You have no idea what I've been through or what I do and do not understand! I may be cruel, but I'm not heartless. My matter is a personal one as well, and you can go fuck yourself, I'm the one with the real problem here. You refuse to cooperate after I asked nicely. Now I hope you burn." Alex proceeded to leap from the trees until John couldn't see anything of the man, damn fruit still in hand.

For a while John actually felt bad for the man. Actual pain was evident in Alexanders violet eyes and remorse swelled up in John. It was true. He didn't know what the poor man went through to be so horrible or dark.

What am I saying? John questioned himself. This is Captain Alexander. Heartless. Manipulator. This was probably just a trick to make John feel bad.

That's when a loud scream scared the living daylights out of him. In Alexanders direction. Without realizing it John broke into a run towards the sound.

1. So sorry it's short, I've been too busy reading fanfictions.
2. It's also been hard to transition some scenes so I've procrastinated a lot.
*is ashamed*

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