The Bag

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John won easily that day; I mean he has both his arms. Kind of a disadvantage for Alexander.

About 2 days later both men were living. Not comfortably, but hey they were alive. They had a stash of fruit near the end of the cave, wrapped in vines made by John, whom was truly proud of his crafting skills. "Can you make a boat?" Alex asked one day.
John shrugged, "Not really, I can try, but it won't be strong enough to hold us, or survive a storm."

"What if we sent a message? You know, by bottle! treasure maps are always inside a bottle, so any passing pirates will pick it up, and since I'm, not to brag, the most famous one of all, they'll have to come help us." Alexander suggested, looking a bit smug.

John hummed, "Not bad, but where do we find a bottle, or parchemt, or a writing utensil?"

Alex pulled out a bottle of rum and a map from his inside his chest pocket. "How long have you had that?" John stared wide eyed. "To be truthful, I have forgotten I had it, you don't happen to have quill and ink on you?" Then John remembered, his bag of supplies. Somewhere near the beach where he accidentally left it.

"I brought a bag with me, I dropped it on the beach, it had clothes, a few weapons, milk, bread, and I think I brought a quill, for some odd reason." John listed. "Wonderful! Lets go to the beach then, on wards!" Alexander yelled the command, before speeding to the direction where they were left stranded.

"Oh great, exercise." John grumbled.

Alexander's hand was indeed getting better, but not quite fixed yet. It was a mystery to John how slow Alex could run. When they reached the beach Alexander couldn't breathe straight.

"By word, are you alright?" John asked concerned as he placed a hand to Alex's back.

(A/N: Sorry for changing their speech, at one point their posh the other their modern, consistency is hard)

"I'm- i'm f-fine." He gasped out of breath. John felt bad that he couldn't take the pain away. In all truth, it wasn't that bad of a run, but Alexander hasn't exercised at all. What he lacked in speed made up in strength, but the fact he's short didn't help either.

Alex looked around and spotted the dirty brown bag buried underneath layers of sand. With a swift movement it was now theirs.

"Well now that," John grinned, "was easy." Alex looked around and found quill and ink in it, He took out the bottle of rum, which was half empty, and the map.

"For you." Alex grinned as he gave the bottle to John. "Thank you, my Goodman." And gulped half of it.

Sure back then he'd hate having to taste a pirates beverage, but he didn't care anymore, he needed the booze. "And for you." He handed the bottle back to Alex who also took a drink from it until it was empty.

"Here then." John was grinning widely, this plan wasn't perfect, no it was far from it, but it was the closest shot they have, and with that thought, John handed Alexander he map and the writing material. A pang of a hurt engulfed John, if they were saved that would mean he and Alex would be separated, they would go different paths; he was starting to get to know the real Alexander a bit by bit and he didn't want to let that go. John forced the thoughts to the back of his mind, they were not important right now.
"Start writing." John encouraged.

And like that, the atmosphere changed completely from good to bad.

Alexander stared at his hand which held the material to get them out of there; Their hope of ever getting out, and he did nothing, but stare. John looked closer and realized that the look wasn't of him thinking of what to write, but rather pure terror. As if this was the last thing he ever planned to do.

"I-i can't."
"Of course you can, just a note saying our location and if they could come for us, add a reward for it to attract them." John whispered, like he was trying to calm Alex. His arm on Alexander wrist.

Alex wasn't anywhere near to calm, his eyes were panicking. "I just can't."
It took a moment for John to realize what he meant.

"You can't . . . write?"

The thought was ridiculous that John almost felt like laughing, but felt ashamed after he saw the watering violet eyes of Alexander. This was obviously a touchy subject.

Alex nodded his head and stood up before running. Running, most likely, to the cave. After gathering the bag and the equipment John ran after him.

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