Free Atlast

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Slight Rape Trigger Warning Ahead ⚠ ~

"Are you alright Sally?" Mary asked the poor girl as she laid on the ground, holding her stomach. Tears streaming down her cheeks.

"No." She grumbled. "I-i think I might be pregnant." Sally began to cry harder, Mary understood why, nobody would want to hold the child of that horrible man. But, she could do nothing, but comfort her.

"There there." Mary cooed as she hugged Sally, rubbing her back in soft circles. They have been getting closer, half a month of suffering brought the two girls closer together. Their sync pain mending as they spent more time listening to the others story.

Eliza wasn't there, as usual. It was her turn to pleasure Thomas, but unlike Sally, Eliza enjoyed it. "Better than Alexander." She always said every time she came back. Mary began to hate her more and more everyday.

"Please stay." Sally held onto Mary's wrist, her eyes begging for comfort. Begging not to be alone. Mary smiled a soft warm smile and kissed Sally's cheek. "Of course." The two woman layed there, the warmth of their bodies making up for the freezing atmosphere they were in. Honestly, it felt like a scene from Titanic, the water was most likely a freezing pool of sharp needles.

An hour or so, when it was past 4am Eliza returned, in all her whore glory, she was the only one enjoying any of this. Thomas has given her an extra blanket and a change of clothes to make her living here more comfortably.

Heavy boot noises made Sally shiver and bury herself farther into Mary's arms. Mary held her tighter. She had developed a weird affection for her, a weird sense of protection for her.

"Mary." Thomas smirked. He motioned for her to follow. "Be careful." Sally muttered as Mary made her way to the door. She watched as Eliza passed her, giggling and singing a soft lullaby to herself. "Disgusting." The brunette muttered. Did she not see the danger or state they were in? Or did she only care about pleasure? It was saddening really.

She was in Thomas's quarters now, he was getting hansy for a bit, kissing her neck and whispering dirty words. Mary did not struggle or fight because at this point she found out that it was useless. This was the first time he was ever going to rape her, instead of touching her. It frightened her, yes, but she could do nothing. She refused to cry or show any emotion. She refused to give him satisfaction of his crimes. Crimes of which should be handled by death.

"So, my little Lamb, tomorrow will be the day we drop you off at King Georges Castle, you will be his slave, but until then, you will sleep with me, understand?" He asked, stroking her dark hair to the side. He smelt of rum and ocean water.

Mary cringed, but nodded, "Yes, sir." Was as she managed to say. "Thats a good little Lamb." He grinned evily.

Mary lost a bit of herself that night.


It was early morning when Mary thought of an idea. A beautiful and frightning idea. Everyone was asleep, Thomas was asleep, and the spare boats were unprotected.

Mary silently got out of bed. The cold air hitting her naked body. She stole Thomas's magenta cost, which covered her entire body and his boots.
She stole his belt and wrapped it over her waist. A sword was beside Thomas bedside table and Mary took it.

"This is crazy." She hummed out without a hint of emotion in her voice. She sliced Thomas's neck in two. Her eyes held no empathy or regret or guilt. He did not deserve mercy for what he did. Nobody did.

Sally was asleep and Mary couldn't help but make a little, "Aww." The young woman was so beautiful and to Mary's opinion, 'cute.'

With a gentle shake Sally began to arise. "Hmm, mmm, M-mary? Is it my turn again?" Fear was evident on the younger ones face.
"No, we're getting out of here, hurry." Mary whispered, she held Sally's hand and lead her up deck.

They did their best not to awaken Miss Eliza, or any of the crew for that matter as they began to lower the exta boat. So close.

They lowered themselves in one of them, they had stolen a few blankets and a few extra foods from the kitchen while coming up.

Sally was now crying. "I-i can't believe we're free!" She kissed Mary, who did not blink or pull back in the slightest, but smiled. "Let's hurry before they wake up." She smiled thinking of Thomas's corpse who would never hurt another soul. He will never rest in peace.

And together, the two ladies, made their way to the nearest island. The Island, which was later discovered to be Great Britain.



If I told you guys I'm going to make a NON-SHIPPING Fnaf fanfic, would you read it?

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