Forgive Me

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When Alexander said he was a changed man by god he ment it.


"What?" Angelica seemed really offended. "I'm laying here half-naked begging to be fucked by you, are you that stupid?"
"No, I just have standards."
She gasped.

"Angelica I'm sorry for not being the one, I'm sorry for not loving you back, I really am sorry, but I won't cheat on John to make you feel better about it. Like I said earlier, when we reach port, you're done. Don't say sorry, your sister will be in good hands, by that I mean Marias hands."

He unlocked the door and silently walked out. Alexander heard weeping, but did not turn back. He reached the upper deck where Maria hugged him from behind. "Thank you, Captain, I owe you. She reminded me of my old husband and I was terrified, I owe you so much" Alex smiled and punched her lightly in the arm. "You don't owe me anything, just go make Peggy happy." She nodded happily and left to go find her.

Now Alexander went to search for John. All he cared about was finding his John and apologize to him. Sure he and Angelica didn't do anything, but he felt so dirty. As if Angelica has tainted him in a weird way that he didn't know how to explain.

He opened his door to see John peacefully drawing at a desk by the corner, a torch shining to make light so it would be easier to draw. It was a rough sketch of Toytel, their thirty minutes pet turtle. John looked up and smiled innocently, "Hey, I drew you a Toytel, I knew you liked him. . .sorry. . . I didn't expect you to be here so soon." He rubbed the back of his neck staining it a bit black with the charcoal. "It was ment to be a surprise and I'm barely done." he chuckled in between.

"Jack. . .I need to talk to you."

Alexander sat on the bed, looking at his lap. He felt so ashamed. His heart race wad beating higher than it ever has before. John sat next to him, and kissed his cheek. "Okay. . .what's wrong?" He was so beautiful. How was he going to say this?

"Angelica kissed me." If he was going to confess, at least get it straight to the point. "Just a few minutes ago in fact." He added.

John didn't say anything.

"I kissed back. I won't lie to you. I'd never lie to you. I'm so sorry John, I'm sorry. She tried to seduce me to have sex, but, but I knew if I did, I'd lose you. I don't want to lose you John. Please forgive me. I swear we did nothing, you can ask Maria."

"Maria?" John asked.

"She- um Yeah, Angelica was touching her and I saved her, don't worry, when we get to port she's done with. I don't want anyone like that on my vesil. Especially after what she did to Maria.
Do. . .do you forgive me?"

John looked confused. "For what?"

Alexander looked up. "For, for almost cheating."

The blonde laughed hysterical, to the point a few tears fell out. The pirate just stared. In another scenario it would have been refreshing to the see him laugh so hard, but right now he was terrified.

"Oh Alex." John continued to a laugh. "Alex you didn't do anything. Sure we're not having sex for a month because technically you did kiss back, but you didn't cheat. Plus, the way you seemed so distraught earlier. It warmed my heart to see you cared. Amgelica will be gone in a few months and you still love me. That's all that matteres."

John wrapped his arms around Alexanders shoulders and kissed him softly.

"I love you." The red hair managed to say. He was so lucky to have John. He closed his eyes to prevent any tears from coming. He buried his head in Johns shoulder . John was like a warm lion. Soft, cuddly, yet deadly. For right now mostly soft and cuddly.

"I love you too." John whispered.


"Oh fuck! What the hell??" Alexander held his cheek and groaned.

"You bastard, you kissed back? Sure I fogive you and everything but Angelica? Really? She and I are gonna have a conversation tomorrow. And you! No sex for two months because really? Kissing back!? To her!?" John kissed Alex's cheek. "Just so you know I'm more mad at her than you." Another kiss and John was headed off to bed.

Alexander didn't even want to know what would have happened if he had actually cheated on him. He rubbed his cheek before smiling slightly. John was definitely his type of fierce.

Does anyone know a good Fnaf story on Wattpad that doesn't involve ships? Pls.

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