True Desires

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In the beginning Alexander would have taken every chance he'd been given to steal the locket, but reality hit him. What on earth was he going to do with it? Sure it'll show him if his Betsy was well or not and where to find her, but he was stuck on an island. It's not like he can run away with it. So one day Alexander asked while both men got back from hunting a few rabbits, "Let me see the locket, I swear I'll give it back, on your toytel's grave." He raised his hand as to pledge it was true.

John rolled his eyes, "Toytel was your pet. . .and for 30 minutes."

That morning when they left to hunt they found a small old turtle and Alexander freaked out and picked it up saying, "This bitch is coming with us." He treated the turtle like a lost puppy, which annoyed John some what. "We need to hunt, food first, turtle later." Alexander huffed, "Fine."
After 30 minutes Toytel was dead, old age, they guessed.

"C'mon Jacky, don't you like turtles?" Alex loved sea animals, all of them, especially Dolphins and sea turtles.

"Not really," John shrugged, "I mean, they're interesting, I'd love to draw one one day, but I like birds more." He motioned to the trees in the forest where a small robin was feeding her babies. "Beautiful."

"Fine, fuck Toytel, but can I see the locket?" Alexander asked. John nodded, "Knock yourself out." He threw the locket in a graceful toss landing exactly on Alexanders hands. "Thanks."

The cave got a bit colder and Alex looked at the Locket. The locket of Amour. The object that Alexander would have been ready to kill for. He started to wonder how everything would have turned out if he had killed Captain Lee and taken the locket. He imagined a rescue ship, heading towards Jeffersons pinkie ship, saving Elizabeth, raising their son on the ship he called home. The Blue Orchid saling into nothingness.

And so he opened the locket.

Alexander was expecting Elizabeth Schuyler-Hamilton, trapped within Jeffersons walls, pleading for him to come. But he saw something different.

It was his ship. His crew struggling to lift the sails, Mad-Maria and Peg-Leg-Peggy were helping them out, both ladies using all their strength to pull down the white sail. Sweat dripping down their foreheads.

Ludicrous-Lafayette had a map in his hands, the bottle John threw in the ocean. Lafayette was reading it aloud, Angry-Angelica was listening intently before she walked down below deck to re-load the canons, shouting orders like the leader she was. Lafayette had a look of determination.

Everyone was doing their part and they seemed to be fine. Alexander felt his heart melt. This was his desire. This is what he wanted. The ocean was his calling and his crew were the people on the end of the line. That was were he was meant to be.

For a second a flash of a girl passed. E-eliza? He thought it was. She continued to hold a part of Alexanders affections, but so far he couldn't held but wonder if she was worth it. Did she even love him like he loved her? Or Was he only concerned for HIS child?

And lastly- and most surprisingly- John Laurens. Who was sitting a few feet away, burning wood for a fire. Alexander's heart skipped a beat.
John Laurens? Why the hell was he there?

Sure John was handsome, hot headed, a bit reckless at times, but Alexander never thought of him. . . like that. John was a good listener, and Alexander liked that. Definitely a good fighter, which Alexander admired. And he had such a strong sense of right and wrong, he spoke his mind and Alexander loves that about him.

There it was.


"What's wrong? You look like you've been kicked in the balls." John asked casually as he began to cook the rabbit meat. "Nothing." Alex shrugged. "What did you see?" He asked.
"My wife." Even though it was for only a second, it was technically true.
"Oh." It was difficult to figure out what emotion he was using to say that, Alexander guessed, boredom? Maybe annoyance?
"You love her don't you?" John asked.

"Indeed, she is my one and only." He said it so surely, but why did it feel so wrong?

"But- she had been acting strang, last time I saw her, i don't think our relationship would have gone far, she wanted a stable home for our child, I wanted to give my son and adventures life filled with treasure and mystery. Betsy didn't like that." Alexander looked down. If only he could have stayed quiet.

"That's what I wanted for Mary, my sister, she's the last family I have and I wanted to make her life special, but it was hard, we were poor and stuck on that island, our parents refused to send us money so I became a hunter to provide money for us. Over time you realize the people you love won't always be around. Mary was 18, she would have moved out eventually, and as for Eliza. Mary would have tried to befriend Eliza. She was always such a nice girl. " John grinned, remembering the times with his sister.

"Your sister seems amazing." Alex confessed.

"And so does your Betsy." John smiled.

A moment of silence passed between them, a comfortable silence.

Alexander looked at John, who went back to cooking the rabbit, and stared sweetly. His feelings for Eliza seem to pass as a forgotten dream. New feelings arose for this land boy. Feelings that Alexander knew all to well of.

  What had this freckled dirty blonde do to him?

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