Truly Sorry

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It was mid-after noon now. Alexander left John in the cave as he went out to hunt for food. His arm was fully healed now, so instead of his arm being broken his heart took it's place. It was torn both ways.







He continued to repeat her beautiful name. But, he felt nothing. He remembered being completely head over heals for her. Her name gave him goosebumps before. Now her name was just average. Her shiny black eyes, the part of her that he loved so much now seemed dull and lifeless. Like a flame, his love for Eliza flickered out.

Though his romantic feelings vanished, this did not mean he did not care. He cared for his kid. His child who's gender is yet to be discovered. He still needed to find her and make sure his soon to be kid is safe.

And when he does? Eliza will most likely take them away. Until now Alexander had been obvious to the signs of Eliza's unreturned love. She did not love him. Now, it seemed too obvious.

But he was not broken hearted anymore. Only worried.

Worried of what the world would think. He was what religious people called, a Sodomite.
(Warrior-_-Moustache happy?)

A Sin.

He wasn't that religious, but being shunned and turned away from everyone. . . to be forgotten? It sent shivers up Alexanders spine, just the thought of not being remembered.


Oh how he loved John. Falling in love all over again was a wonderful feeling. Seeing John was enough to make Alexander keep fighting. The world turned brigther. If they ever got off this island Alexander would ask John to live at sea with him. His crew has always been supportive. They would understand. The thought of being with John at sea was comforting, knowing Eliza was threatening him to leave It. She did not understand how happy the ocean made him feel. John did.

He hunted a bird and walked back to the cave, because like hell he was ever going to run again. That shit was hard.

When he got back John was awake. He didn't have a shirt as he stared into the fire, pondering deeply.

Alexander tossed him the bird, he caught it gracefully, not looking up. "You look, troubled, what's wrong?" The pirate asked.


"Are you sure? It doesn't seem like nothing." Alexander sat down next to him. He tried placing a hand on John's knee, but The land boy smacked it away. "Hey! What happened?"

"Just can't belive I slept with a filthy pirate." John cringed as he looked away.

Alexander rolled his colourful unreal eyes, "John, we settled this when we got here. I thought your hate for pirates left?"
"Maybe it hasn't." John sneered. He went to get up, but Alexander forcefully held onto his wrists.

"Oh no, after a month of friendship, we survived this island together, you made me fall for you and you yourself made a speech of how the world needed people like me, and you said you loved me this morning when we made love to each other, by the gods John you're bringing up your hate for pirates now? What for Goddammit?"

Alexander, fearless pirate, has never felt more scared in his life. He couldn't loose another lover. Tears threatened to fall. No, he stayed strong so far, he couldn't brake now.

"Pirate. It's always a fucking pirate." John was hugging his knees. His face buried in them. "A pirate killed my sister and brothers, they killed my aunts and uncles, and even if I never told Mary this, a pirate forced my parents to leave us behind, and it was a pirate who stole my heart."

Alexander saw tears falling out of Johns eyes. Those beautiful dark hazel eyes. 

"His name was Frances. He was such a handsome pirate, he cared for me and stole me many trinkets which i loved. I kept him a secret from Mary. He wasn't around much. We disagreed on political issues to the point he told me he did not what to see me again. He stole the last picture I had of my siblings. And with it my heart. He stole a piece of my heart, which is worse than broken. When it is broken you can fix it, when it is stolen, you aren't sure if you'll ever get it back."

John looked up, his eyes red, "I've hated pirates ever since, I didn't even want to see one, which really blowed since I live in a pirate infested island. Then you came along. . . Alexander i love you, I really do, but you're a pirate, you steal, yes that's true. Frances already stole a part of me, and I don't think i can take anymore."

Alexander lifted Johns face softly and cupped his face before kissing him. John consented and kissed back ever so slightly.

"I steal, I cheat, I lie, you are correct that's what I do."

The red head pulled some of the blondes hair back and smiled a bright smile, a smile that made the land boy melt.

"But you forget, Pirates find and collect treasure too. And you are my treasure John. I want to take you everywhere. I want to take you with me around the world. I love you, I love you so much. Frances what a prick to leave you behind after something so petty. He chose to leave, but i chose to be with you. Come with me." Alexander said hopefully.

"Come with you where?"

"If we get rescued I want you to come with me and travel around the seas with me, please say you will. I just want to be with you." Alexander held onto both Johns hands and squeezed tightly.

John didn't say anything. He was shook. This sounded like a marriage proposal. To be out in the sea forever? With Alexander? He looked so vulnerable. Both of them had lost and suffered heartbreak. They needed each other. John needed and wanted Alexander and Alexander needed and wanted John.

"I will." John whispered.

Overcome with joy Alexander egulfed John in his arms. Happy tears finnaly coming out. "I'm truly sorry that I have been a bitch to you because of my stupid ex." John laughed a bit, easing his pain.

Alexander chuckled still holding into John.

They felt complete.

And that's when they saw a ship arrive. The Blue Orchid has come to save them at last.


Me: For Christmas I want some expenses art supplies and a drawing tablet :D

Santa: C'mon be realistic -_-

Me: okay a haircut, a binder, and my parents acceptance of having a son instead of a daughter :)

Santa: Okay do you want the expensive art supplies? Or the expensive expensive art supplies?

Me: T-T

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