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"Hey." A soft voice called out to Alexander. Reaching to him in the depths of the emense darkness.  Everything hurt, his head was pounding and he felt weak.
Yes, the fall wasn't that great, but Alexander also hadn't had anything to drink or eat and his shelter the night before was shitty. So abviosly the man was going to feel like crap.

"Are you awake?" The voice called out again. This time the darkness seemed to fade and Alexander tried to open his eyes. It took Alexander almost all of his strength to open his eyelids.

He then realized he was getting carried by someone, a very tall someone. The scene was almost romantic-like if it weren't for fact Alexander felt like dying.
He started into John Laurens eyes, so beautiful and bright, before drifting off again.

"Hey, bastard are up?" The voice wasn't soft or kind like earlier, but annoyed.
This time Alexander opened his eyes slowly. Above him was hard rock, in a cave most likely, it was dark out and a small fire eluminated their surroundings.

Alexander felt parched and tried to sit up. John's look of annoyance faded and filled with worry.
"No-no you have to get some rest. Here." John took the liberty to make little plant cups with thick leaves during Alexanders nap and fill one up with water from the stream he had found earlier.

John got closer and let Alexanders head rest on his thighs. John moved the red strands of hair out of the way and made Alexander drink from the cup, which was brilliantly crafted, if John said so himself.
Alexander was about to doze off when he looked up and whispered, "Thanks." Before everything went dark again.

With a sigh of relief John began to move away only to have Alexander groan. Dammit, John thought. He'd just have to stay here until that damn pirate woke up.
Almost an hour has passed and John thought his legs were as good as dead. Since Alexander was deeply asleep, he took the opportunity to move away and sit on the other end of the fire place.

With the rain starting to fall and the winds getting calmer along with the fire crackling, John couldn't help but remember Polly. Or Mary, however you'd prefer to call her. Glancing at Alexander once, he pulled out the Locket.

The Locket of Amour.

The silver circle with the white pearl in the middle. Now, John didn't know how it worked, he just examined it until he spotted a certain dark haired girl sitting on a chair.

If John looked closely at the pearl, he could make out a Mary Laurens, having dinner with Captain Thomas Jefferson and his his first mate James Madison.
Thought he couldn't make out what they were saying he saw the look of fear in Polly's eyes, as she rushed to explain something. Thomas looked intreaged and James looked bored.
What in the world was going on there?

He finally decided to open the locket where a picture of a dark boat headed towards France showed. Curses flew out of Johns mouth, they were almost in France wheres John was in the Carribean. So far, yet so close.

A groan made John look up and shut the Locket, hiding it back in his pocket. Alexander kept shivering and shaking to the point John got extremely worried.
They had no blankets so best John could do is crawl next to him, his elbows keeping him up as he stared into Alexanders face. 

Most of the time Alexander was screaming or looked like an angry lion, it was quite alien to see him look so peaceful and silent. Something clenched in John's chest, maybe it was hunger?

John shook it off, he began to examine Alex, the man had strong cheek bones and thin lips that looked chapped, a few scars on his chin and neck and dark red hair.
Blood hair; without realizing it, John moved a few strands away, admiring the color and grimacing at the dirtiness.

John, unlike most men, liked everything to clean, he had his tailor friend, Hercules make him expensive looking clothes to show off, he really hated people without a fashion sense or people who don't have the decency to clean themselves. Well, in this situation, John shouldn't be talking. His dark blondish brown hair was messy and dirty. His usually clean face was scrapped and had a layer of dirt on it. It honestly, disgusted John.

"E-Eliza-" A quiet whisper yawned. Alex gas half-awake half-sleeping. John realized that whoever this, "Eliza" person was, Alexander thought was him.
Alexander held John's hand, "E-Eliza I love you, please don't take my son away, I promise I'll p-protect them." They yawned out.

He had a son?

"B-betty, please, no, don't leave me, I need you. Don't go!" Alexander yelled in his sleep. John squeezed his hand and tried to calm him down, the poor pirate was in tears now.

After a few minutes of tearful dreams Alexander bawled out, "My son." Before going to sleep on John's side, with tear stained cheeks.

John felt bad for him, he really did go through a lot of marriage drama, and to have a son taken away from him? It must have been heartbreaking. John held a new found respect for the man.

Hopefully one day, John hoped, he could make Alexander smile. He didn't know why he wanted to make him smile, but it was now a new goal of his that he will accomplish.

A/n: You know that feeling when a teacher calls you by your preffered name instead of your birthname? Yup' that motivated me to make it a longer chp. So far I've had to deal with shit bags calling me, "Melissa." Or using, "Her." And "She."
For once in along time a teacher actually called me, "Lee."
Life's great so far, I'll try to update sooner now, hopefully.


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