Yes, Captain

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A/N: i know this is a Lams, but HEAVY Hamliza down below.

"Lafayette! You're lookout tonight!" The Captain called to the french recruit as he made his way to his living quarters. "Yes, Captain!" The tall man with curly hair yelled as he made his way to the lookout station, climbing up with a determined look in his eyes.

A girl in yellow and a peg-leg got in front of the captain, "Shall I ready the plank?" "Obviously, we can't hold these bastards forever." He pointed at the two bandits that were trying to raid his ship that very morning, without looking back. Peg-leg Peggy nodded, "Yes, Captain."

Sighing after shutting the door, Alexander sat down on his giant blue chair; a hard day of stealing and fighting. Just another day. Was it end of May, or early June? He didn't really pay attention anymore.

On a day like this Miss Elizabeth Schuyler would comfort him, kiss him, and love him with all her might. She was the only one who loved Alexander for his brains, the only one who didn't mind what he did for a living (or so he thought). His only one. His brown nut maid. His soulmate, he'd like to call her. He remembered everything about their first encounter.

It was summer time and Alex, being poor landed in New York after some rotten pirates had stole his tiny pathetic ship. Although, being some what well known, he was invited to a ball. Maybe he could steal some money to buy a new boat. Ah, but alas he found something even better.

Alexander knew the host has three rich daughters, if he could just hook up with at least one of them, then he'd marry and have tons of money to sail once more. The first one was a young yellow dressed girl, at the time she looked innocent, the type of girl that wouldn't hurt a fly. Now, Alex knew she was one tough badass who would wrestled an alligator just to protect her girlfriend.
The other was a tall pinkish dressed one. Very sexy, with nice curves and a clever mind, Alex almost considered marrying her. He talked to her and at the time she looked like a meer house wife, a lady who would stay put. Now, he knows that this was one raging bitch, always down to stab a hoe.
The last was a beutiful blue dressed woman with shiny black eyes. Oh, those eyes. Alex could stare in them forever. She acted kind and sweet, for she was. But she was also fierce and strong. Alexander knew he was in love. She was a fine blue orchid in a garden of unwanted weeds.

So they talked and took in the view from a balcony. All they talked about was leaving. Their father, Alexander figured out, wasn't very kind. He wanted his daughters to stay put and be house wives. All the sisters opposed to this, they wanted to go out and actually do something with their lives, something worth remembering.

"Have you ever considered running away?" He had said. "Yes, multiple times, Angelica said she'd protect us and Peggy already packed all the supplies, but I, I'm not sure, I don't have a reason to leave, or a way to leave either." Were her words.
"Then come with me." He told her. Eliza looked taken back, "Y-you? How can we leave with you?"
Alexander waved a wallet infront of her face, "I pick pocketed your daddy's money, in a weeks time we'll all be off this city and sail into nothingness." Overcome with much gratitude Eliza kissed him. He would never forget that kiss.

Just as promised Alexander some how managed to get a large scary looking vessel, he dubbed it, "The Blue Orchid." After the love of his life.

Without hesitation the three gals aborded the ship, along with a red dressed beauty Alexander saved from her own husband, a man named John Church, and other crew mates Alexander didn't bother to learn named off.

Then their lives went on from there, Eliza was with him every step of the way. When they ventured to France and saved a French boy named Gilbert, later to be known as Ludicrous Lafayette. She was there when Alex got the title, "Most feared pirate," and, "The Lion of the Sea." She was there for everything.

Then one night, everything changed.

It was half passed 9 when it happened, they were all asleep, except Eliza and Alexander who were cuddling in Alexanders room, talking about mindless nothingness. "A-alexander." She had said, "What if I told you, you are going to be a father?"  Alexander smiled so brightly and he actually shed tears. He was going to be a father. He got off the bed and swung his lover around in a circle, kissing her multiple times.

You see, if it wasn't for Eliza, Alexander would have gone down the deep end. No Happiness, no purpose, no reason to live, he would have killed himself sooner than later. But now everything was turned upsidedown. He was going to be a father. He looked into those shiny black eyes he fell in love with and said something that ruined everything;

"I'll teach them to be the best goddamn pirate that ever lived." Alexander told her as he placed Eliza down. At that, Eliza frowned.

They had been married for 4 years years now, and Alex noticed Eliza had become distant.

"Love, i-i dont want our child to be a pirate." She spoke softly. With that, Alexanders heart was broken. There was no way he'd go on land again, heck he didn't now, he told others to go down the ship to get supplies and only ever got down when absolutely necessary. He raised himself on a ship, being a pirate was what made Alexander who he is.

"Why not? We built our life here, this ship is our home. It's our child's home too."
"Alexander I don't want my child to steal and cheat, I want him to be raised right."
"Their my child too Beth, they'll be raised right-"
"No they aren't!" Eliza looked down, "I never wanted to marry a pirate. I never wanted this life. I only came because of my sisters, yes I kissed you that night, but I was just so happy to leave, now I want to go back, and if I have to leave you to make MY child's life better that this! I will. This ship in no place to raise a child, you aren't suit to be a father. I'm sorry."

"Eliza-" Alex tried to reason only to have Angie burst through the doors. "Thomas and his crew are raiding the ship!" Angelica cried, sword in hand, blood smeared on her clothed and face.

"We'll talk later." Alex said without looking at Eliza, who felt like crying. She didn't go out to fight like the rest, but stayed in bed.
"Shall I ready the canons, Captain?" Angie said as they both walked out of the room.

Alexander looked at her. Angelica was a strong raging woman. She, unlike her sister, loved being a pirate. Maybe things would have gone better if it was Angelica he had married. "Yes, do so." Alexander replied before taking out a sword to fight the PinkPie pirates.

For hours they fought and Alexander was in pure confusion. What did they want? Nothing was of value to them here. What was there purpose? Finnaly the PinkPie ship retreated. Everyone of The Blue Orchid cheered, but not Alex. Something was off about this, where was Jefferson? He was usually on the front lines. He ignored it all and went to his living quarters only to see a note on the bed and no Eliza.

"Elizabeth is mine now, hand over your ship in a month or you'll never see her again.

Thomas Jefferson. "

Half a year has passed and Alexander had become bitter, he couldn't find Jefferson. He was doing this on purpose, he wanted to make Alexander suffer. It haunted Alexander, day and night to think of his beloved wife, gone. Even if Eliza didn't love him, Alexander loved her and would die for her. But every trip, every sail, and every breath, was futile.

Until one day Lafayette, having raded a small town, came back with a map.
"Monsieur! Capitaine! I found something!" He gave Alexander the map and read out what it said.

The locket of Amour

Finds the hearts greatest desire.

Then showed the way, somewhere near the Carribeans. Alexander shivered.

"We sail at dawn!" Alexander announced.

"Yes, Captain."

As Ludicrous Lafayette went to find Peg-Leg Peggy and Angry Angie, Alexander rubbed his temples; staring at the map.

"Don't worry my love, I'll find you soon."

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