Say No To This

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Fun fact: I was originally going to make a Maria×Peggy×Veronica×Heather.M poly ship in this, but decided not to.

Also I love Angelica Schuyler. Im so sorry. . .

"Almost there. Almost there." Alexander steered the ship towards Great Britain. In a few months they would make it there, meaning he had a few more months before he would have to awkwardly explain to Eliza he was dating someone else.

"Almost there to what? It will literally take months before we get there." Peggy said as she mopped beside Alexander. Alex rolled his eyes. "Either way. So what have you and Maria been up to?" It felt nice to talk to his crew again.

Peggy smirked a bit, "We are as good as ever, what about you and Johnny Boy?"

At that Alexander's mind filled itself with John facts and he smiled wide. "Oh Peg-leg he's wonderful. I haven't felt this way in a long time and it feels good to love again. He's so. . . i can't describe it, he's just amazing." The peg-leg wearer smiled sadly, "I know you love him, and you two are really cute together, but have you talked to Angelica yet?"

As a matter of fact, no he has not, he hugged her, but that seems about it. Alexander had been too busy with giving commands and making sure everything was where it was supposed to be to notice her.

It was now that Alexander felt guilty. He had led her on, telling her that if Eliza was out of the picture they would be together. When she was out of the picture Alex thought of nothing else, but finding her. Now he had a lover. A man he loved deeply and never wants to let go, and he wasn't about to let him go. Even if it meant breaking Angie's heart. Just the thought made Alexander shiver. You never mess with Angry Angie.

"No." Was the simple answer he gave.
"Talk to her please. I'll steer the ship for you." Peggy told him. Alexander looked at the locket in his hands. "Here." He gave it to her.

They noted down the direction earlier, and Alexander already had his greatest desires. John and his life at sea. So, there really was no purpose to keep it. Peggy was a favorite of Alexanders, he acted as her older brother, they have such a close yet platonic relationship together. "Really?" She seemed astounded. "This Locket is the most valuable item in the world. . . and your giving it to me?"
"You have a fiery spirit Peg, the heart and soul of a true pirate, heck you even look like one after saving Maria from that Ol' Croc, you deserve it, you really do. Use it well."
Peggy, without saying a word, embraced him. "Thank you, Captain." She said after a while. He patted her shoulder as he walked to Angelica's room.

Peggy has such a long life ahead of her, Alexander just hoped he steered it in the right path.

Alexander walked until he reached the farthest room. He was about to knock when he heard moaning noises from inside. Angelica had a lover? He opened the door to find Maria Reynolds pinned on the bed with Angelica above her. She was touching Maria, moaning ever so slightly. Maria on the other hand seemed to be uncomfortable. As soon as she spotted Alexander she began to plead with her eyes.

"Angelica!" He screamed, furious. Angelica turned to him, "Get off of her now." In a flash of panic she did. Maria was out the door in a flash and Alexander had no means to pursue her. He shut and locked the door before glaring at Angelica. "What were you doing? Hurting that poor girl? She obviously didn't want to he there!" This couldn't be happening. . .

"Oh please Alexander, she wanted it as much as I did. Plus you're just mad you weren't in it." She laughed. Angelica seemed calm now, her voice taunting him.

She was half dressed, her form showing from the lack of clothes, and half arousing with her hair messy and lustful look in her eyes.

"Angelica, I know you're upset-"
"Damn right I am, I tried my hardest to be the best goddamn pirate I could be in hopes you would notice me, but no all you cared about was Eliza! When I was right here the whole time. Then you bring a hot man over and still ignore me, so I'm sorry if I wanted to have a bit of pleasure with her, Lafayette turned me down and Maria was just so. . ."

"That doesn't make it right to just pounce on her like that! She didn't consent to you. Plus. . . you're sister's lover? Thats low." Alexander didn't want to believe that this was Angelica. but he did see it with his own eyes. "Oh, don't tell me that. You said nothing when you were fucking me below deck in the middle of the night. No, nights." She got extremely close.

"Yes, and it was a mistake, I see that now. I'm a changed man and I refuse to have you rape another crew member. When we reach port you're out. You are no longer a part of this ship or it's family."

It was a hard decision, but Alexander knew it had to be done. It just had to.

He turned to walk about.

Angelica held onto his wrist, "Wait!" He looked at her, still glaring. She seductively licked her lips and looked at him up and down.

"You just got back." She tiptoed to reach his ear and licked it, "Why don't I give you a welcome home present. Just for tonight," Angelica whispered. "Please."

With that she kissed him hard, pulling at his hair and moaning into the kiss, Alexander hated to admit it, but he kissed back to the familiar pair of lips. They shared a moment of lust, their tongues dancing, their breathes increasing, and their moaning grew louder.

Angelica slowly walked back to the bed, her lips swaying back and forth, she layed on the bed panting a little. Her body stretched out on the bed, she spread her legs and looked him directly in the eyes.


I'm going to hell.
But you read it so I guess I'll see you there.

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