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Alexander felt the soft drops of liquid hit his face. It was refreshing to feel water again, he hasn't been near the sea in hours, but food and shelter was most likely near the center. He made a shitty little hut with large leaves and large sticks. Not really safe, or sustainable, or good, or anything really. Just a small place that will last a night. Using extra leaves as a pillow and blanket Alexander fell into an uneasy sleep.

His dream was of the hazel eyed man, Jean? Or John? Either way they sound the same. His eyes were a mix of blue and green, it was a beautiful color. His hair was somewhat blondish brown with slight waves that was pulled into a man bun. This was would have been truly handsome if it weren't for that scowl, or the fact that he was a land boy. Land boys, in Alexander's mind, were cocky little shits who need to learn a thing or two about the real world.

Yet, the other man was quite stunning. . . but nothing would distract Alex from getting what he wants, and what he wants is the locket of amour. The item John so carefully has hidden in a pocket of his. The last hope Alex had. Oh, how he would kill to get it.

Dawn was approaching and Alex decided to head to the beach so he could look for his sword. 'A pirate needs a weapon at all cost' was his motto. He stomped his way through the unknown territory when a shot of realization hit him. His crew.
They had no Captain to lead them and what if they needed to repair the ship? Where are they? Were they okay?! Alexander tried taking deep breaths, "No, no, Lafayette would have taken change with Angelica, the storm wasn't that great they must have survived."

Despite what everyone thinks, Alexander isn't heartless, he truly does care for his crew. They had formed strong bonds over the years of hardship and battle, Lafayette was always by his side like a brother, Peggy and Maria were his sisters, and
he may or may not have been sleeping with a certain older Schuyler Sister. He doesn't do it to hurt Angelica, but rather to embrace her. He had always had feelings for Angelica, but also for Eliza. Could his heart grow any stronger?
(A/N: keep in mind that Al' doesn't know about Polys.)

He arrived at his destination, all he saw was a medium sized washed up wood create and seaweed. His eyes lingered on the create. Couldn't hurt to look. He lifted the box figure and shook it. Inside, the sound of rumbling solids filled Alexander with hope. Then he body slammed it on the floor, breaking it into tinny pieces.

Fresh fruits. Alexander laughed loudly as he gathered the fruits into his pockets, he knew stocking up at the port was a good idea. Another realization hit Alex as he stared at the wood. Fire. Alex felt half-giddy as he took a few pieces of wood as well, tonight would be different than last nights, with light, warmth, and food to keep him company. He chuckled at the though of that John fellow shivering and starving to death. "Filthy land boy." He smirked as he went back into the unknown woods. He was fully loaded with supplies, all he needed was a weapon and another shelter. Boy, will John come running. Maybe Alex could use this to bribe John, if he gave John food they would trade and Alex could finnaly get the locket. First Alexander might need to wait a day or two, to make sure John is desperate for food, then make the first approach.
Now Alexander couldn't help to wonder what John was doing on this fine day.

I'm so fuckin sorry, I've had writers block and I've been watching an anime called, "Vampire Knight," for 3 days in a row and I've been practicing for my roll as Queen of Hearts in my school play, and homework. This is a short chapter anyways :P

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