Dried Tears

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John knocked at the door, his heart pounding in his rib cage. His sister, his beautiful sister will be inside. At long last this moment has finnaly come.

The door opened slightly to reveal a small dark skinned woman, she had old worn out scars and faded bruises. She held a baby in her hand. "May I help you?" Her voice was tender and sweet, like honey.

Before John's heart could break, Alexander cleared his throat, "We're looking for Mary Laurens, ma'am, we came to take her home."
The womans eyes widened, "Are you John Laurens?"

"Indeed I am," John respond, "And this is Alexander Hamilton." Alex waved awkwardly.

"Come in, please, I'm Sally by the way." Sally gestured them inside, the sleeping baby began to wake up, it's brown eyes stunning. "Mary dear, we have some guests." Sally called out.

They were in a living room now, a fire warmed the place up, a chair beside it. In the chair was a woman. Not the girl John had been expecting. She had long brown hair, a narrow nose, and a very skinny body, her neck was scared and so were her arms. She too was holding a baby. John didn't even think this was Mary until the woman looked up.
There was no doubt in the world that this was his sister, by just looking into her bright hazel eyes. The eyes that held months of pain and suffering, the eyes that held back now dried tears, but it was undeniable that her eyes also recognized him.

"P-polly." He sttutered, too excited to process anything. "Jacky!" Mary stood up, still being really careful with the baby, before putting him in a crib and ran to hug her brother.

"Oh it's really you!" Her voice had a hint of a london accent in it. "I knew you'd come find me." Her eyes, after refusing to cry for such a long time, exploded with tears. Her old family was back, now she could show him her new one.

She pulled away and looked to Alexander, before hugging him too. "Thank you for bringing my brother back."
Alexander patted her back awkwardly.

"This is Alexander, Polly. He is my lover." John stood beside Alex and held his hand. Polly smiled, "Finnaly, and this-"
She walked up to Sally and kissed her cheek. "-Is my wife."

"How cute." Alexander commented, he looked at the two children who looked alot like Sally. "And these two?"

"Our children, Eston and Harriet." Sally said, rocking Eston in her hands.

"She named them." Mary picked up Harriet again. "What's wrong with Eston and Harriet?"
"Trust me you don't want to know."

"And that's all well and dandy, but we really must be going." Alexander said, looking out the giant window in front of them. Still very dark outside.

"Leaving so soon?" Mary looked down.

"Actually, we were wondering if you two, and the children would like to come with us. Aboard our ship." John suggested.

"A ship? John I thought you hated pirates." A confused look appeared on Mary's face. "Long story, but we really have to go, when morning comes we'll be done for."

"Jacky, I can't." Mary looked so tortured.

"What?" John looked bewildered.

"Yes, I dreamed of being a pirate before, but- but I have a life here, a family I want to take care of." Mary looked as if she was about to cry again. Finnaly with her brother again, only to be saying goodbye.

"Yes, I would understand that if you lived in another place, but Britain? It's dangerous for Alexander and the crew here, we wouldn't be able to visit." John looked desperate.

Alexander intervened, "Miss Laurens, please the ship will be safe for you and the children, the boat is as strong as an Ox, it has won many battles before." "Please Mary." John pleaded.

"I'm sorry John." She looked at Harriet in the crib. "I just can't."

John didn't take this any further, he couldn't keep his sister for eternity and she had to grow on her own. Even if it meant without him.

"Then this is goodbye." John blinked rapidly. "I guess it is." She hugged her brother one last time. "This won't be the last time I see you John." She promised. "I hope so." John gulped before pulling away.

Sally had a tear in her eye and Alexander was looking away. He couldn't bare to watch his love with a broken heart. "We'll be going now." Alexander said, "It was nice meeting you ladies, may the future be kind to you both."
John agreed. "Goodbye."

Then they were gone.

"I'm sorry John, I know how it feels to lose family, let's get Peggy and Maria. We'll start are own family soon." Alexander promised, looking into John's eyes. He wasn't lying. This made John's lip perk up slightly.

After getting the girls, and forcing Peggy away from the biscuits and pasties, they headed back to the shop in the dead of night. They were in an alley way when they heard laughter.

Dark maniacal laughter.

"Guess who's back!?" A womans voice shrieked.

Eliza stood in front of them, the street light was the only thing lighting the way. "Eliza." Alexander chocked up looking at her.

John felt a bit jealous, but ignored it. What was she doing her?

The blue woman held a sword, "A little brat by the name of Mary Laurens killed the man I love, now she will pay, but before that." She stared at Alexander, who took a step forward.

"You will die along with her, Hamilton." Eliza charged, sword in hand, pointing the blade at her ex husbands heart.

Before John could move, Peggy got infront of Alex, "Captain!" She yelled, before being pierced by her sisters weapon. Dying, by her sisters hand.

"Peggy!" Maria screamed before running up and punching Eliza in the face. "You dirty bastard." She cried out, she went to Peggy's side instantly. 

Alexander went to get hold of the sword, but Eliza was quick on her feet. "Oh you wouldn't kill the mother of your child, you were always too weak." He jumped away as she swung the sword at him, this went on with her attacking and he dodging.

John heard a babies cries and ran passed the death scene and the fighting scene to find a little boy in a blue blanket. He looked like Alex with a hint of Eliza. Alexanders son. John hugged him tighter, not wanting the little boy to see what was happening.

Finnaly Alex was able to steal the sword before penetrating Eliza's neck, she fell to the ground muttering, "Thomas." As she went. She died slowly. Alexander looked at her for a second, and walked to Peggy.

She was always a happy lass. Peggy smiled even in her last moments, "I love you." She whispered to Maria. Before the light in her eyes died out.
The third and most important Schuyler sister, gone.

Maria refused to leave her side that night. She cried and cried until tears fell no longer. Alexander placed a hand on her shoulder, comforting her, he too cried until he had no tears to shed. He loved her so much. (Platonicly) He couldn't process this. Peggy died for him. The Captain always came first, she used to say. Now it made sense. Alexander wished it wouldn't. He was filled with self hate.

Even though John did not know her as much as the others, he too was saddned. She had such a long life ahead of her. And it was all gone in just one moment.

It was about to be dawn, and the police would search the bay soon. "Come on." Alexander got up, sore from being in that position all night. Maria sniffed before nodding. She carried Peggy's body. "We'll give her a property send of." She said. She walked ahead of them to the boat.

Alexander walked up to John and the baby. His baby. John didn't need to tell him, he already knew.

It was a while before Alexander said,

"Remember about that family I was talking about earlier?"

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