Desires, True.

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"Jean! Wake up!"

The words made John Laurens sit upstraight His back was sore from lying on the hard leaves. "Alexander?" He called out. Alex was still asleep. The usually angry ginger was slumbering, his face soft and calm. John has said this once before, but Alex was extremely handsome. It was like, by every passing day, Alexanders beauty grew into something forbidden and unknown, far from John's reach and something he could not go into.
Yet, it could not hurt to explore?

After a moment he couldn't help but think, who called for him? Maybe it was the dream? What was he dreaming about in the first place?
His sister came to mind. Oh, how he missed her, he wanted to protect her and hold her close until the tears stopped rolling. He wanted her to be safe. That's all he wanted.

John checked the Locket hourly to make sure she was okay. He saw hoe Thomas kept going into the room to get Sally and how he started -touching- Mary and another woman with shiny black eyes.

Nothing too extreme. He wanted to punch Thomas in the face. On more than one occasion he made Mary punch him. John was filled with joy, he was an excellent teacher for showing her that. But it always ended with Mary getting a beating.

A snore made Johns train of thought crash. He looked down at the beautiful red head. He looked like an angel. A fallen angel. Beautiful, but deadly. John started to notice the little things about him. How he always bit his lip when he was uncertain, how his eyes turned a darker shade of purple when he was angry or when his face lit up when he was laughing. He was strong, handsome and courages. There was a reason he was best known and John finally understood why.

"Hey." Alexander mumbled as he started to sit up. "Oh, I'm sorry if I woke you." John tensed. Alexander smiled a lovable smile, "It's fine, I was going to wake up eventually."

In union they both looked towards the cave door. The sky was a soft light gray color, birds were beginning to rise and it was chilly. John saw how Alexander melted. The atmosphere felt different. John had only felt this when he woke up at 6 a.m to do fishing. The air was cool and it was peaceful as everything was still asleep.
(A/n: early morning when your fully awake is amazing in my opinion, especially when your fishing or going somewhere)

"It's so quiet." John smiled. He closed his eyes and tried to listen for the bird sounds, which seemed awe fully distant. "It feels perfect." Alexander grinned. "The best part about being a pirate John, isn't about the money or the women or the stealing. It's about waking up early into the sunrise and looking out into the ocean and thinking, 'this is mine.'"

John only nodded as he walked up to Alexander, who was now sitting at the edge of the cave, still staring at the jungle. "Nature truly is beautiful, but humans. . . oh those fucking bastards. The British want to get rid of all the pirates now, they say it's the age if something greater. Along with us they plan on taking more land for themselves. I've been avoiding Great Britain ever since. Well, Europe as a whole, too." Alexander got even closer to John.

"They can never take you out of business, the world needs people like you." John's face tinted red and he hoped that Alex wouldn't see.

"What? the world needs more men to steal and cheat their way out of death?" Alexander looked genuinely puzzled.

"No," John laughed as he got closer, "I mean people who are smart-"

"I can't read or write."

"- you are still smart even if you can't read or write, you can navigate stars and talk your way out of anything. I'll teach you to write and read soon. You're also brave and strong, your heart is kind, saving so many people like Lafayette, Maria, Eliza and so much more. You are what every pirate wishes they could be and more. And even if you don't show it, you are sweet, you wanted to keep a turtle as a pet even though it was on the verge of death. And even if you didn't show it, I saw the sadness in your eyes as he passed away. You are passionate about everything you do and it's breathtaking to see how you can speak for hours about it, and your beauty matches no other, you are like a different species.
Yes, Alex we need more people like you."

Before he knew it a pair of lips were attacking him. Alexander kissed John fiercely and pulled lightly on John's hair. John was startled at first but kissed back harder, his hands finding Alexanders thighs. Soon their mouths opened and were fighting for dominace.

John kept telling himself to stop this before they went too far, but it felt so good. He hasn't kissed anyone before.

They went deeper inside the cave, arms and mouths still attached, and-

You can guess what they did.

No not pocker you innocent fucks.


Why does everyone in the Fnaf fandom think Purple Guy is a hot young man named Victor?
Even though in FNAF:Sister Location we see he is an old man with rotting purple skin named William Afton?

Edit: the rotting purple man is Micheal, my bad. But still- i mean- 

I'm new to the fandom and this always confuses me. Who the hell is Victor? Where did that name come from??

Also why does he have so many fan girls? He KILLED 5 innocent children! And stuffed their bodies in animatronics. He himself is an animatronic which we see in FNAF: 3 when he goes inside Springtrap and dies (almost not really)???

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