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"We're almost there Angie, I can feel it!" Lafayette took out his map and grinned widely. He could basically sense their closeness. A month has passed since their Captain had been missing, and today was the day Lafayette felt confident of his rescue.

"If he is even alive." A woman named Veronica muttered. Her blonde  girlfriend was close behind, who nodded sadly.

"C'mon be optimistic!" Peggy smiled politely. She and Veronica weren't the closest of friends, but she was Heathers friend, so Veronica kinda got mixed in.

Veronica nodded, "So Captain, which way?"  "East." He commanded. Being called Captain boosted Lafayettes confidence. The brunette nodded before going off with Heather and Peggy to man the sails.

A few hours passed, but the French Man was still confident. Angelica scanned the area on the lookout post. It was a while before she shouted, "Land! Land ho!"

With that the crew sprung to life, their gloomy faces were no more as they looked at where Angelica was pointing to. Lafayette steered the Blue Orchid into that direction.
"Almost there." He muttered.

"There here!" Alexander got up, his face filled with excitment. "They actually got the message!" He kissed John as he continued to laugh. "C'mon. I'll introduce you to the crew."

Hand in hand Alexander dragged John with him to the beach. John made sure he had the Locket and his Compass. Everything else could stay here, he really didn't care.

This was the first time he saw Alexander run so fast. After a month of being on land he couldn't wait until he was back inside his boat. His home.

The boat stopped moving and the life boats lowered, some crew mates mounted them. Lafayette was the first person he saw.

"Mon Ami!" Laf cried out in french. Lafayette jumped out of the boat, Angelica, Peggy, and Maria behind him.
"Laf!" Alexander let go of Johns hand to hug his second in command and best friend. "We thought we would never find you!" Lafayette laughed aloud. Relief evident on his face.

Angelica kissed his cheek and hugged him tight, too filled with emotion to say a word. "Missed you Angie." He kissed the top of her head. Peggy giggled and hugged his waist since she was so small. "We missed you, Captain." "I missed all of you too, Peg-leg." Maria hugged his side, her ruby red lips formed a soft smile, "Hasn't been the same without you."

"You found our note?" Alexander asked.

Maria glared at John, ignoring the question, "Who's this?" She walked up to him and lifted his chin up with her finger. "He doesn't look like a pirate." She smells him, "Smells like a land boy to me. You're no pirate"

"That's because I'm not. Yet." John smirked as he said that last part.

"Crew." Alexanders voice seemed different to John. This voice was loud deep and commanding. A Captains voice. "This is John Laurens, from this moment forward he will be acompaning us, he is my lover and will be treated with the same respect as you have given me, is that understood?"

Everyone in the back nodded, not questioning their Captain in the slightest. Happy that Eliza was out of the picture, and that their Captain is happy once again.

Lafayette raised an eyebrow, "What of Eliza? Isn't she your wife?" Everyone in the back tried to shush him with their minds.

"She never loved me Laf, you should know that, she just wanted to leave her father, John, John is different than that." Alexander held John's hand, both men smiled at each other.

"Well I say, you too are adorable." Peggy said hugging John.

"Oh, Hey, it's my pleasure to make your accuantance." John said surprised, he wasn't expecting a hug.

Peggy giggled and Maria chuckled, "He sounds so proper, I'm Maria Reynolds, welcome to the crew." She punched his arm lightly. Angelica only forced a smile.

After they all got on the boat Alexander spoke loudly, "Well come on, our job isn't over yet, we still have to find Eliza and John's sister Mary." He held out his hand for John, who placed the locket on his palm. "Now we have the Locket of Amour! This trinket will lead us to Thomas Jeffershits vesil and we will have our revenge on him!"

Cheeres roared from the crowd, they all began to work. If there was anything they loved more, it was fighting.

Alexander walked into his study. Being there again felt so odd and alien, yet so comforting and warm. It smelled the same too. The red head closed his eyes and took in everything. The feeling.

He felt a pair of arms wrap around him. John kissed his neck and smiled into the kiss. "Everyone is so welcoming to the point it's scary, thought I think the pink one hates me."
"Who? Angie? Nah, she just doesn't trust newcomers."
Alexander turned his head to kiss John, "I'll go give Lafayette directions. my quarters are right to the left, okay? I'll be back soon."
He gave a final kiss. But that lead to another. Then another. Alexander chuckled, "Okay, okay, later." He pulled away and left the study.

John's face hurt from grinning so much. He hasn't felt this in love since forever. Alexander was his rescuer from a dark deep hole of loneliness.

Still John couldn't hell but still worry about Mary. "Don't sorry Mary we're coming for you."


R.I.P Jonghyun 🌷
Everyone is the KPOP community will miss you

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