Broken Physically

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Tw: Physical injury

Basicly sprinting, John went to make sure that shit spakle muffin fart didn't get himself killed. A part of John would admit he wouldn't miss him, but a different part of John felt horrible, as if he couldn't bear the thought of Alexander dying. What was he saying? Pfft, That pirate idiot could rot in hell for all he cared. Maybe it was John's big heart that made him feel bad.

John came to a stopping point and looked to the trees for the pirate. Alex seemed to be hanging on a tree branch, legs dangling below, as a large snake creature slithered its way towards the redhead with a menacing glare in his eyes. "Get back!" Alexander screamed at the vial green animal. "Get back I tell you! Jean-! I mean John! I don't need your assistance." His voice was laced with venom, he was still sour about what happened earlier. "You may leave and never come back, pathetic fucker." Alexander spit, while holding for dear life.

The branch was slowly breaking; John noticed. The tree wasn't that high. If Alexander were to fall he'd have at the least a broken arm or leg.

With another hiss, the snake alerted Alexander, who started to panic. "Get away!" Alex tried moving farter when the tree branch snapped in two. In a hurry John reached out for Alexander, he seemed a million miles away now. Everything seemed to go in slow motion, and he saw fear in the purple eyes of the readhead, as Alex crashed down with John's legs underneath him.

"O-ow." John hissed in pain, though he knew nothing was broken he swiftly moved away from Alexander who looked like he couldn't breath, his mouth was wide open and eyes shut from pain. John crouched next to him and saw a bone sticking out of Alexander's hand. Alexander bit his tongue so hard blood came out, he couldn't move with a broken arm and cried out a sound similar to an injured animal.

John knew what to do, he had been studying to be a doctor when he was younger, and tore two pieces of cloth from his shirt, leaving him bare-chested, one he stuffed Alexanders mouth with and another he lay beside himself; and used his hands to hold Alexanders forearm and wrist, moving it closer, closer, closer until another snap indicated to John it was back in place.

Poor Alexander Hamilton, he was in pain and agony, everything was happening so quickly and Alex tried to make sense of it all, but the only thing Alexander could focus on was the pain. He heard soft words enter his ear; soothing and calming. And for a second. . . even If just for a second. . .Alexander thought it was Eliza, nursing him back like she always did. He opened his eyes hopefully to catch a glimpse of the woman he loved so much and held dearly in his heart, but saw a man. Everything was going dark and Alexander stared into those hazel green eyes, the eyes that were much ligter that pure black eyes, until he fell into a somewhat sleep.

The worst was over. John wrapped the other cloth around the arm. It was long enough to wrap it, but not enough to make sure it will stay. He took notice that Alexander fainted during the process. With a sigh John tried holding Alexander put, making Alex's half wrap around his shoulder.

He started to make his way back to his cave. Hopefully, Alexander will wake up soon.

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