The Island

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"Scrub harder!" Captain Lee yelled at John as he tried scrubbing off the mess of blood on the front deck. Other passage members laughed at his misfortune, enjoying their captains abuse of the poor man.

John was sick and tired of everything they made him do. He cleaned the entire ship more than 5 times, they made the ship a mess on purpose! Idiotical pirates, he thought with bitter rage as he continued to scrub. Fucking pricks.

"Lee, you told me in a weeks top you'd find Jefferson!" He exclaimed. The dark haired man smirked,"Did I now? Well you'll just have to be patient," he turned his back, "There has been rumors of a locket that showes great desires on the island we're about to approach. After I get that locket I'll drop you at Jeffersons boat, but for now, scrub." Captain Lee strutted to his office as he commanded his crew to continue working.

John cursed silently as he got back to his knees and scrubbed harder trying to the tough stains out (Oxiclean).
It like a century before a lookout yelled, "Land ahead!" John looked up, a small green island, it looked so beautiful from afar. At the sight of land, he became homesick, he just needed to get Mary and he'll have his normal life back. On land. He never got seasick for some reason.

Captain Lee walked out, and with a telescope, and examined it. "There, that must be the island, full steam Ahead!!!" He exclaimed as he went to steer the ship.

What is it with pirates and yelling?

Shaking his head John left to his quarters, the open jail cell, and got the bag of supplies, when they land and search it, he wanted to have it, who knows what those pirates might do to the bag. Moments later the ship haulted.

Charles Lee didn't want John alone on the ship, he figured if John had the chance he'd sail off on his own and leave them stranded, 4/5 of the pirated were going, 1/5 to guard the ship and the others to stock up on supplies and the other half to search for the locket.

"C'mon, we needn't be late for Mari Antoinette's cake party, she'll be furious." Charles went a bit red at the name of Antoinette, John realized if she wasn't married to King Louis XVI than Charles would have married her for money. Typical money seeking pirate.
(Not a real fact)

"Will Jefferson be at her party?" John asked. They were on a row boat headed towards the island, two other passage members rowing for them. "Of course, and Alexander Hamilton, as much as I hate that bitch, that man truly is the worlds greatest pirate."

A look of envy flashed in his eyes, "But not for long." They reached land, John felt relived to step on the soft sand, the place looked like a tropical paradise. 

"The map reads, 'under the tree of the eye no man sees, past the fountain guard of the shape of the card, the yellow stem of whom might be one, in between the largest two trees." Charles announced.

"That makes no damn sense." Maj, Charles first mate commented.
"We'll have to make it make sense, on lookout for any two long trees."

These people were so stupid, they looked up at the sky patheticly, John held back a laugh. "No you idiots, get to highest peak and then you may look." Charles groaned.

With a union of, 'ohhh' 's they all scattered to either climbing trees or hiking the medium size mountain. Since John couldn't leave the captains side, he was forced to follow Captain Lee up to the mountain.

-time skip brought to you by Evan-

"I spot the trees!" A teenage lad hollers pointing at two large oak trees.  Captain Lee heads off in the direction, John at his heels. Maj behind him.

In between the two large oaks is a small tree. One yellow branch. A group of Charles men gather around and cheer as Charles digs to find a small box.
John looked up to see a stone slab shaped as a rectangle a few feet away. This was the place.

Opening the box Charles lifts a silver locker in the shape of a circle with a pearl in the center. Loud cheering erupts from everyone except John.
(Pic above)

This didn't take as long as he expected, just a few hours, it usually takes days for a pirate to find a single coin when looking for treasure. Now that they've finished, they could head off to Marie Antoinettes cake party. But one thought kept bugging him as he reached the main boat.

If the locket shows the greatest desires, then why can't he use it? A small plan to steal the locket was forming slowly in his mind.

Ayo random shout out to geekycutie_13 a personal friend from school who got wattpad like...a week ago? She wrote a Mark (Markiplier) Imagines one-shots so if ya like Mark I reccomend go checking her out and give her a little cheeky follow :D

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