Yellow Lily

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A white lily symbolizes modesty.
A tigerlily symbolizes passion,
and a yellow lily symbolizes gaiety.
Gaiety is the state of being lighthearted or cheerful.

The name reminded Alexander of Peggy. It was perfect. The Yellow Lily, in memory of Margarita Schuyler.

Philip Hamilton-Laurens grew up in this ship. It was his home, he like his fathers, loved the sea and everything to do with it. His Uncle Lafayette named him Le Petit Leon, after is father Alexander, who was known as "The Lion of the Sea." Philip did in fact live up to his fathers legacy later in his life. 

Now Philip was eight. Just a child, still innocent and sweet. His aunt Maria was talking to Philip, but Pip didn't pay attention.
What was it with grown up's and talking?

"Do you want to know why the ship is called Yellow Lily, Phil?" Maria looked into the oceans and smiled, as if she could see someone dear to her heart in the horizon. The sun was beginning to set and the sky was a dark orange and purple color.

"Why is it, Aunt Mar?" Philip finnaly started to pay attention.

"Your aunt Peggy was a wonderful woman, she died before you could see her, but she protects you. I feel it. I don't don't believe in a man who judges you and a horned man who tortures you for not folowing specific instructions, I don't belive in angels or demons, no, none of it. But I do believe in the soul. Maybe it does live on after death, maybe I'm just paranoid. But Peggy will protect you. I believe that much."

"Has Peggy protected anyone before?" Philip asked, tilting his head.

"Yes actually. She protected me from a raging crocodile. You see this?" She pointed at her red velvet eyepatch. "If she hadn't been there this would have been much worse."

"What about when she was gone?" Philip continued to ask.

Alexander and John came from behind. "She guides us." The blonde man says, picking up his son piggy back style and stared into the waters with Maria. Alexander stood beside John, Maria on John's other side.

"Before Peggy died I gave her a special Locket. A locket that guides you to something you really really want. In our cases treasures, food, and glory. Some times we see her. In the horizon, if you look closely when you see her, she points somewhere and you follow it. It's always something good." Alexander told his son, his head resting on his husband's shoulder.
"She protects us by warning us, telling us not to go one way and to head for another." John said, his head resting on top of his husbands.

Actually they never really married. The thought of waiting for hours to sign papers was boring, what mattered to them if a piece of papers were signed or not? It ment nothing to them. The only thing they needed were their love for each other.

"Papa, is Peggy around now?" Philip asked.

"Look forward and tell me what you see Pip." John answered for his Alex.

Philip looked out in the horizon, to the same place his Aunt Maria was looking at. There stood a small transculent woman, with short curly hair, she wore a long yellow dress, but the thing that stood out was her smile. She was pointing west.

"Papa! Dada! I see her!" Philip bounced eagerly, John chuckled, "I see her too, Pip."

Maria grinned, "As do I."

"You would of loved her Pip." Alexander kissed John's cheek. "This was a sweet moment, but I think it's time for Philip to go to sleep."

"I don't want to go to sleep!" Philip argued before yawning.

"I think not, little man." Maria put her hands on her hips. "Time for you to go to bed."
John nodded, "C'mon now."

Maria left the two men and their son and went to bed, "I love you too, Peggy." She pursed her lips, before turning off her lights.

Back with the guys;

Alexander tucked his kid into bed. John at his sides. John couldn't believe Eliza thought this man would be a horrible father.

"Papa, Dada, will Peggy always be with me?" Philip began to doze off.

"Trust me, Pip. She will, she always will." John kissed Philip's forehead. Alexander kissed it too.

"Goodnight then." Philip yawned a last time before closing his tired eyes and went to sleep.

Alexander led John out by the hand and kissed him deeply under the moonlight. "John you are the best thing that happened to me, I love you and our son so much."

It was weird how life worked out this way. How lifes can change into something better. John was bitter and sour in that island, the only thing he loved was his sister. Now he was a father and a husband. He was a pirate. A thing he despised since forever. Yet, he wouldn't change this for the world.

"I love you and our son as well."

They kissed once more.

The two pirates hadn't but a care in the world.


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