Trauma with Literature

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Alexander didn't look back, he just ran and ran as fast as he could to the cave. Which wasn't the best idea, given he was already out of breath and tired, but he made it, with John only a foot or two behind. "Get away from me." He pushed John back more before leaning on the cave walls, his eyes stinging, but refusing to shed tears.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that it was that personal, I don't want to force anything on you, I'll write the letter, okay?" John said gently as he took out the items from his pocket and began writing. Alexander nodded without looking away from the floor.

No word was spoken as John wrote down their situation and circled their location on the map, which he remembered from when he was in Captain Lee's study room, where he stole items for the fun of it. After that John looked towards Alexander and coughed. Alexander did not move, but a few tears began to fall with a silent sob.

In an instant the blonde brunette stood next to the pirate, he put an arm on the others shoulder and pulled him into a hug; Alexander didn't pull away. "It's alright, what happened, why is this so emotional for you?"

With a sigh the redhead started, taking a seat on the cave floor, John followed looking intently into those soft lilac colored eyes.

"When I was a young boy my mother was always so sick, she didn't have time to teach me and we were very poor, I wasn't able to go to school, my brother knew a bit, but he usually kept himself busy with stealing to get us by, and my dad couldn't care less.

I had a best friend named Aaron, he was a transfer student in the local school near my house, almost everyday he would go to the pier and do nothing but smile at the waves. I don't know why I thought he was charming, but he was.

He was very smart, but did not brag, he was very kind and honest, but he was sad. Very sad, but always smiled at everyone. Aaron noticed I was poor and helped me with stealing goods, not caring what the rich folk said. We became friends after that.

One day he told me he had to move back to America, but we could still write to eachother. He said he didn't want to loose me. He said I'd always be with him.

I never told him I couldn't write so when I received his letter and couldn't read it, I cried. I didn't want to loose a friend because I was a moron, I wanted to be with Aaron and continue to be with him through words.

I got my brother to help me, he knew a bit and understood most of it. I got my mom to write back what I wanted and I started to feel calm again.

One day my brother stopped telling me what was in the letters, I was confused and asked him why. He threw the letter at me and spat mean things.

Calling me and Aaron sinners.

I didn't know what he meant and I asked him again. Turns out Aaron had feeling for me, I felt happy yet frightened, afraid of what my brother would do. He punished me along with my father, even my mother couldn't look me in the eye anymore.

Since I couldn't respond myself, Aaron took this as rejection. My other friend, a girl, but I forgot who, told me what another letter read. That he understands if I was disgusted and said he still wants to be friends with me at least.

The girl died form the sickness going around and I could not respond. Another letter came and I showed my mother who just read out, 'I see, well then I hope you can forgive me one day, you'll always hold a place in my life.'
I never saw him again."

Alexander sobbed into his hands and John pulled him into his chest. "I was an idiot, if I had just learned to write like a normal person, if I could have just-" Alexander couldn't finish his sentence. "I wouldn't have lost Aaron."

John felt horrible for feeling jealous. He stayed silent and held Alexander close. Comforting him.

After a while Alexander cleared his throught, "but I moved on. I married the most wonderful woman in the world." With than Alexander freezed before looking down. "Not anymore, any ways. Everyone I love dies or leaves me, why can't I meet someone who will stay with me?"

John felt the strong desire to say he would do anything to stay by his side. He kept it in thought. Right now was not the time.

"I'm sorry you had to see me like that," Alexander sniffed, but smiled. "Not at all what a proper pirate should act like."

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but how do you read maps?" John asked politely. "I get my second in command the Marquis de Lafayette, to read it to me, I can read most maps, they are mostly pictures, but most importantly I can read stars. The stars are what guide me, they tell me where I am." He answered.

Night was starting to fall, they both welcomed the dark for they were extremely tired now.

"I'll get this message to the ocean, you sleep, and tomorrow we'll go hunting." John suggested getting up. Alex shivered, it was cold without John's embrace.

Alexander nodded, a red tint on his face as he made his way to his hand-made grass bed. He could not believe he told most of his history to a land-boy. Yes he felt happy to have shared, to get that out of his chest. Not even Eliza knew that part of his life. John made him feel comfortable, after all that time together. Surviving together. This little "Adventure." was starting to seem quite fun.

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