Violet Eyes

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Coughing violently, John woke. His lungs were burning with sea salt, his eyes shut tightly, breathing hard as he tried to get up. What happened? John managed to pry his eyelids open just enough to see a clear blue sky, he felt sand under his finger tips. With his head resting on the soft pillow of said sand, John slowly checked his chest pocket, the locket was still there. He sighed in relief, he was wasn't exactly exhausted, it was more of an after shock feeling. He wasn't dead, oh thank heaven for that.

Finnaly after a few minutes John tired to get up, but a heavy boot slammed on his chest forcing him down.

Gasping, John looked up. It was sunny and the man above him looked like an angel in God's light. This man had long dark red hair, as is dark red blood hair with dark roots of black. His eyes, oh those eyes. Such a brilliant violet color, John didn't even know violet could be an eye color. His face was handsome with peach fuzz that defiantly grew, and a strong body figure. But one thing made this person ugly. Pirate wear.

"You fucking bastard!" The pirate stomped on Johns chest again, leaving him breathless. "Where is it?!" With a quick grab the man held John by the helm of the shirt, forcefully bringing him to his feet. "Tell me where it is!" He yelled, throwing John a few feet away into some hard rocks.

John was coughing and gasping, trying to get to his feet. He stared at the handsome faced fellow and lifted his fists. "Make me." The man let out a  screeched and jumped on John, both were punching and kicking and screaming, none were going down. John could feel his energy returning as he continued to throw swings. His fist was aiming for the other ones skull, only to have a pair legs push him off.

"Filthy pirate." John muttered. The fighting was becoming tiring and the violet eyed man retreaded, holding his ribs; the place John hit with all his might.

"You survived his long? Consider yourself lucky bitch." He spit on the sand staning it with a drop of crimson, using his knees to keep him up, the man gazed upwards towards John. "Who might you be?" He was breathing heavily, but his eyes lit with a fiery fury.

"I'm John Samuel Laurens." John said, a hint of pride in his voice. "John? Was a plain name that is, I guess you already know who I am." The man buffed out his chest to seem tougher.


"Really?" Violet eyes looked offended and Surprised, but then smirked. "Alexander Hamilton, at you service."

With that John's heart felt like stopping. He had just wrestled the most badass pirate in all the land...and lived. "Makes no different to me." John hissed, he was still very furious, "A pirate is a pirate, disgusting, petty, ug-"

And there Alex was, tackling John, but only this time he didn't move. His legs on either side of John. The sand below them acting as a soft cushion. Alex used his hands to hold Johns arms over his head. "Listen here land boy, I don't need your critism, give me the locket and I'll let you live." Alexander growled lowly. His face lowered, getting closer to Johns.

"I don't know what your talking about." John huffed. "Yes you do, I saw you take it from that Lee, give it here now!" Their noses were almost touching, they could feel each others breaths.

John was stronger than he taught. He was able to push Alexander off, giving his enough time to escape into the forest. "Come back here you coward!" Alexander screamed, no sword in hand, probably lost it in the sea. John hid in a bush, not moving a single muscle, he felt Alexander pass by. With a great sigh, John knew this was going to be hell. But he couldn't help but to remember those violet eyes.

His guesses of what Alexander looked like had been wrong, he was indeed handsome, but he was indeed cruel. Clutching onto the locket John ran deeper into the forest. He didn't once turn his head back until he heard a long screech from behind. Alexander wasn't fast, in fact he was more of an average runner. John suppressed a laugh as he ran even faster, his years of running along the pathway payed off, Alexander had been on a ship with no running exercise, so by default, he was fucking slow. Strong yes, but slow.

"Catch me you pirate pussy." John finnaly giggled, but he too was getting a bit tired, dodging trees and jumping rocks. They ran so far in that the beach and the ocean dissapeared behind them. The green mountains small caves welcomed John as he ran into one, he hid far back next to a rock his size.

Huffing and grumbling curse words Alexander could not find the land boy. "I'll make sure you die, ya hear?!! I'll be the cause of your death, and if not by me than nature! You don't know how to survive!!!"

Alexander yelled, not words, but a jumble of sounds from frustration. You couldn't blame him; years of searching for a woman that didn't love him, finding a bit of hope and following it, only to be shipwrecked with a land boy in a deserted island without his sword with said boy holding the last bit hope he had. Yet Alexander didn't cry, but raged. After his little tantrum, went out to find some form of shelter.

John's heart was beating as fast as it could beat, he held his head in between his legs, hoping he wouldn't die of starvation. For now, those fieary vilot eyes haunted his dreams.

I feel like some people were expecting a Happy Lams greeting. Nope, you got hatred, lol. Sorry.

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