Mrs. Lovett's Pies

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The next day was awkward, Angelica came out three times from her room each day, one for breakfast, two for sweeping, and three for dinner.

Peggy disowned Angelica as her sister, she did nothing but glare at her every time they passed before putting an arm around Maria protectively. "C'mon Peg, I'm your sister!" Angelica pleaded. "Not anymore." Peggy's voice was so heartbroken, she didn't want to believe what Maria told her that night, but the evidence, Angelica's lipstick on Maria's collarbone, was undeniable.

Almost everyone knew of what Angelica did. Nobody wanted to talk to her. John had an hour long talk with Angelica after dinner though, it did not end well for either of them.

"Why are you bruised?" Alexander asked as John walked up to him. He was currently steering the ship, looking at the stars for directions to Great Britain. The most powerful country. The country he was most hated in. The Brits wanted to get rid of pirates forever, to kill the Pirate Era, and that would mean the end Alexander's career.

"Angelica did not take my peace offering." John touched the side of his head where he was bleeding. "You? Giving a peace offering?" Alexander laughed a bit before grabbing a rag and wiped the side of John's bloody face softly.

This was a calm moment for both of them. Everything was silent, the only sound was the rocking of the boat and waves crashing together. The fire from the torches cracked in the background. Lafayette was on lookout for tonight, the Frenchman was sleeping on the job, but Alexander gave him a pass. The months of being Captain wore him out.

"Y'know, I was thinking, when Angelica is off, Eliza is none of our concerns and your sister is here, maybe we should change the name of the ship." Alexander finished cleaning up the blood. 

"Change the Blue Orchids name? Hasn't that been the name for ages? You can't change it." John looked a bit wide eyed. "Why not? The Blue Orchid was the name I gave to this ship when I was in love with Eliza, she was my Blue Orchid, but now she is but a plain old weed, a change of name would do us some good."
"What do you want to call it?" John asked.

"I don't know really." Alexander confessed. "The Black Torture seems too grim and the Yellow Lilly seems too stupid. Maybe the Blonde Handsome Man is suitable." Alexander joked as he playfully punched John's shoulder.
John shook his head and laughed. "We'll figure it out when we get to shore." He began to yawn. "I'm going to bed now, don't work yourself too much Alexander, goodnight."
"Alright, goodnight my dear boy."

John smiled at the nickname as he walked back to the room he shared with his Alexander, it felt weird for John to call it his room, yet it felt so right at the same time.

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Months have passed, their adventures weren't that interesting, just a couple of stops to get food and such, but they weren't distracted, they steamed ahead to Britain. The Map told them they would be heading to an upstairs apartment in Fleet Street, a fairy abandoned place by now. Was Thomas Jefferson settling down? This seemed unlikely . . . or did Mary escape?

Either way John couldn't believe, after a year or so, he would see his sister again.

Alexander stationed the ship in a secure bay, it blended it nicely with the other ones. The one thing that gave it away was the blue outline of it.  "We don't have time to worry about it, John, Peggy, Maria and I will go in search of Mary and Eliza, the rest of you guard the ship until we return."
"Ayyy Captain!" Was their response.
"And as for Angelica-"

"Ay Captain," her voice was sharp and angry, she stormed off on the cobblestone streets of London, never to be seen from the crew again. Angelica was gone and that was the way it should be.

"Come along now." Alexander leaded the way, passing people and children and animals alike. It was so weird. For Alexander at least, to see people. He hasn't been out much, but he knew not to embarrass himself and kept walking.

The stores and bakeries where all black and white, one called, "Mrs.Lovette's Meat Pies," looked infested with cockroaches. But it was dark out and it was the only place with lights still on.

"Worst pies in london." A handsome man said, as they went it, whom was baking meat pies. "But I love them anyways. What are all you doing here? It's dangerous to be in this part of town."

The crew said nothing. The young man looked handsome with short brown hair and dark brown eyes, closely he looked like a god, from afar he was just another Londoner.

"Oh, pardon me I'm, Ragg, Tobias Ragg, Tob for short, at your service." He bowed his head and motioned for them to come in.

"Thank you mister Ragg, but we were hoping you could tell us where a miss Mary Laurens could be." John asked.

"Oh Mary, yes I know her, she's a worker here, been working for a few months, lives upstairs with that Sally girl." Tobias threw the rolling pin away and began to beat the dough with his hands.

"Thanks, well just go right up then." Alexander said.

"Well you can't just go, have a few pies, mother's recepie." Tobias encouraged. "Umm, do you make anything other than meat pies, Tob?" Peggy asked. She hated meat pies with a passion.

"Certainly, I can make blueberry, apple, pecan, and strawberry pies, a few biscuits and milk as well, on the house." Tobias went to the back to get the ingredients.

"Splendid." Maria turned to Alex and John, "You two go upstairs and get Mary, Eliza is the least of our concerns at the moment."

Alexander nodded, "Right, C'mon Jacky."

They both left the girls to enjoy some pastries at they walked outside again and walked up the sides stairs. A barber red-white stripped spiral stood on the side, worn down and dirty to the core. It looked ancient.

"John, knock on the door." Alex said, pushing John forward. John breathed in slowly before knocking on the door.

What should the ship's name be? As in Alexanders ship.

Also as you could see from the title I put in some Sweeney Todd references. I love Tob, he was such a sweet child.

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