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"What the hell?" Alexander did his best to sit up the next morning with a mild headache and sore muscles. He was starving by now. When was the last time he ate? A day or so? A burning pain erupted in Alexanders arm. Oh right. It was broken. Fuck.

"Finnaly you're up." The voice from Alexanders dreams called from the front of the cave. Alex put a defensive face on and tried to make himself look taller, like wolves do in the wild. Why wasn't John spitting curse words at him? John didn't look annoyed or angry, like Alex thought he would, but rather tired and worried. He was holding another grass cup of stream water.

"Here." The blonde-brunette man said, "After you finish we'll go find food." John's expression was hard to read now, but Alex was still on guard if he tried to attack him anytime soon.

"Sure." Alexander slowly drank the water handed to him, as if it were the last, he exhailed and gulped again, after putting the cup down he looked up, "Thanks."

"That's the second time you've said that." John said by the cave entrance with crossed arms, waiting for Alexander to get up. "You saved my life." Alexander got up using one hand.

John shrugged, "Not a big deal."
Alexander shook his head, "No, no it is a very big deal, by my morals and rules that I have made for myself and my vessel, I, Alexander Hamilton, owe you a great dept." Alexander glared, "Don't think it's a slave thing where you are my master, it just means we'll make a truce. From here on out, call me Alex."

John felt powerful for some reason, he'd sneaked his way out of getting murdered from a bloody pirate, but hated the way Alexander looked so defeated. With a small cough, Alexander walked to Johns side. "Let's go then." He grumbled. John nodded.

After a few hours of smooth walking, they reached a small stream. "This is where I get water, a bit far, but worth it." He explained. Alexander was oddly quiet. He didn't speak much and only responded when nessecary.

"Y'know, you can speak whenever you'd like, I know it's killing you."

It was true, Alexander looked like he was in mental agony, he seemed like the type of person who would talk non stop about their day without stopping.

"What I have to say isn't of importance to you." Alexander sighed and sat near the edge of the river, wincing as his arm began to hurt again.

John sat down next to him, "Since me and you are on okay terms, and considering the fact that we don't know when anyone will be coming to get us or how to make a boat, we'll be here for a while. So, talk to me. We may not be friends, but maybe partners?" With a soft nod Alexander responded with a, "Sure . . .partners."

"Okay, partner, let's gather some fruit up, you took the create of food, but there are many fruits up there." John pointed at the trees. "I'll climb then throw them and you catch, okay?"
"Seems like fun." Alexander smirked.

And there it was. A peaceful view of John Laurens lightly throwing pomagranites to Alexander Hamilton, both chatting, not getting into the very personal category, of course.

"My father wanted me to be a business man with him, I wanted to be a doctor, but he refused to send me to medical school." John confessed as he hoped to another branch plopping bananas out and throwing only the yellow ones. "That's horrible, but hey, you did help one patient out." Alexander shook his broken arm lightly. John chuckled at Alexander.

It was almost as if John's hatred for pirates faded after meeting Alexander. He didn't feel disgusted or angry, but rather calmer now.

He was also quite a charmer, stunning too.

Alex's half-smirk dropped. "My father left when I was 10, he was horrible to me and my brother James, especially my mother. He always said he'd kill anyone he knew was a pirate. Funny, no? I turned into something he hated." A distant look in Alexander's eyes was worrying.

John jumped out of the tree after throwing the last of the apples. "At least you don't have to deal with him anymore." Alexander nodded slithly.
They both looked at the mounds of fruit scattered all over the floor.

"Sooooo...." Alexander dragged out.
"The one who carries more doesn't have to be lookout?" John suggested.
"Challenge accepted!"

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